The Hares laid a short but challenging trail this week, and I fell for it. We began and ended at the 13 Resort in Calapandayan. The trail started with a mild uphill on pavement followed by a steep and treacherous downward path covered in slippery leaves and ankle-grabbing vines. I had a couple of close calls along the way but never hit the ground. Then there was another up, but it wasn’t too bad. Coming down the other side, our trail was covered in a sheet of trampled grass. It wasn’t as slick as ice, but it was close enough. My feet decided to go airborne, and I wound up on my ass. The only blood I spilled was from a scraped elbow, so I’ve got nothing to complain about.

A bit of over-indulgence yesterday, but that’s what the Hash is all about.

From the LTG archives is this post from my first Thanksgiving in Korea, where I reflect on all that I had to be thankful for. Everything changes.
Eleven years ago, I was reflecting in the mountains of Seoul.

When you are living rich in a poor country, it is sometimes easy to overlook what life is like when you are living poor. I enjoyed this vlogger’s storytelling so much I’ve now subscribed to her channel.
Humor me:

I’ll be continuing my tour guide duties this evening by accompanying Jay to Alley Cats for the Tuesday dart tournament. I won’t be playing, however. Not sure what we will do after that, but I have an SOB coupon I need to use at Alaska Club. We’ll see.
Interesting video. I am a pretty simple guy, but a hard nope on the apartment she is living in.
Like most people, my living tastes and styles have expanded as my disposable income has increased. What would have been acceptable 25 years ago wouldn’t work today. LOL
Brian, I hear ya! Sometimes, I fantasize about living a simple provincial life, but no way I could go to that extreme. My mountain friend Onelia doesn’t even have electricity. I couldn’t live without Wi-Fi…
It wasn’t as slick as ice, but it was close enough. My feet decided to go airborne, and I wound up on my ass.
Those Hashes can be dangerous, can’t they.
re: tour-guide duties
Seems to be enjoyable thus far. Robin Williams referred to Canada as “a loft apartment over a really cool party.”
Try not to fall on your ass too much, drunk or not.
Kev, Yeah, there are always dangers on trail, whether with the Hash or not. Now, the Corona Hash is notorious for doing intentionally dangerous stuff on their Hash runs, which is why I’ve elected not to participate with them. We had a Hare like that in Subic, but I shortcut around his bullshit.
That’s a good line from Robin Williams. I’ll have to steal it!