A busy time here notwithstanding the morning calm.

Saturday marked the one year anniversary of my marriage to the lovely Jee Yeun Lee. We celebrated with a dinner in Myeong-dong and then a dart tourney at B&B in Itaewon. I guess that’s our tradition. After the wedding ceremony in Las Vegas last year I had to hurry down for the New World Dart Series pro tourney coincidentally also being held in LV that day….

I’ve also founded a dart league–The Seoul Sunday Singles League–which began play this past Sunday. 24 players competing in 3 divisions. Gonna be a lot of work but I also expect it will be lots of fun.

My nephew Justin took us out for a belated anniversary supper. He’s a special young man who has made great strides in mastering the Korean language. I do admit I was envious as he engaged my Korean friends in what appeared to be fascinating conversation. He’s a little confused politically however. Here I am explaining the “facts of life” about our corrupt political class. The poor lad has been indoctrinated into the liberal mindset. But he is smart enough to concede some points regarding gov’t excesses and failures so I don’t consider him a lost cause–yet.

And of course Jee Yeun dragged me up on the mountain yet again. This time I let her go her familiar way and thereby avoided getting lost again…

Bright and early in the morning Jee Yeun and I will be doing full physicals at Soonchunhwang hospital. Mine includes a colonoscopy so tonight I’m “enjoying” large quantities of picolight and water. I’ll be flushing out my innards all night long and be clean as a whistle come morning. At least that is the plan.
Oh, and I’ve got my Netflix account working here in Korea. I’ve been re-enjoying Mad Men and House, M.D. of late. And that’s about it for this update.
Congrats on the one-year anniversary… but doesn’t this mean that the founder of the Singles League isn’t himself single?
Yeah, at the time I named it I didn’t realize just how ambiguous it sounds out of context.