Bags are packed. I had foolishly thought we could go one suitcase each by maximizing our two carry-ons (two overhead bags and two backpacks). Alas, it could not be done. I relented and resigned myself to paying $100 for an additional checked bag. And just now Delta sent me an email to do advance check-in and lo and behold it turns out Jee Yeun and I are allowed TWO checked bags each for free! This is contrary to what the booking agent told me on the phone, but I ain’t complaining. So, we consolidated some of our over stuffed carry-on items into a fourth suitcase. Sweet! We weighed our large bags and none of them exceed 50 pounds, at least according to my bathroom scale. Woo Hoo!
I sprang for the extra room seats in coach ($150) for the Detroit-Incheon leg. Despite rumors to the contrary, three inches DOES make a difference. And they also have extra recline. Now, I’m guessing these seats are probably similar to the standard coach seats on Korean Air, but damn, I couldn’t bear the thought of sitting for 12 hours with my knees pressed up against the seat in front of me or having it reclined into my lap. What good is money anyway if it can’t buy you a little comfort?
My big worry right now is that they are forecasting snow and a “gale” in Detroit tomorrow. I’ve only got an hour 45 between flights so if my Charlotte flight gets delayed going in I’m likely to be screwed. Well, nothing to be done about the weather, but I’d sure hate to spend a night in the Detroit airport.
Signed my tax forms today and it will be held pending receipt of the wayward SSN for Jee Yeun. The good news is I’m actually getting a refund of just over two grand from Uncle Sam. The bad news is I owe South Carolina a little over three. Oh well, lots better than I fared last year!
What else? Still need to pull a little paperwork together so I will hopefully have all I need to satisfy the Korean immigration folks that I’m worthy of an F-6 (spouse) visa.
And I’ll be playing my last darts in Columbia for awhile tonight at my home bar Kwagga. I’m actually going to miss my darting friends here. I think being excited about returning to Korea and being a little sad about leaving Columbia means I might be doing things right. Come September I’ll be blue about leaving Korea but excited about coming home I reckon.
Bright and early I’ll drive over to the daughter’s house as she has graciously agreed to drive us up to the Charlotte airport.
Time for me to fly!