I was going to let this pass


But given the attacks on Michelle Malkin by Keith Olbermann and commenter Kevin, I think it is important to note.

Now, Ms. Malkin (a sexy Filipina not that it matters) is definitely to the right of me.  And she is quick to document the corruptness and hypocrisy so rampant among the left these days.  I am a semi-regular reader of her blog and I have never seen her resort to personal attacks on individuals.  She points with glee to their failings to be sure, but never engages in name calling.

I am anxiously awaiting Mr. Olbermann’s calling out Chris Matthews for wishing Rush Limbaugh dead. 

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1 thought on “I was going to let this pass

  1. http://www.examiner.com/x-5738-St-Louis-Political-Buzz-Examiner~y2009m7d29-Video–Michelle-Malkin-attacks-First-Lady-Michelle-Obama-calling-her-a-crony

    Do you think comments like these help the Republican cause? I happen to think her comments like this about the Prez, his WIFE, and a Republican senator (who is about as conservative as they come i.e. pro war, pro life, anti-gay marriage, Bush tax cuts, supporter of McCain Palin etc) cause for more harm to the Republican cause than it does to those like Olbermann who retaliate with shots aimed at her.

    When I see Malkin, who granted his very tame compared to Coulter, along with Beck and Limbaugh and Hanity, hate and fear mongering everyday about how the country is ruined I don’t think they are doing anything other than stoking a fringe element (Tea Baggers) to rise up and get angry. I don’t think it is helping the republican party come up with ideas or solutions to help move the country forward.

    And NO, I don’t think Obama is above taking some heat. There are plenty of places to make genuine points about his ideas and proposed policies. These circus clowns are too busy worried about Obama telling school kids to study hard and ONE school in New Jersey singing a song about Obama during black history month and other pointless drivel to even care.

    If Bush were still president they would be touting how the stock market is back over 10,000 today and how the “liberal media” continues to say the economy is bad as a way to hurt the president. And they would say, as Hanity used to when someone questioned the wars, “When was the last time we were attacked?”

    Fair and Balanced.

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