For goodness snakes

Some good comments on yesterday’s post, hope you’ll check them out if you haven’t already. I spent more time on my responses than I did on the original post, Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, but I do enjoy the interactions with my readers.

Another whacked Wednesday is in the books. I’ll share some photos from the group hike at the end of this post. Dart league went well, with Lagoon defeating the Alley Hideout team, 9-4. I lost a singles game I shouldn’t have, but otherwise played well. Since I was already out in Baloy beach, I headed over to McCoy’s for a couple more beers after our match was over.

This is the main reason I like to sit at McCoy’s. Life’s a beach sometimes.
I don’t usually eat at a place like McCoy’s, too many better options nearby. I was feeling a little hungry so I made an exception and ordered this taco.

It was okay, I guess. But about three bites in, that hard shell exploded spewing some of the contents onto my shirt and shorts. And no, I wasn’t that drunk. The problem was I was wearing white shorts and now they were covered in red stains. There was no water available, so I poured some beer onto the mess and diluted the redness somewhat. My helper was able to clean the stains away this morning, so no great tragedy. Do I live an exciting life, or what?

Took a trike back into Barretto, and visited Joy in Hideaway for a bit. Then I moved on to Cheap Charlies, before finishing my evening at Wet Spot.

Anna and Aine provided the company at Wet Spot.

Had a little excitement on the dog walk this morning.

That’s Buddy enjoying his “off the leash” time.
And this goat was keeping a watchful eye on us both.

The excitement I mentioned came a couple of minutes later as I continued walking up the street–I encountered a live snake on the sidewalk! Appeared to be at least five feet long, but it slithered into the grass before I could snap a picture. Interestingly, the only place I’ve ever seen a snake in the Philippines is here in my neighborhood. And this is the first live snake I’ve come across. So, I know that snakes are out there but on all my hikes through the wilds, I’ve not witnessed any sign of those reptilian bastards. I hope it stays that way. A snakebite is not on my list of ways I might die in the Philippines.

Alright, the Wednesday Walkers did a pleasant enough hike through Alta Vista, over the My Bitch trail, then back down into the Naugsol valley. Nothing new or particularly exciting–and no signs of snakes!

This week’s Wednesday Walkers.
A high view from the neighborhood.
Leaving Alta Vista.
The day’s first cookie recipients.
There is something familiar about that mountain off in the distance.
Marching through the woods.
Cookies for these mountain kids.
Rest stop.
An apparently abandoned church. Why it was built in the middle of nowhere is a mystery.
Heading back down to the valley.
It’s been a couple of months since I passed this way and this shack was constructed since that time. The old woman living there was friendly enough but I can’t imagine living this way.
Jens waiting patiently for us old slowpokes.
Everyone survived to hike another day.
Hello again, my friend.

Relive the hike here if you’d like:

Time marches on and so did we! More to come.

4 thoughts on “For goodness snakes

  1. Aine looks good in that photo (I assume that’s her on the right), but Anna, with her face all scrunched up, looks like an old man.

    The taco looks intriguing, but with that sauce covering everything, I couldn’t see what the contents were, alas. Shall I assume seasoned ground beef or chicken? Sorry to hear the thing exploded, but that’s what you get with the crunchy shell. Those things are an engineering nightmare, unable to withstand shear force as your teeth crunch down. Might as well order a taco salad. My favorite is probably soft shells that have been deep-fried or pan-fried, as with a chimichanga or a pan-fried burrito.

    Almoranus (spelling?) is looking less man-booby these days; he’s getting back into form.

    Snakes! I was on the lookout for snakes during my recent Saturday hike, but none appeared, unfortunately. If your house isn’t being invaded by mice, it could be that you should thank a snake for that fact. Every snake is a tiny representative of Jormundgandr.

  2. Anna and Ainne at Wetpot. Joy at Hideaway. Seems like you have a favorite at every bar you regularly frequent.

    Did you keep up your vow to never visit that funny monkey place where Joy was fired by the boss? I know you have a long memory and you don’t overlook injustice to self or to others . Some people are driven by desire to achieve their dreams , a woman scorned burns 🔥 with the vengeance to succeed to prove a point 👉
    I would say you’re somewhat in the middle.

    My question today is this :
    I have a friend who set out to achieve certain goals in life and career. The friend hit all those milestones at a relatively young age, then was struck by the realization that Failure to achieve goals and achieving all one’s goals has the same effect . You sort of drift along, either giving up because it seems against the odds, or being lost 🤔 because all goals have been met.

    You have worked hard all your life. And now you can put up your feet and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
    My question is : how did you do it?
    What’s your secret ?

  3. Kevin, I’ve actually known Anna for several years having met her prior to moving here. She’s the ex of a guy I know. She’s in her late 30s now, but still attractive when she’s not goofing off.

    Yeah, I should have known better with that taco. I’ve gotten to where I prefer a softshell too but that was not an option on the limited menu McCoy’s offered. Ground beef under all that sauce I had poured on.

    Jens, aka Almoranus, has been working hard at getting back in shape after his scamdemic exile in Germany.

    I had some rat issues at my old house but haven’t seen any up here at the new place. Now I wonder if I should be concerned about snakes! Thanks for the link, I didn’t realize just how little I know about Norse mythology. The presentation was also very well done and professional. I usually can’t make it through an entire YouTube offering, but this one held my interest.

  4. James, Yep, that’s pretty much how it works–once the girls figure out you are a sucker, er, I mean generous, they rush to greet you as soon as you enter the bar. There is no escape!

    I never went back to Finger Monkey. It’s a non-issue now as the bar has been closed and gutted. The story I’ve heard is that there was a raid, an underage waitress was found working, and the owner was arrested. I understand that she is charged with a non-bailable offense and remains in jail several weeks later. I actually feel sorry for her.

    There was really no “secret” to my success other than maybe blind luck. Passing the Postal Service entrance exam put me on the road and the people I met and events I encountered along the way ultimately led me to a fulfilling career in government service. I worked hard and had some ability, but being in the right place at the right time and having a willingness to take chances (like moving around the country for promotion opportunities) were key factors. I don’t recall having ever set any goals for myself, I just went with the flow and did my best to keep my bosses happy. I never hated my work, that probably helped a lot too.

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