Today I didn’t walk over the mountain, I walked around it. Took two and a half hours but it was an enjoyable change of scenery.

No pedestrians allowed in the tunnel, so I went around…

Not sure who this is, but he wouldn’t quit staring at me…

Turns out this wasn’t the tunnel of least I didn’t find any.

The best thing coming out of Columbia, South Carolina is I-20. And I took it…

Ridden the tram several times, first time I ever walked there though…

Who knew there was an Elvis museum in Seoul?

That’s one big ass hostel…

Blossoms past their peak now, but still a nice canopy…
And that’s that. Now it’s time to shower up and catch a bus to Songtan. Need to shop for dart league trophies, play in a dart tourney, and get drunk. I’ll spend the night there I reckon.