A little off

Things weren’t quite right yesterday. Not horrible or tragic, but moments of disappointment cropped up. Didn’t let them ruin the day, though. When things are a little off, you appreciate when it all comes together that much more.

Another Sunday, another Candy Walk. We altered our course to avoid grumpy old men, but we found ample new faces for chocolate-induced smiles to replace the ones we disappointed with our absence. Swan is also making arrangements with the mother of one of our “regulars” to facilitate the child attending school this year. It’s difficult for people living hand-to-mouth to find money for school uniforms and supplies, and that’s something we are willing to help with. Swan wants to buy the necessities directly, as she fears handing over a lump sum of cash may not result in the desired outcome. What was “off” about the walk? My bladder. I felt like I constantly had to pee, even when there wasn’t much liquid to expel. And I had little to no capacity to hold it in until I found a place to relieve myself. Made for some uncomfortable moments during the walk. It seems somewhat better today. I’m doing a prostate screening in the morning.

Here we go again
Everyone loves the candy girl
…and everywhere
Word spreads like wildfire
Be thankful for your blessings
This carabao let us pass without incident
The river flows
An Easter Mountain view
The new area we traversed yesterday
These kids were giddy with joy
Another new path
Anybody want candy?
That rice doesn’t plant itself
Oh, and I recovered this ribbon from an old Hash trail along the way. Hey, every litter bit helps!
Our modified path was right at 5K

Next up on the Sunday agenda was the Hideaway feeding. Everything was going as it usually does, although there were a few more customers than I’ve seen in a while. I baked blueberry muffins for the girls this week for a change of pace. Things got a little off when I bought Joy a lady drink. She doesn’t do alcohol, and that’s fine by me. When Joy reached for a bottle of Coke, the cashier told her to use the bottle of Sprite that had already been opened. Joy did as she was told, but it really pissed me off. I’m paying 150 pesos for a soft drink; by God, the girl can drink whatever she wants. I’m the fucking customer. Joy kept telling me to calm down; she didn’t care. But that’s not the point. So, I ordered a lady drink for one of the other girls (something I rarely do) and loudly proclaimed, “But only if it’s a Coke.” I guess the cashier got the message because when the food arrived, she didn’t come to my side of the bar to have any. Like I give a shit either way.

Joy enjoying her lasagna and garlic bread

I was happy when it was time to cross the highway and meet Swan at John’s place for our Sunday dinner.

Right after we sat down in our usual seats on the third floor, the skies opened up. Didn’t see that rainfall coming.

Sadly, things were a bit off at John’s, too. Swan ordered her usual glass of red wine, and the waitress returned and advised that red wine was not available. WTF? How does one of the nicest restaurants in town not have wine in stock? It just doesn’t make any sense, and it was disappointing. We make a special effort to eat here each week because it’s good and also to support John’s business. The lack of concern for the customer left me shaking my head.

Swan’s “calm down, it’s no big deal” face

At least the food was good.

Swan had a beef and veggies dish
And I munched on some birria tacos

The rain let up some, so we marched on up the highway in search of our nightcap destination. I offered up IDM or Green Room, and Swan chose Green Room so she could share here leftovers with her waitress friend Chu. But something was off here too–the music was blasting so loud, I got up as soon as I sat down and headed for the door. That is so unlike Green Room. We did Alaska instead, and it was fine overall. They have a pool tourney on Sunday so there was a pretty good crowd. Owner Jerry usually keeps up with the music, but for some reason AC/DC songs were playing one after the other. I’m not a big fan, but I can handle their music in small doses. The music videos with that creepy guitar player in a schoolboy uniform was as irritating as the songs. So, I finished the free beer owner Jerry provided, then moved next door to Wet Spot.

Wet Spot also had a good crowd, including a “two-week millionaire” buying multiple lady drinks for the multitude of gals at his table and ringing the bell to provide shots for the rest of the staff. He spent more money in the thirty minutes I was there than I do in a month. Guys like that keep the bars in business, I suppose. Aine is still ignoring Swan, but there is nothing off about that–it’s our preference!

And that was how my Sunday went down.

Ah, the memories.

Eleven years ago I was a darts master in Itaewon.
Seven years ago I was hiking the backroads of Pyeongtaek
Five years ago the Hash made me a birthday cake

Today’s YouTube video features the SOB dance team from La Oficina. They are one of my favorites.

Even my humor is off a little more than usual:

Been there, done that
I’m sure he had the breast of intentions
It’s a real conpundrum for sure.

I’ve had another lazy day today. And I’ve decided not to Hash either. Once again, the trail begins and ends at the end of Rizal Extension. Vienna Sausage is the Hare and his trails generally don’t suit me. And I don’t feel like wearing a Hash cake this week. I’m thinking I might walk the My Bitch trail, stop by the Hash On-Home, the leave before the circle begins. Or maybe I won’t bother at all. I’ve got about thirty minutes to make up my mind.

6 thoughts on “A little off

  1. Here we go again

    Is she waving at you or waving you off, as in, “Stop photographing me!”?

    Oh, and I recovered this ribbon from an old Hash trail along the way. Hey, every litter bit helps!

    Yay! More like this.

    And that was how my Sunday went down.

    Sorry there were so many little hitches.

    I’ll be curious to know how you resolved your Hash conundrum. Your actual birthday is tomorrow, yes?

  2. Don’t know the whole details, but my father had a similar persistent problem with always feeling like he had to pee. Turned out it was a minor blockage (or narrowing, not sure which) of the urethra. Minor procedure to fix that and all was good after that.

    I’ve had days like yours before. Weird, but just a small series of events that make the whole day seem off. Fortunately, they don’t happen very often, and I guess that is why we remember them.

    That would piss me off also about the lady drink in the Hideaway. Since you are paying, makes no sense that don’t give her her choice of pop and try and give her an already opened one. :shrug

    Here’s to better days ahead.

  3. Brian, it’s better than it was. Still dealing with frequency and urgency, but that might be old age.

    If those minor bumps are the worst complaints I have, I’m a lucky man. But they still chill your buzz.

  4. Waving at or off? Maybe a little of both!

    Those ribbons are a pain to remove. I need to carry a knife or scissors–the knots are hard to untie.

    Yep, I’m officially 69 today. I’ll be writing about the nightmare Hash in today’s post.

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