My big thrill yesterday was visiting a dermatologist in Olongapo.

I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect, but the doc said she would burn the wart mole off. (Heh, I thought moles and warts were pretty much the same, but I just checked, and they are not.

I wasn’t sure how the burning process would work, but I pictured a lit cigarette being extinguished on the mole. That’s pretty much the way it happens. The only pain I experienced was from the needle injecting anesthetic. Then the doctor used some tool that applied enough heat to burn that ugly bastard away.

The procedure took just a few minutes, and then it was time to pay the piper. I was expecting the cost to be at least 5000 pesos but was surprised when I was told it was only 1500 ($30).
After the dermatologist, I had my driver take me to the local mall so I could search for some new hiking shoes. Merrells, my preferred brand, were completely out of stock. The other issue that limits my selection is size–apparently, size 11 is rarely in stock. Whether that’s because it’s a popular size or that it is bigger than most Filipinos (my guess) isn’t clear. Anyway, they did have a size 11 walking shoe by a brand called Jump that I’ve never heard of before. Given the fact that I had no other options, I bought a pair. Wore them on today’s hike, and they were comfortable. We’ll see how long they last.

And while I was at the mall, I caught these two women staring at me.

I mentioned the unavailability of onions lately in yesterday’s post and coincidentally came across a link to an article in Time magazine talking about the price of onions in the Philippines–more expensive than meat. Lots of speculation about the reasons why, but it’s a good read if you are interested in that kind of thing.
I started my evening out at It Doesn’t Matter. Scott came by after his appointment with Dr. Jo. He’s still experiencing pain and swelling, but apparently, what he’s been doing at home is consistent with the recommended treatment for a sprain. He’s getting an X-ray today to ensure there isn’t a hairline fracture or ligament damage.
I had a 500 peso voucher for Hot Zone that was due to expire, so I popped in for the three gin and sodas needed to expend those funds. While I was finishing my final drink, I got a message from a friend of Grace (she’s the one who set up the charity project for the Aeta village last month) saying she had a gift from Grace for me. So, I met her outside, and now I’m the owner of these:

I had a “buy one, get one” coupon for Voodoo, so I made that my next stop. I’ll be back there again tonight for the SOB. Then I popped into Wet Spot to say hello to daddy Dave and company. Things were getting a little fuzzy by now, but I somehow wound up at Sloppy Joe’s to finish my night on the town.
So, that’s what my life looks like, for better or worse. Facebook reminded me of what my life looked like on this day twelve years ago:

And here I am, trying to make it the best of all possible worlds.
Cause there's still a lotta drinks that I ain't drunk Lots of pretty thoughts that I ain't thunk, oh yeah Lord there's still so many lonely girls in this best of all possible worlds
That mole was the one on your nose and close to your left eye, correct? (I almost said, “…left eye, right?”—which would’ve been confusing.) I didn’t even notice that thing for the longest time, then sometime last year, I saw a selfie you’d uploaded, and damn, that thing was a monster. But I decided that you had made your peace with it, so I said nothing. Anyway, I’m glad they hacked a couple pounds of flesh off your face, and I’m sure your face thanks you as well.
I suspect there’s some sort of laser treatment you can get for skin tags. (You can see tons of videos on YouTube: search for “skin tag removal.”) If you’re not using a laser, there are more primitive (but still relatively painless) ways to take care of skin tags. As far as I can tell, the removal procedures take only a few seconds and won’t endanger your eyes.
Anyway, congrats on having that big ol’ mole removed. It’s bad enough that a house is being built in front of your place, obstructing your view. You don’t need a mole on your face to be obstructing your view.
So years ago it seems you had a post about getting a part time job in a computer lab or something on the base in Korea (hopefully that makes sense), anyway did that type of job come with access to the base grocery and stores or the visa stamp to be eligible to stay in Korea? Seems like a decent idea if one wanted to live overseas and was willing to live in a really small apartment to be able afford it.
QP, I’m impressed with your memory! Yes, after almost five years of being retired, I was hired as a contractor in 2015. The main reason I took the job was for the benefits, including a visa and base access with commissary and PX privileges. That particular job was part-time, and wouldn’t have paid the rent, but I still had my pension. I know guys who have been working full-time as contractors on base for many years with great salaries and housing allowances provided. That’s an ideal way to live overseas before retirement.
Kev, You are right, it was the left eye. The mole hadn’t affected my vision yet, but I found it increasingly irritating and distracting. Glad it is gone! I’ve got an appointment with Dr. Jo on Tuesday, and I’ll ask her for advice on the skin tabs. I’ll check out the link and some videos, too. Thanks!
The fact that you could see that nasty thing all the way from Korea tells me I was right to have it removed!
Interesting gift you received. LOL. Are they the size of a business card? I would probably not carry around a key chain with my picture on it, but different strokes for different folks. Maybe you should slip a note into the case, “If lost or incoherently drunk, return me to…..”
Oh yeah, do shipping costs make to too expensive to buy something online and have it shipped to you in the Philippines? For example, ordering hiking shoes from REI and having them sent to you.
Shipping from the USA does add some expense and time to receive, but sometimes it’s the only option. I do most of my online shopping through Lazada (the Amazon equivalent here), and occasionally the products ship from overseas. I have had bad luck purchasing shoes online–either they ship the wrong size or the “right” size doesn’t fit properly. These days I won’t buy shoes I haven’t tried on first.
Yeah, I wasn’t sure what to do with four keychains that look like me (or how I used to look). They are about half the size of a business card. I did wind up putting my keys on one of them, figuring maybe if I lose them, someone will recognize me. I gave the others away to girls who pretend to like me.