In the best of all possible worlds

Cause there’s still a lotta drinks that I ain’t drunk
Lots of pretty thoughts that I ain’t thunk, oh yeah
Lord there’s still so many lonely girls in this best of all possible worlds

Mortality sucks, and I was especially saddened to learn that Kris Kristofferson has now exited this world of ours. I’ve been a big fan of his music through the years. He had a long and well-lived life, and here’s to hoping he’s in a better place.

I’m still among the living and trying to make the best of it. Part of that effort was a trip to Angeles City yesterday for a heart check-up.

The rainy drive to AC.
A change of scenery is always nice
I experience the need for frequent urination, so these highway rest area comfort rooms came in handy.
And for those who identify as female, there is your own place to squat.
I had never heard of this hospital, but it appeared modern and organized.

So, the only test performed was another echocardiogram. I’m not sure what’s up with that. I got the impression my cardiologist didn’t trust the results of my first test. This one did seem to take longer to perform, so perhaps it was more thorough. I was expecting a stress test but was told, “Not yet.” Hmm. The results will be emailed to me in three days. I hope they will be worth the trip.

Waiting for our driver after the appointment.

Since we were in town anyway, I had my driver take us across town for some shopping at S&R, a membership store similar to Costco. My membership will expire later this month, so I wanted to cash in one last time.

On the way, we passed by the American Veterans Cemetery at the former Clark Air Force Base.
Shopping time!

I was actually pretty disappointed with the S&R experience. I was hoping to find some long-sought-after items I can’t buy at Royal. Alas, even the things I could get at Royal weren’t available here, so I had to stop at Royal on the way home to fill in the gaps.

Everything comes in large sizes/quantities at S&R, so I still managed to fill two shopping carts.

In a surprise coincidence, we bumped into Ron (the owner of Sit-n-Bull) while loading up our groceries. I’m used to chance meetings in my little town, but it was unexpected out in the wilds of Angeles.

A view on the drive home

After the Royal detour, I arrived home a little after two p.m. in a downpour. The Hash had started by then, so I decided to wait an hour and then walk to the On-Home gathering at Hasher Tung N’ Gruve’s place on the beach across town. The rain had ended when I did my own Hash trail.

The Hare’s trail (green line) looked like this and featured a climb to Kalaklan Ridge—no regrets about missing that hike on a rainy day. The sane Hashers (the majority yesterday) did the white line street walk.
Hashers doing what Hashers do after the hike–rain or shine!
Hanging out in the Nipa hut
The Gash had no testosterone around but made up for it with soju shots.
Taking in the view
The view from here…TnG stands for Tung ‘n Gruve, our Hash host.
Gen lost her Hash virginity
It’s Nice On Ice! L-R: Always Wet, Tung ‘n Gruve, Derby’s Bitch, and Leaking Willy

A couple more after-Hash beers at It Doesn’t Matter, some pumpkin pie from Myleen’s, then into the trike for the ride home. And so ended another day.

And now, here we are in October. I’ve decided to track my expenses this month to get a handle on where it all goes. As a public service to my readers, I’ll document my daily spending here on LTG. Stay tuned.

A Facebook group about Westminster, California, the town I grew up in, included this photo today:

The football stadium at WHS appears to be in the timeframe I attended (1969-1973). I was neither a scholar nor a champion, but things turned out alright for me, I reckon.

The vlogger in today’s YouTube video characterizes his move to the Philippines as “escaping the Matrix.” I hadn’t heard it phrased like that before, but it does kinda make sense. I know I’m glad not to be living a vanilla lifestyle and dealing with bullshit politics on an up close and personal basis. This guy made the move in his 40s, younger than most expats I encounter. In my do-over afterlife fantasy, I’d retire from the military at 40 and come to paradise. Of course, I’d be rich from the tech IPO stocks I’d purchased. God has not as yet confirmed my idea of Heaven, so I’ll be holding onto this life for the time being.

To the comic section, we go:

You could be in trouble if she is hungry AND horny and offers you a blowjob.
Better get that heart checked, pal!
At least he’s no longer in the dark

Since I did the shopping yesterday, I was homebound this morning—just as well since it was raining again. I haven’t decided yet if it will be a stay-at-home all day and night thing or not. My landlord came up from Manila, and I’ve signed a new one-year lease. I fed her and her crew and then paid the rent. Exciting shit, eh? Well, come back for more of this crap tomorrow!

In honor of Kris Kristofferson’s memory, I’ll leave you with one of my favorite songs he wrote. Here’s hoping he’s still beating the devil.

"If you waste your time a-talkin' to the people who don't listen,
"To the things that you are sayin', who do you think's gonna hear?
"And if you should die explainin' how the things that they complain about,
"Are things they could be changin', who do you think's gonna care?"

There were other lonely singers in a world turned deaf and blind,
Who were crucified for what they tried to show.
And their voices have been scattered by the swirling winds of time.
'Cos the truth remains that no-one wants to know.
You see, the devil haunts a hungry man,
If you don’t wanna join him, you got to beat him.
I ain’t sayin’ I beat the devil, but I drank his beer for nothing.
Then I stole his song.

4 thoughts on “In the best of all possible worlds

  1. Kris Kristofferson was a better songwriter than singer IMO. But looking at his bio, he had an interesting life – Rhodes scholar, US Army helicopter pilot, singer, songwriter, actor, etc. RIP

    Heres to good results from the heart test.

  2. RIP, Kris.

    So, the only test performed was another echocardiogram. I’m not sure what’s up with that. I got the impression my cardiologist didn’t trust the results of my first test. This one did seem to take longer to perform, so perhaps it was more thorough. I was expecting a stress test but was told, “Not yet.” Hmm. The results will be emailed to me in three days.

    By “results,” do they mean images you can show your local doc?

    I also got a “later” when I asked about getting a stress test. I’m not sure, though, what further info a stress test gives that an echocardiogram or an EKG/ECG doesn’t. Hm. Let’s look at what the major heart tests show.

    • How fast your heart is beating
    • Whether the rhythm of your heartbeat is steady or irregular
    • The strength & timing of electrical signals passing through each part of your heart
    Used for:
    – Arrhythmia
    – Cardiomyopathy
    – Coronary-artery disease
    – Heart attack
    – Heart failure
    – Heart-valve diseases
    – Congenital heart defects

    Echocardiogram (only the most relevant types):
    • Transthoracic echocardiogram, also called a TTE. This is a standard echocardiogram. It’s also called a heart ultrasound. It’s a noninvasive way to look at blood flow through the heart and heart valves. A TTE creates pictures of the heart from outside the body.
    • Stress echocardiogram. A stress echocardiogram is done right before and after you exercise at a medical office. It checks how the heart responds to physical activity or stress. Your health care provider may order this test if they think you have coronary artery disease. If you can’t exercise, you may be given medicine to make your heart work harder.
    Used for:
    An echocardiogram is done to look for heart problems. The test shows how blood moves through the heart chambers and heart valves. Your health-care provider may order this test if you have chest pain or shortness of breath.

    My membership will expire later this month, so I wanted to cash in one last time.

    No plans to renew, I gather, especially with the poor selection.

    Hasher Tung N’ Gruve’s place

    Have I seen this name spelled in different ways?

    some pumpkin pie from Myleen’s

    Thanksgiving’s not that far off!

    And now, here we are in October. I’ve decided to track my expenses this month to get a handle on where it all goes.

    I’m betting it’s mostly beer and shit for women who aren’t your girlfriend (lady drinks, food for the feedings, etc.). Maybe candy for the kids, too.

    In my do-over afterlife fantasy

    Ever wonder whether you’re living that fantasy right now, doing over a previous life?

    My landlord came up from Manila, and I’ve signed a new one-year lease.

    Well, congrats. No major problems with the domicile, I hope.

  3. Kev, thanks for the info on heart tests. I just laid there and didn’t ask questions, so I’m unsure what format I’ll get for results. The one I did here didn’t have pictures, so maybe this version is more in-depth. I should know soon.

    No, I don’t plan on renewing the S&R membership again. It’s a long and expensive trip to get there and back, and then to be disappointed in the available selections makes it a waste of money.

    Yeah, I’m never sure how to spell “Tung N’ Gruve,” but that’s how I saw it on the Hash FB page, so I’ll assume that’s right. It seems like the apostrophe should go before the N, but what do I know?

    It will be interesting to see how the breakdown works, but I expect beer and charity projects will be up there.

    Well, in my “do-over” afterlife fantasy, I remember past events. That’s how I avoid making the same mistakes over and over. This life I’m living now with so many fuck-ups would be a great foundation for going back and getting it right next time.

    No problems with the house of the landlord. She’s very proactive in repairs and improvements. Didn’t raise the rent either, so overall, this is the best rental I’ve had in the PI.

  4. Brian, Kris would agree with you. I saw a quote where he said all the singers who covered the songs he wrote sang them better than he did. A lot of them were bigger hits for others, too. Still, he had a unique voice. “Sunday Morning Coming Down” was a big hit for Johnny Cash, but I like Kris’ version better.

    He lived an interesting life, and seems to have lived it well. RIP.

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