Made a quick trip down to Songtan yesterday to participate in a dart tournament. My exit from said tourney was quicker than the bus ride down.

I caught the bus on Yongsan Garrison which dropped me at Osan Air Force base. One hour ten minutes then a 20 minute walk to Songtan proper…

The scene of my dart crimes last night. Me and my partner were out of sync and neither of us could hit an out shot…

I found my favorite Filipino beer in most of the bars I visited last night. I celebrated by drinking LOTS of them.

It was interesting exploring the bar scene in Songtan. Not sure what constitutes an “illegal”. I went in and they didn’t throw me out, so I guess I’m good. Enjoyed chatting with unfamiliar bar staff and even played darts with one barkeep late in the night while I was drunk. Still managed to win though. Crawled into bed a little before the 1 a.m. curfew…
Caught the 10 o’clock bus back to Yongsan this morning. When I was safely home in my cozy villa I did my weekly weigh-in. I didn’t think it would be a good week (I pretty much stuck to the plan, but I just wasn’t feeling it), so I was pleasantly surprised when my scale registered this:

That’s a 4.1 pound reduction from last week and 25.4 overall. My jeans don’t fit me anymore. In a good way.
Half way to achieving my goal I’m sure all those San Miguel Lights last night didn’t help though. Gonna keep on keeping on until I git ‘er done!
Congrats on the amazing weight loss!
curfew? please don’t tell me department of the army civilians are subject to curfew. find any good dart trophies? have many good memories of osan from when I was stationed at Humphreys back in 86. no curfew then. sundown to sunup baby!
Soju: No, the curfew is only “strongly encouraged” for civilians, not required. It was mere coincidence that I was drunk and ready to sleep right around 1 a.m. I think my sunup to sundown does are only a memory now.
No, the trophies were too expensive. I’ve got a couple sources in the USA but it always pisses me off to pay almost as much in shipping as I do for the trophies. But given that what I saw in Songtan was much more expensive and factoring in the hassle factor of getting them back to Seoul, I reckon I’ll just pay postage again this year…