Another day and I lived to tell about it, so here goes.
I started my morning by doing my usual SSS (Saturday Solo Street) walk on the mean byways of Barretto (National Highway, Abra, Rizal, Columban, Jasmine, Gomez, Dagupan, Jolo, and Del Pilar). I finished at Sit-n-Bull, where I ordered some take-out food to reward my dedication to exercise and a healthy lifestyle (COCI–calories out, calories in).

I began my evening activities at It Doesn’t Matter, where I interacted with a new waitress named Juliet. She really tripped my triggers, so I introduced myself as Romeo and bought her a couple of lady drinks. She told me right up front that she has a boyfriend, Aussie, I think she said, and they have been together for several years. Just my luck. Juliet had heard of “Romeo and Juliet” but wasn’t familiar with the details of Shakespeare’s famous play. I did a quick Google search to make sure I got the sequence of events correct, then did a brief retelling of the sad tale for her enlightenment. It didn’t end well for the original Juliet and her Romeo, and here in the real world, our tragedy never got started. Just as well, the IDM Juliet has a happy life (and three kids), and I wouldn’t dream of intruding on that.
The next stop was the seldom-visited BarCelona. I had two beers while waiting for Hot Zone to open so I could use my “buy one, get one” coupon. When I arrived at HZ, my friend, the door girl, followed me in, and of course, I satisfied her desire for lady drinks. The Sit-n-Bull waitress also came in with menus (SnB services the neighboring bars), so I ordered up some chicken wings and chicken fingers. While waiting for the food to arrive, I regaled two of the waitresses with my lame jokes, and their polite laughter earned them drinks as well (I told you those discount coupons wind up costing me big time!). When the food arrived, I shared the bounty with the gals, and they were appropriately appreciative.
I had my “one for the road” drink at the nearby Green Room, then called it a night.
I slept in until almost 0500, then went about my morning rituals.

My cash supply was running a bit low, and as usual, the BPI ATM in Barretto was out of service. In those circumstances, I usually do the highway walk to Subic-town (around 5K each way), but it’s an ugly trek. So, instead, I had the bright idea to walk the highway in the opposite direction and use the ATM on the old Navy base. And that’s just what I did.

Since I hadn’t walked this way for a while, I decided to do that “one photo every 1.6 KMs” in sync with the notifications from my Map My Hike app.

I successfully withdrew the desired cash. With the money burning a hole in my pocket wallet, I walked a bit further into Olongapo proper and visited the SM Downtown mall in search of some new Merrell hiking shoes (the Merrell store in Harbor Point remains closed).

You can Relive my trek if you so desire:
I wear size 11, which always seems to be out of stock. I guess that is unnaturally large for most Filipino men. Hmm, I wonder what else is smaller? Anyway, sure enough, no Merrells in my size. For street shoes I wear every day, I’ve been satisfied with Skechers. They had some I liked at 40% off the regular price, and surprise, surprise, they even had two pairs in my size. So, I bought them both.

Seeing as how I had two shoe boxes to carry, I took a cab back home.
It looks like tomorrow’s Hash may be a wet one. A couple of us have already been discussing doing an alternative pub crawl if we get hit with a typhoon. The storm’s center is supposed to be south of us, but we are bracing for whatever residual impact it may have. Hold on to your hats!

Now I must go and prepare for the scheduled Sunday feeding of the Hideaway girls. Whatever it takes to keep them happy, I suppose.
Thanks for dropping by.
That says you walked almost 5 miles. Just thinking about it makes me tired.
I understand when you’re with your buddies hiking in the mountains and up the hills; or across the rivers and way into the jungles.
But walking along the road is not only dangerous and a bit boring due to traffic smog, but I would think that would get you funny looks. As we both know, the locals are not fond of walking. I once had a friend who insisted on waiting for a jeepney to take us a few blocks down the main road, so that we could take the main jeepney to the bigger town. It was ridiculous, but it was also ridiculously hot so I relented. That is when I thought maybe my theory about extreme heat being a big help for weight-loss was not sound, seeing as we’d just eat, take jeepneys and sit around doing nothing because it is always hot.
My impression is that you walking alone along the road has some people wondering. First , in my biased mind, it would imply that you don’t have the money to take the jeepney. That you’re too poor to pay 10 pesos would be rather a stupid idea. If you’re walking for some joyful reason, there are better places to do it, like the peaceful quiet mountains and hills.
Yeah, we both know what you’re doing; and I support you in your healthy habits.
I am trying to see what the perception is. One of these good days, I would like to see more of the locals, especially the men with their beer gut, just get up and walk the 5 miles into town like you just did; without breaking a sweat. That kind of exercise would be quite beneficial to many of us.
Also, I have wanted to take up a healthy habit like cycling. But then I think about the driving, and the lack of a sidewalk, and that hill by the cemetery, and the heat… Also, what is it with the telephone poles in the middle of the road? And the road itself has an extra lane, which is probably for parking but also doesn’t stop cars speeding by so you always gotta watch where you walk.
And especially you walking with earphones while listening to Bon Jovi, that doesn’t seem safe so I admire you even more. I guess you wear a mask to cover your nose against the fumes, even if you’re walking against traffic the exhaust smoke can’t be avoided.
Anyway, what do people say when they talk about your solo walks? The ones who know you, know that you’re a walker. The others who don’t know think that you’re having a good time; a little kooky but a cool cat.
But I am impressed that you actually walked into town, as if there was no transportation available. You walked to exercise, and for a great practical reason. That is epic
Also, the town looks kinda empty for a Saturday. I have never been on the Subic bay itself, so I always imagine that it would be a big US style mall with all the trimmings. But this looks a bit deserted, quiet and quite leafy.
Are there some kind of restrictions on when you can enter to do your banking and your shopping
Romeo and Juliet.
sounds like a good story with a great ending.
jUst tell her your shoe size and she’ll be begging for your love.
I hope things work out
Do you need all that much cash all the time. ? I would think u would be trusted enough to just keep a tab at your favorite bars 🍸 and settle things at the end of the week . At least at your top 3 bars that you visit almost daily.
cheap Charlie’s
Wet Spot
are those your top 3?
Let me not limit you to 3 😁 There’s more beer in more bars just waiting for you
have a good one
Those Skechers look nice. Do you think they could take the punishment of distance walking?
Kev, they seem to be a well-made shoe. I’ve had several pairs previously and walked them until the tread wore off, but that wasn’t doing your kind of marathon trek. I’d say they are a good option next time you are in the market for a new pair of walkers.
Hey, James. Nope, not going to be a love story I write with Juliet. Nice gal, but she’s got her man and doesn’t need (or want) me around. Unless I’m buying drinks.
I prefer to operate on a cash basis, and there really are limited options to do otherwise. I’ve heard of guys who run tabs and pay monthly, but that’s not my style–I prefer to pay as I go. Wet Spot takes credit cards, but I never carry it when I go out at night. I usually just carry 5000 cash, and that’s more than enough for dinner, drinks, and lady drinks. I withdraw 80,000 every week, and that’s normally all I need, but this week, I had some unexpected expenses.
I’d say my top three bars are It Doesn’t Matter, Cheap Charlies, and Wet Spot. But like you say, with over thirty options I don’t visit any bar on a daily basis.
Thanks for the comment, Lenny.
My goal is to walk 15,000 steps every day, so that’s around 12K or 7 miles or so. Highway walking is my least favorite option, but I only venture up in the hills when I’m with the group hikes on Mon/Wed/Fri. I usually do backroads and flat ground when I’m alone, but since I needed to hit the ATM anyway, I ventured out on the highway.
I really didn’t get any funny looks from Filipinos yesterday, just the usual friendly greetings.You are right, though; it just takes one bad driver to ruin your day (or life) on the highway. You gotta stay alert because they cut corners by driving on the shoulder where I walk. That’s why I seldom take this way.
Well, I still have a beer gut, but I used to be 35 kilos heavier before I started walking. Now it is just one of my daily routines. When I’m out alone, I do use the headphones and enjoy listening to my favorite tunes. I’ve got several playlists on Spotify, like “Walk and Roll” and “Walkalholic,” to keep me entertained.
The mall wasn’t busy, but it was still pretty early on a Sunday morning. I noticed Jollibee was packed. I’m sure the usual mall crowd came out in the afternoon. Nope, there are no restrictions on entering, other than the facemask requirement. I had to laugh, though, that once inside, almost everyone had the mask on their chin. Times are finally changing!