I don’t know, I’ve been doing this LTG thing so long now that it’s hard to express an original thought. Over time, the blog has devolved into little more than a personal diary. Three years into retirement now and most days are like every other day. I’m not really bored, this is the life I’ve chosen–but finding something worth writing about can be challenging. I expect what I do write has even less value for a reader. The best I can do is not to worry about the meaninglessness of it all and just share my life stories even if no one cares. Heh, yet another example of my inherent selfishness. Sorry about that!
Just like smoking cigarettes permanently damaged my lungs, it may be that smoking pot has damaged my brain if this study is to be believed.
Marijuana use during adolescence may affect development of the areas of the brain that control emotions, an analysis published Wednesday by JAMA Psychiatry found.
Teens who reported using marijuana during a five-year period showed signs of reduced thickness of the left and right prefrontal cortices in their brains on magnetic resonance imaging, the researchers said.
Reduced thickness of these regions, which control positive and negative emotions, respectively, has in earlier studies been linked with increased risk for depression and suicide, as well as attention problems.
That explains a lot. I smoked a lot of grass between the ages of 15 and 25. So, I think I can fairly assert that all my subsequent fuck ups are due to brain damage. Over fifteen years of posts here at LTG provide ample evidence of my oft repeated instances of stupidity. Now I can take comfort in the knowledge that it wasn’t really my fault.
It’s Hash Monday, but I will not be doing the Guenter trail. It apparently has three climbs and is over 9K long. Hell, even one of the strong and healthy Hashers was bitching about the difficulty and says he plans to shortcut today. Welcome to the club! Me and a couple of others aren’t going to even bother with taking the long Hashmobile ride out to the starting point. We’ll just make our own “sane” trail leaving from my house.
That’s the way I like it. Living life on my terms and doing it my way. Sort of like the crap I post here.
You’ve got the writing style of a raconteur, and I learn a lot about the Philippines every time I visit, so keep doing what you’re doing.
Thanks for the compliment. I looked up “raconteur” just to be sure. 🙂
Hi John, a little out if context, but just trying to understand where you are located now in comparison to your previous residence? Am I right you are now “in town”?
Greg, nope. I’m in the same subdivision (Alta Vista), just further up the hill. It’s actually a LONGER walk to town now…