Actually, many bitter pills to swallow.
I took the afternoon off work to go on a quest to find the Good Morning Hospital. My Waze app, despite being in Korean, got me there with no problemo. Finding the parking lot was another story. But eventually I did.

I was without a clue (shuddup!) when I walked in the doors of GMH so I was happy to see the Foreigner information desk.
And the English spoken here was surprisingly good. Noteworthy in fact. So the way it works is you tell these folks why you are there (COPD) and then they walk you over to the appropriate physician and serve as your translator. Well, my main goal was to get some prescription refills and make sure I didn’t have anything else to worry about The pulmonary doc I saw didn’t seem to be all that concerned so either he doesn’t give a shit or I am not in any immediate danger. He did take an x-ray and told me I don’t have pneumonia. So there’s that.

They’ve already given me an affectionate nickname at Good Morning– Jo*. Hell, I’ve been called worse.
Anyway, another nice feature is they fill your prescriptions right there at the hospital. Easy Peazy. Although two of the drugs I requested were not available, so I’ll have to find them on the economy I reckon.
Anyway, the hospital is about 15 minutes away by car and I’m glad to know where it is in case of emergency.
When I got back to the house there was ANOTHER car parked in my carport. What the hell? I called the number on the windshield and a woman answered. Apparently she was getting her hair done at the salon across the street from my palace. She came running out all apologetic and she was pretty cute for a fortyish gal (meaning hadn’t gone full ajumma). I tried to flirt a little bit, but alas, her English was next to non-existent. And of course with my limited Korean all I could have asked is get me a beer please. By way of explanation she did go to Google translate on her phone which told me that my house had been vacant for a long time and she thought that it still was. Fair enough.
Tomorrow I’ll be driving up to Seoul to attend a couple of three meetings. Will spend the night, take leave on Friday, and come back down to Pyeongtaek for the long Memorial Day weekend.
Ain’t life grand?