Good times, bad times, you know I’ve had my share

Yesterday had some of both. We’ll get to that, but first this:

Now that I have your attention…Dave Kair and I are hosting an Independence Day gathering at The Rite Spot On The Roof (my house in Alta Vista) this Thursday, July 4, beginning around 4 p.m. There will be beer and wine and an assortment of what we call food in the USA. All of our friends are welcome, even if you are not a damn Yankee. Let me know in the comments if you plan to attend, or message me if you need directions. Hope to see y’all there!

Yep, tomorrow we will be up on the roof to celebrate the anniversary of America’s Brexit. It’s also Fil-Am Friendship Day, so I’ll be flying the Filipino flag too. So, yesterday’s shopping excursion was focused on getting the items we needed to round out the food and beverage menu. Because Royal is notorious for not having things I need in stock, we hit the Pure Gold supermarket on SBMA first. Between the two, I stocked up on the beer, wine, condiments, snacks, and other items I was seeking. Mission accomplished!

Tomorrow’s menu will include hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, and chili. Cole slaw, cornbread muffins, assorted chips and dips, and nuts will also be available for our hungry guests. I anticipate we’ll have the usual twenty to thirty attendees, but we’ll be prepared for all who want to join in the fun (I borrowed extra tables and chairs). I’m looking forward to this event at The Rite Spot!

After leaving Pure Gold, I stopped in an adjoining store to pick up a new belt and some underwear. I would say I got scammed, but I’m to blame for the fuck-up that ensued. The cashier rang up the two items, and the total came to 11,000 pesos. I handed her my credit card, and the transaction was completed. In my mind, I saw 1100 pesos (twenty bucks), not the $200 I was charged. I freaked out when I saw that the belt alone was $180. I don’t even like the damn thing. So, I was going to return the items, but the stamp on the receipt said, “No Refunds. No Returns.” Fuck it. I screwed up, and that is the fine for being stupid. It is painful even now to think about. Hopefully, I’ve learned my lesson and will be more attentive in the future when using my charge card.

My Fitbit tracks my sleep, and Monday night was the best slumber I’ve had in a long time:

My usual sleep score is in the mid-60s, so that 82 was one of the best ever.

Last night was the opposite. I couldn’t shut down my brain telling me what a fool I’d been shopping, and my lungs weren’t cooperating with the keeping me oxygenated either. I woke up at midnight with a reading on my oximeter of 86. The nebulizer got it back to 92, and I used my oxygen tank to regain my comfort level of 96. I still couldn’t get back to sleep, though. I tossed and turned until almost 4 a.m. before escaping to dreamland.

I didn’t sleep long enough to generate a score, but I’m feeling it today.

Between one and four in the afternoon we had the heaviest rainstorm of the season.

That’s how it looked from my patio.

I feared the worst, but when beer o’clock rolled around, the rain ceased, and Swan and I were able to make our way into town without the need for an umbrella. Baloy is notorious for flooded streets after a storm, so we didn’t make our usual Tuesday visit there. Instead, we enjoyed the beach views from Mango’s Resort in Barretto.

The Mango’s view

Beer and wine and some snacks as we took it all in.

Swan had calamari
And I went with the seafood chowder

Swan drinks slow, and I drink fast. I must have been on my fourth beer when the waitress asked about the alcohol content of Zero. Swan showed her the 3% label. I guess she was worried I might get drunk or something.

The main reason I switched to Zero was the lower calories (60 versus 100 per bottle of SM Light). Now when Zero isn’t available and I revert to Light I have to be careful, because the 5% alcohol content difference can be staggering. *ahem*

The sun went down without showing any colors, so we crossed highway for a rare visit to Queen Victoria for our nightcap. I had a 500 peso voucher from the SOB to use, and we finished 480 pesos worth. It helped that the bartender included Swan’s glass of wine on the coupon.

So, that was the good and the bad of my yesterday. Today hasn’t been so great, either. I skipped the Wednesday Walkers group hike because of the breathing issues, but did do an abbreviated 3K candy walk with Swan. Along the way we saw this funeral banner:

I always check the date of birth for comparison purposes, but I actually knew this guy/gal–my bakla (transgender) barber. The story is s/he died of tuberculosis.

Facebook memories reminded me of just how far I’ve fallen in eight years:

I can’t remember the last time I’ve broken the 30,000 step barrier. These days, I’m happy with 15,000 and consider 20,000+ an achievement.
And back in those days I was doing pleasant river walks in Seoul. I didn’t know just how good I had it.

I’m not a subscriber to this YouTube vlogger, but the drone footage of Barretto is worth the watch. I don’t agree with some of his suggestions for transferring money to the PI. I don’t trust it and will not use GCash, for example. Also, while it is true that using ATMs (250 pesos per withdrawal) is expensive, you can take out 20,000 at a time with BPI machines. He paid 110 pesos for 6000. To each his own. The best transfer method is bank-to-bank via a wire service like Wise. I don’t have a Philippines bank account, but I pay my help and rent through transfers from my bank to their accounts. Anyway, enjoy the Barretto scenes and take the advice with a grain of salt.

Ready for some humor (such as it is)?

I’m working on it
And his mom must be really pissed at him now
She might be planning to shove something up his ass

6 thoughts on “Good times, bad times, you know I’ve had my share

  1. I hope you have a good party. Our own July 4th celebration has been delayed because my doctor’s appointment is next week on July 12. Eating off the chain on July 4th would ruin my numbers, so we’ll have our own celebration after the 12th. Probably burgers and dogs like you, along with pulled pork, fancied-up beans, and slaw. Maybe a dessert, too. July 4th is, along with Thanksgiving, one of the bigger meals that I prep for the crew.

    Between one and four in the afternoon we had the heaviest rainstorm of the season.

    The monsoon has started here, so I feel your pain. Technically, it started this past Saturday, when I did my rainy walk. It’s been raining pretty steadily all this week (but no rain at the moment), and I expect that to continue for a while. The monsoon usually ends around early to mid-August, which is why August sucks more than July. July might be hot, but the rain offers some relief. August, by contrast, is just brutal. At least for those of us who love the cold.

    I always check the date of birth for comparison purposes

    He was born in 1989. That was a big year. Tiananmen happened, and Ceausescu and his Missus were shot that Christmas. I was also studying abroad, first in Nice, France, then in Fribourg, Switzerland. What a year!

    I can’t remember the last time I’ve broken the 30,000 step barrier. These days, I’m happy with 15,000 and consider 20,000+ an achievement.

    Your Fitbit had you at 14.21 miles, or about 23K, a tiny bit more than the length of the walk I did this past Saturday. You can still do that, I’d say. Just stick to flat ground. And take along some pleasant company.

    Righto… have a great party! I hope to see plenty of food pics, especially those weird hot dogs you guys have.

  2. It’s high time the Rite Spots is serving burgers!!!! Was thinking you’re a filthy Canucklefuck just pretending to be a godly American!! Serve those burgers with pride, comrade!!!!

  3. John, you seem have your method of getting USD when needed but Capital One and Charles Schwab both offer debit cards that do not charge any foreign transaction fees. Schwab also reimburses a person for any ATM fees that are incurred. Exchange rate is market rate, so no rip off there either.

    Have a great 4th of July party.

  4. Brian, I use a Navy Federal debit card and get reimbursed for the standard ATM fees. The 250 pesos I’m talking about are charges local banks charge foreign card users…those are not reimbursable as far as I know. I could try to open a local bank account (complex on a tourist visa) and wire money from the USA, but the savings are minimal and not worth the hassle. I’m getting market exchange rates as well.

  5. Kev, at least you’ll be having the only 4th of July celebration in town on the 12th. I’m sure you’ll knock their socks off as usual.

    We’ve not had any of those all-day rains yet, but I’m sure they are coming. With the long rains comes street flooding here, a whole other kind of hassle to deal with as a pedestrian. Still, I’m enjoying the respite from the blazing heat, so I will withhold complaining until I’m tired of getting wet.

    Even on flat walks, I start getting body aches and fatigue around 8K. Getting back up to a 23K walk would feel like the Bataan Death March. Since no one is holding a gun to my head, I’d probably bail.

    I didn’t buy local hot dogs because I hate them and couldn’t find any American-style wieners. So, we’ll be putting sausages on those buns.

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