I arrived at the VFW forty-five minutes early to try and get some practice in before the dart league games commenced. It wasn’t pretty, as in missing the board entirely far too often and suffering numerous bounce-outs. In less than thirty minutes of warmup throws, I had broken two shafts and destroyed a flight. Having run out of spares, I gave up on practice to ensure I had a functioning set of darts for the competition to come. The good news is that the team I played with yesterday won the match, 12-1. That blemish of a loss was my failed effort in singles cricket. I did prevail in my doubles matches, thanks to having a partner to help carry the load. I managed to hit the winning dart (a double-out in 501) as my only highlight on the afternoon. Yep, I sucked every bit as bad as I feared I would. I don’t recall throwing that poorly, even as a beginner. Well, maybe I’ll be motivated to start practicing at home again and rediscover my lost talent for the game.

The match was over at 4:30, and I hustled across town with the funds needed to feed the Hideaway girls. I picked up a dozen Dunkin’ Donuts on the way as I didn’t have time to bake the usual brownie dessert.

Once again, the vendor woman prepared and delivered the food. It is reasonably priced (less than 100 pesos per meal) and the girls seem to enjoy it.

The thing I dislike the most about dart league is starting at 2:00 in the afternoon. Starting drinking beer at 2:00, I mean. It just throws me off my rhythm. I left Hideaway at 6:30 and headed back towards my side of town with no real destination in mind. I considered crossing the highway and visiting Voodoo (I have a 500 peso voucher coupon), but there was no break in the traffic, so I just decided to use the coupon tonight and kept walking. Wasn’t in a Cheap Charlies mood and proceeded onward toward Whiskey Girl. A voice from the balcony called out as I passed Adam’s bar. It was Eunice, one of my former regulars at Cheap Charlies. Okay, I’ll go up and say hello.
Once inside, another gal whose name I don’t recall but used to work at the floating bar, sat on one side with Eunice on the other. Yep, the girls have me pegged as an easy mark. I made them wait until I finished my first beer before rewarding their patience with a lady drink. It was nice to see them both again, but not enough to stay for a second round.
Back on the street, I continued to make my way in the homeward direction. I’d lost the urge for Whiskey Girl and just kept going until I reached Snackbar. There were surprisingly few customers there, so I sat outside and spent some time catching up with Jenn. Mama was sitting outside the 7/11, so I sent Jenn to get Mama (the umbrella lady) and the Snackbar girls an ice cream cone. The owner arrived a bit later, and we chatted for a bit before I pulled the plug on my night and grabbed a trike home.
I apologize if the excitement of my life is overwhelming. I could be on the cusp of a significant lifestyle change, so I’m doing my best to enjoy these wild days while I can.
re: poor showing at darts
I’m sure you’ll be back to your old, heroic self after some practice.
Joy is back to flashing her teeth, I see.
What is the official tournament height at which a dartboard must be placed? Ah—I just looked it up: 5’8″ or 1.73 m. So that chick in the “It’s been a long time since I participated” photo is really short. Does it feel good to be darting again?
“Does it feel good to be darting again?”
Honestly, not really. I sucked so bad it was on the embarrassing side. IF I decide to play semi-regularly, I’m going to have to up my game considerably. Even then, I’d only play in a tourney or two a week, not league.