Or to put it more precisely, I’m left handed. I only mention this because as you are undoubtedly aware, today is International Left-Handed Day. Sometimes being left handed is a bit of a pain the ass:
But on the other hand (heh), us lefties are always in our right mind. It’s a scientific fact.
Oddly enough, I throw right handed. The only explanation I have for this oddity is that my older brother is right handed. And I got his hand-me-downs. Including his baseball glove. So I just learned to throw right handed and that’s what comes naturally to me now.
It’s kinda funny sometimes. After I throw my darts from the right, I write my score with the left. Folks who notice that anomaly are usually quite amused.
Regular readers know that my political orientation also leans to the right, but that’s a post for another day…