In the preceding post, I told about my Friday night of darts at Alley Cats. This post covers what happened earlier that day. Lots of pictures from the hike to share, and I’ll get to those in just a bit. But first, I’ll briefly talk about my after hike activities.

What can I say? She’s sweet and kind of innocent. Or at least inexperienced. I wouldn’t call her a starfish but she’s not all that interactive either. Cute as hell though. She stayed for an hour or so, then went home to her kids. I was satisfied physically but not emotionally. Not that I expected to be. I am trying to be more realistic these days and see things for what they are as opposed to what I’d like them to be. Maybe I’m just getting tired.
The hike with the Friday group was a good one. We did a reversal of Monday’s upcoming Hash trail (the Hare sent us a map), but of course, we did our own modifications. I somehow got separated from the group at one point, something that rarely happens to me, but we wound up reconnecting further up the trail. My favorite part was climbing up to a different part of Black Rock mountain. I really enjoyed the views from there. See for yourself:

A good day on trail. It’s easy to get sucked into the negative aspects of your life if you focus on the things you don’t have. Being surrounded by nature’s beauty is always a good reminder to me about how lucky I am to live here and to be healthy enough to get out and enjoy it.
Who needs love anyway?
Who needs love[,] anyway?
Robin Williams put the choice between “Miss Right” and “Miss Right Now.”
Nice views of the trail and mountains. I saw that view down to Alta Vista and wondered how wistful you might be after having moved. How happy have you been with your new place? Liking it so far, or do you have ambitions to move elsewhere?
I’m still in Alta Vista, just higher up the hill. That makes everything further away and the climb back home is a pain sometimes. My new place is just okay. A little too small and I like having a place to myself The upstairs neighbors are fine, Hashers in fact, but I can’t let my dogs run loose in the common area, for example. So, I’m keeping my eyes open here in the neighborhood to see if something larger becomes available before I renew my lease.
Hmm, she is cute. One of the. Enter looking that you have shared, though the mask could cover a snaggle-tooth or something likewise horrifying.
McCrarey, i hope your friend didn’t wear that mask when she went down on you. That would kinda suck. (Pun Intended). Peace Out!
QP, she actually has a good set of teeth. That is rarer here than you might imagine.
Soju, I think I mentioned how inexperienced she was… 🙂