A poisonous fog descended on the neighborhood across the street from my apartment this morning.
Purportedly the gas cloud kills mosquitoes. I suspect that at best it just causes them to relocate to my side of the street. I’ve never seen them spray over here. And those pesky bastards have been all over my ass (and legs and arms) for most of the summer.

I’ve been zapping the ones I can see with the worthless stuff in the blue can. It just seems to make them hungrier. The green bottle takes some of the itch out of the bite though.
Five more days. Then I can be bitten by the South Carolina variety.
I’ve found Windex to be a much more effective mosquito-killer than F-Killer Blue Label. Windex kills almost everything that flies and has six legs. (I wish I could get hold of the old F-Killer White Label, with the red cap, because that stuff killed mosquitoes dead.)
Or you could get one of these babies.
I wonder why Windex works? That laser thing looks pretty cool though…