I’ve never been a particularly patient man. And lately I seem to be in a perpetual bad mood. Little things I could and should ignore just irk the hell out of me for some reason. Or maybe I’ve just become the proverbial grumpy old man.
My irritation seems to manifest itself most often in bars. Not surprising I suppose since I spend too much time in bars these days. I guess the bar I frequent most often is IDK. They have darts and a reasonably friendly staff. But I stopped in early on Friday night and was served my customary Miller Lite beer. There were a couple of guys playing pool and me alone at the bar. They were playing the crappiest music I’ve ever heard (hip hop?) at an eardrum piercing loud volume. Now, I can tolerate crappy music. I can put up with loud music. But crappy and loud crosses the line. I could have said something I suppose, but it’s not my bar or my place to tell them how to run it. Instead I voted with my feet. Plopped W7000 on the bar (6 for the beer and a tip) stood up and headed for the door. The owner was surprised because I never only have one beer and asked me what’s wrong. I just pointed at my ears, shook my head, and walked out. I was back last night for the dart tournament and the music was played at a more reasonable volume.
I have crossed a couple of other bars off my circuit for various minor irritations. I don’t have to put up with bullshit so why should I? One thing I don’t like is being asked to buy a drink for the bartender. I’m pretty damn generous in that regard and I’ll normally make the offer in due course. I usually do it as a reward for good conversation/friendly service. But not likely if I’m asked or its expected. I understand a lot of the gals make “commission” on drinks they receive, but that whole “juicy girl” routine is not my style. I’d rather be alone than pay for company.
Anyway, if I had a life I wouldn’t be spending so much time in the bars I suppose. It’s a social thing because I do need to get out of the house and be around people. Here in Pyeongtaek most of the bar scene caters to young soldiers, not exactly my demographic. Still, I got drunk with a group of combat engineers the other night. It’s all a little fuzzy but I remember this song was being sung.
Good times!
In other news, I got a series of text messages from the woman who parked her car in my driveway. It was clear she was using a translation app, but I played along. We did the name exchange and the what do you do here thing. She asked me if I had any plans this weekend and I’m thinking “hmm, this might get interesting”. When I said I had nothing going on, she started in on the going to church thing. Damn. Told her I wasn’t religious and didn’t need to be saved. And suddenly she lost interest in chatting. Oh well.
I had a successful work day in Seoul on Thursday and spent a few hours in Shenanigans afterwards. I guess folks were glad to see me, so that was nice.
Left my hotel at 0530 for the drive back to Pyeongtaek and encounter no traffic jams or vehicle malfunctions. Didn’t get lost either. My Waze app did the job even though I didn’t understand a word she was saying. I can follow the arrows!
What an exciting life I’m leading here in the countryside! I’ve got pictures to prove it:

I don’t know if this is a custom restaurant or a costume restaurant. I did note that if I ever get a hankering for dog stew, this is the place to go. And no, I’ve never had nor will I ever have the desire to dine on dog.

Rice planting season is in full swing. I’m told the real joy comes when the start applying fertilizer. Woo Hoo! Something else to look forward to.

Quite a lot of Filipinos in the area. Although contrary to what the sign indicates none were for sale or on the menu…

And this one. I’ll give the city leaders credit, they’ll put a park up anywhere that is not suitable for rice cultivation.
I’ll keep holding on.
Can you help me remember how to smile?
Make it somehow all seem worthwhile
How on earth did I get so jaded?
Life’s mysteries seem so faded
Ohhhh..get u a chemical mask…I can imagine how they clean up Korea syptic tank and damp directly to those farm fields..yakkk!!..and no thanks to that dog soup…eeehh!!!
Haha, what and miss the famous country air?
i think you can get a shot for distemper. check with your local vet. you can also get neutered and outfitted with a flea collar while you are there. peace out!
Well, my bark is worse than my bite. I guess I should just quit dogging it…
Looks and sound nds horrible next to soul
Not sure it is horrible, Samson, just different. Real different.