So last night I ventured out to the Dixiana hamlet for an evening of darts. I was immediately struck by a full display of every Confederate flag used during the short life of that failed republic. I assumed the battle flag with the “Git-er-Done” entreaty was meant to inspire me to darting greatness. Sadly, that was not to be the case. One dart away from victory and I inexplicably imploded. Damn, I hate when that happens. Lost to a couple of Yankees to boot (New York and Detroit). Ah well, I shall not forget and the Walrus will rise again!
Well, at least I have a roof over my head. Back in May there was a massive hail storm. Since my return from the ROK I’ve been besieged by roofing contractors wanting me to file an insurance claim for a new roof. At first I couldn’t be bothered with it, but this week I finally relented and called the insurance adjustor. Sure enough, I had damage that warranted replacement. So I’m getting a new roof. The $1000. deductible stings a bit, but with the house going on 20 years old I’d likely need to replace the roof at some point anyway.

So this stuff showed up in my yard yesterday. I wonder if I should have specified that I wanted the new roof installed?
And in other news, I’ve made my peace with the guy running the dart league. I wrote about that conflict here. I was grousing to a couple of dart buddies about the situation and after listening politely to my rant, one of them said “so when are you going to man up and talk to the guy to resolve this?” Realizing he was right in that there is no point in walking around with a huge grudge on your back, I extended the olive branch. We basically agreed to disagree on the issue, put the matter behind us, and move on. I think we both feel better about it and now I can get back to just focusing on my game while ignoring the politics.
And that’s about it. I took note of the fact that I had a 48 hour period this past week where I had absolutely no human interaction whatsoever. I am a rock. I touch no one and no one touches me.
Glad to hear that two problems have been/are being solved—roofing and darts-related politics. Enjoy life in the Cackalackeys.
Haha, I actually had to look up Cackalackey. I assumed it was something to do with the South, but wasn’t aware of the Carolina connection. Although in retrospect, I guess it should have been easy to surmise.
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