I don’t rue teens…

…but I don’t date them anymore, either. Now that I’m in a relationship, I take comfort in my daily routines. On Sundays, that means the candy walk with Swan, the feeding at Hideaway, and our weekly dinner date at John’s place.

The morning began with this rainbow view as seen from my patio

The candy walk was our regular (routine?) route through the streets of San Isidro. Once again, the kids were out in force awaiting our arrival—so many, in fact, that we ran out of candy two streets early. We felt bad for the ones we missed, but we’ll try to stock up more for next week.

Lucky says don’t let the door hit you on the way out
Let’s roll!
First customers of the day
Our regulars await
Pull up a chair and stay awhile
Looking to the East. Er…
One and done
The Marian Hills contingent
Hello, beautiful
Two of our favorites patiently await their weekly sweets ration
A girl on a mission
Come on down, we’ll wait
Mother and child
A newly opened sari-sari store and food stand
On a lonely street
And a busy one.

Another sweet Sunday morning.

The afternoon was also sweet and stormy. Used my umbrella on the walk to Hideaway, but took care of business. Speaking of business, the bar was surprisingly full yesterday. This was partly because of the pool league match but also because owner Griff was in attendance, and that brought his drinking buddies in. I got some suckers for the girls and told Griff I’d help attract more customers by posting on Facebook that the girls at Hideaway are happy to suck your lollipop. That earned me a laugh and a free beer!

Joy’s chicken breast from Jewel Cafe
Hand to mouth

Three (or was it four?) beers later, I crossed the highway to meet my sweetie for dinner at John’s place.

A John’s-eye view
Cheers, dear!
I came for the steak promo. My favorite cut is the ribeye, but damn, 500 grams at 4 peso a gram (over $35.) was more than I was hungry for. I did the USDA Oyster Blade (whatever the hell that is) instead.
While we awaited our food, the rain returned with a fury
Swan did a bacon wrapped sausage thing
Steak on a plate. Tender and tasty it was!
Here’s my review

We did our nightcap at Green Room, grabbed some pumpkin pie from Myleen’s, then headed home to end our sweet day. Crazy heavy rain throughout the night, and there is more on the way.

Just now as seen from the patio

This doesn’t bode well for today’s Hash. I’m one of the Hares today and marking a trail during a rainstorm is even more challenging than hiking the trail. Depending on how bad it gets, we may have to revert to a street walk. We’ll see how that goes.

The big news politically is that Biden has bailed from his failing re-election campaign, as I predicted he would. How he can remain President in his condition is a question his puppet-masters haven’t answered yet.

Let’s hope the American people have grown wiser this time. Kamala? I don’t think so.

For any of my readers who happen to be foodies, this post and photos from Kevin Kim’s meal prep for a work luncheon are not to be missed. I wish he offered delivery to the PI.

Kevin puts pulled pork AND cheese on his burger!

Facebook memories showing history repeats itself? Turns out, I was one of the Hares five years ago, too.

It was sunny when we marked the trail
But then turned into this. We wound up doing a bar crawl Hash instead of the trail.

Speaking of rain, it has arrived now. And today’s YouTube video doesn’t bode well for the pleasantness of today’s Hash adventure:

When it rains, it pours. Oh, well. We’ll figure something out.

You can either laugh or cry:

I’m more worried about slipping than tripping
I wish I’d thought of that!
I hope this doesn’t rub anyone the wrong way

One more to cleanse the palate of that nastiness above.

Is the Pope still Catholic?

Okay then, gotta prepare for whatever the immediate future might bring. I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “I don’t rue teens…

  1. Good candy run! Sorry about the disappointed kids at the end. What do you do in such cases? Tell them you’ll be back next week?

    re: oyster blade

    I had to look that up. In the US, it’s a flatiron steak, one of the traditional cuts used for fajitas. (The three cuts most often used for fajitas are flatiron, hanger, and skirt.)

    re: weather

    Enjoy your heavy rains. It’s a bit rainy today in Seoul, but they’re forecasting a true pisser for tomorrow.

    Does the Pope shit in the woods?
    Does a bear wear a funny hat?

  2. They oyster blade steak was good, especially at half the price of a ribeye. Nice to have options!

    We just skipped those two streets this week. Felt bad for the kids…we’ll try and hit them first next time…

    Stay dry!

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