Every little bit helps

There was a huge storm that washed hundreds of starfish onto the beach. A little boy was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean one by one. An old man approached and said, “Little boy, you can’t save all these starfish.” “Maybe not,” the lad replied as he picked up another and threw it in the water, “but I saved that one.”

Swan posted this on her Facebook and I agree with the sentiment.

I’ve mentioned that we had a chance encounter with a youngster named Jason during a candy walk who wanted to attend school but didn’t have the means to do so. Swan talked to the mother and offered her assistance. Since the mother doesn’t have a phone, Swan interacted directly with the teacher to determine what Jason required.

School supplies and uniforms to get Jason started
And a backpack to carry it in

We did the handoff during yesterday’s Candy Walk.

Hopefully, that will get you started, Jason.
That’s Jason’s house on a hill

According to the mother, the next hurdle is securing a birth certificate. Apparently, one wasn’t issued at birth, so there is government bureaucracy and paperwork to be dealt with, which involves money, of course. We are standing by to help if we can.

As alluded to above, we kicked off our Sunday with the weekly Candy Walk through the streets of San Isidro.

Loaded up and ready to roll
The escape route from Alta Vista is rapidly becoming overgrown with the seasonal grasses
Ah, the joys of rainy season!
Almost like a version of Frogger
The kids appreciate the effort though
A drier path to walk
What’s that I see?
The new (temporary?) bridge is holding up so far
More muddy roads to traverse
But we got the job done

A couple of hours later when we were safe at home, we experienced one of the hardest downpours I’ve seen this year.

The view from my patio. The rain was as thick as fog. Oh, and a bolt of lightning knocked the power out.

Luckily, the rain let up some and I could do an umbrella walk to Hideaway without getting too wet.

Feeding in progress. That’s Hideaway owner Griff in the background.
The joy of Joy

I opted not to visit John’s place this week. Swan wanted the Mango’s pork chops for dinner anyway, and I was still disappointed about last week’s lack of red wine. I’ll give John another shot next week.

When I arrived at Mango’s, I was surprised to see neighbors Jeff and Divina sitting with Swan. When Swan left the house to meet me, Jeff and the wife were looking to escape the continuing power outage. Swan got a ride into town and company while awaiting my arrival. The neighbors left before our food came, but we agreed to meet up again after dinner next door at Thumbstar.

Stormy day beach at Mango’s
Swan and her wine. We were the only customers on this rainy day
Ain’t we sweet?
Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of the dinner as served. The plate comes with two pork chops. They weren’t as thick this time, but still quite tasty.

After our meal, we went to Thumbstar as promised for the meet-up. I don’t go to Thumbstar for personal reasons, but it is a nice enough venue. We had one drink there, then moved to the more familiar and friendlier Green Room to finish our evening out.

Celebrate good times, come on! Most of these characters will be rockin’ Angeles City tomorrow.

Not a bad Sunday. And now it is Hash Monday and things aren’t looking good.

Tropical Storm Enting has us in it’s sights. And judging by the rainfall outside right now, it has scored a direct hit.

I saw part of today’s Hash trail on the Candy Walk yesterday. It’s not a bad rainy-day walk, except for the muddy roads. Right now, I’m on the fence about doing the trail or just making my way to the On-Home venue at Smokes and Bottles. We shall see if things let up in the next hour or so.

Ah, the memories:

Eight years ago, I took my then-girlfriend Eun Oke on a trip to the Philippines. She had a great time.

Funny story about that photo. We spent the first night in Angeles City. We went into this bar after midnight and were the only customers. I guess the girls had never seen a Korean female before, and they all came down off the stage for a closer look. They treated Eun Oke like a movie star, and she told me, “Buy them all a drink!” I told her the way it works is you pick your favorite and buy her a drink, but she insisted on getting one for each of them. The next morning, she asked me how much we had spent, and I told her it was 5000 pesos. Then she asked how much do we spend for just the two of us in Seoul? I grinned and admitted it was about the same.

Seven years ago, I was doing a bar crawl in Anjeong-ri and saw my friend Mi Young. I sure did have a crush on her, but alas, the feeling was not mutual.

There was a little controversy in the comments yesterday over the political memes I’ve been posting. No apologies, but I also realize it is a waste of time. Nothing I post here is going to change any minds.

Not that that will stop me

Today’s YouTube video from the Filipina Pea addresses women who don’t want their man to act like a man. I’m joking, of course, and I don’t condone cheating on your significant other. That said, couples need to have shared values. I know of guys in open relationships, and both sides enjoy the variety. Pick your partner wisely!

Let me leave you with these:

When Jane initially met Tarzan of the Jungle, she was attracted to him and during her questions about his life, she asked him how he had sex:
“Tarzan not know sex!” He replied.
Jane explained to him what sex was.
Tarzan said. “Oh, Tarzan use hole in trunk of tree!”
Horrified, she said. “Tarzan you have it all wrong, but I will show you how to do it properly!”
She took off her clothes and lay down on the ground. “Here!” She said. “You must put it in here!”
Tarzan removed his loincloth, stepped closer with his huge erection, and then gave her an almighty kick right between her legs.
Jane rolled around in agony, but manages to gasp for air and screamed. “What did you do that for?”
“Tarzan check for bees!”
Jesus, those fish haven’t even been gutted.
That’s so bad it has me singing another tune

Still raining out there, so it’s looking like a wet Hash. I also think there is a Hash birthday cake in my near future. Good times! I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

6 thoughts on “Every little bit helps

  1. Good to see you helping out with Jason. I wish him luck.

    I can’t remember—did John ever give you a plausible explanation for why he was out of wine before?

    Enjoy your Hash birthday cake!

  2. Just a note to say I’m still here and read every day. living near K6 with travel to Colorado. Still can’t walk without assistance. My wife is great and takes good care of my..
    stay healthy

  3. Jerry, glad to hear you are still around and have your loving wife there to assist you. We’ve got to make the best of life while we have it.

    Thanks for checking in, I’ve been wondering how you were doing.

  4. Well, John wasn’t there the night it happened, and I’ve not talked to him since. An occasional waitress there I know told me they were STILL out of wine and some other drinks. I’m glad I didn’t bother dining there this week. I’m not sure what is happening, but she says John’s wife is overwhelmed and having difficulty keeping up with things. It really makes no sense–John makes long-distance road trips to acquire his meat and fish; picking up some wine along the way seems like a no-brainer.

  5. Big oaks from little acorns grow. Hopefully the seed you are planting for Jason will have a lifelong positive impact. Good on ya!

    When I was working in India, and seeing some of the abject poverty there, I wondered if there was the next Beethoven or someone who would find a cure for a cancer living in the slums. Unfortunately, we will never know. 🙁

  6. Brian, yeah, here’s to hoping Jason does well in school. Apparently, his mother doesn’t even know how to read. I’d much prefer investing in someone’s pursuit of education than paying their electric bill. As you say, that’s how you change a life.

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