I unilaterally ended my boycott of IDK bar last night. Regular readers may recall that three months ago the bar added drinks to my bar tab without permission. Sadly enough, IDK is the only bar in town with dart tourney. During my exile I had simply quit playing darts, but I’ve decided I need to get off my lazy ass and start throwing again. I mean, if I’m going to be in a bar drinking, I want to do it productively.
Anyway, I played the tourney last night. I paid for my drinks as I ordered them thus avoiding the bar tab scam.

Me and my blind draw partner took a second place finish. Not bad considering how much my game has deteriorated during my self-imposed hiatus.
Today I took a walk, took a nap, then took a bike ride. Did laundry then took another walk. In the meantime my crock pot was cooking up a nice juicy pulled pork barbecue.
And that’s all I got folks.