Once again I failed to make it out to Baloy, but It Doesn’t Matter suited my purpose just fine. I’m rather fond of the camaraderie with the friendly expats who also hang out there. A nice change of pace from drinking exclusively with the bargirls.
I had dinner waiting for me at home in the crockpot:

Another rough night of trying to sleep with itchy hands and feet. Hopefully, I can get a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.
It’s been unseasonably warm these past few days. I’m sweaty even after a brief early morning dog walk. I keep hearing rainy season is imminent and I’m looking forward to having something different to complain about.

Yes, the Hash On-Home today is at the Alta Vista clubhouse and I’m contributing a double-sized batch of chili to help assuage the after-hike hunger of my fellow Hashers. There is really nothing special about my chili, but I do appreciate the positive feedback I get from the customers. A couple of folks even ask for takeout. If my bar-owning fantasy ever came true (it won’t!) I’d keep a pot of chili on the stove every day. The house specialty and it goes down easy when accompanied by an icy cold beer. I’d rather dream about it than do it, though.
That’s it for today. Hopefully one day soon I’ll have something exciting to post about. Hmm, maybe I I should be careful what I wish for.
I’m sure the Hashers will be looking forward to the chili. Great pics as always.