Maybe, maybe not. But every little bit helps I suppose.
Yesterday me and my yobo headed up to the mountaintop park across the road from our apartment. Instead of just walking around we availed ourselves to the exercise equipment stationed conveniently throughout the park. It probably didn’t make for a pretty sight but we took pictures anyway.

This thing swings side to side as you shift body weight. It actually reminded me of the snow skiing motion. Hard to believe I use to be a pretty ardent skier…and racquetball player…and softball…

Working the upper body…which requires lifting the weight of your lower body (er, well the seat rises as you pull the bar down). Not sure what the physics of that means…

We took a different trail down from the mountain which dropped us into a new neighborhood. A lovely street scene don’t ya think?

Jee Yeun and I agreed that this house would be perfect for us. If wishes were money it would be ours right now!
Ah well. It was a good day. And we are going to go back for more today as well. Because I definitely don’t want to start carrying this damn thing around again:
UPDATE: And while hopefully my belly will be shrinking, my brain won’t be!