My nuggets got Leeched

I made some ill-advised prediction that Monday’s Hash trail could not compare with what I experienced in La Union on Saturday, despite Leech My Nugget’s reputation as one of the toughest Hares in Subic. Well, Leech’s trail wasn’t as long and high as the La Union adventure, but it was an ass-kicker regardless. And to make matters worse, a small group of us made an ill-fated attempt to shortcut that proved more difficult than if we had just suffered through the remainder of the Hare’s trail. For me, the worst part were the ground-level vines that were constantly trying to trip me up. I stumbled several times, but never fell. Hey, shit happens, and you just have to deal. You can always whine about it later on your blog.

I’m tired after my journey to Manila today (I will report on that adventure tomorrow), so I’ll let the Hash photos do most of the talking:

We met up on the far side of Subic town, across the highway from Waltermart
The Hash Gash waiting to begin the trail
And we are On-On!
On the busy main street of Magnan-Vaca
…and over the bridge
Walking the same riverbank I videoed last week, only in the opposite direction
Back on the pavement
And headed for the hills
I got a kick out of this fountain of youth
Walking the plank
A big ol’ downed tree
And then we started climbing
On the up and up
Jesus Christo!
The hidden vines that would grab you as you walked made things even harder
Swan says she likes the climbs
The view from here
Bamboo can be a bitch, too
Vines grow on trees as well
Speaking of trees, here’s one I liked
And then there was this. I’m not sure I would have made it up without a helping hand
Luckily, Action Man was there to offer one
It was a struggle
But we all made it to the top
And we were rewarded with this view of Easter Mountain
Those hillside houses across the valley are the Alta Vista subdivision
And that’s the one I call home
And then the trail headed down
And of course, back up again
But in due course, we found our way down again. I would love to know the history of abandoned dreams like this one.
And at last we arrived at our On-Home venue, the One-Three Resort

I made a two-minute video to celebrate successfully completing the trail.

My cadre didn’t finish until two and a half hours after we started. So, the Circle commenced before I had finished my first beer!

The price you pay for paying the Hash fees last
Leech’s trail is in yellow, the purple is our silly shortcut effort.

My stats upon completion of the trail:

At least according to the MapMyWalk app. No way I had the same elevation gain as I did in La Union. Still, you can see how freakin’ long it took me to walk less than 6K. It was tough going!
My heart rate didn’t climb as high as it did on Saturday, but it was pounding regardless.

After the Hash, we triked out to It Doesn’t Matter for some more comradery. And I was fine after ten Zero’s for the day.

And stayed under the calorie budget to boot!

Here’s another installment from The Story of My Life recounting how I spent a day off work in the early days of my Korea adventure.

From Facebook memories comes the reminder that this wasn’t the first time I was a victim of Leech My Nuggets trail setting:

Five years ago, I received my Hash shirt commemorating the consequences of trespassing on a Philippines Navy base. In Leech’s defense, there were no signs warning us that we were not welcome. And yes, I’ve noticed the misspelling of “ungodly.”

Today’s YouTube video is from a vlogger I’ve never watched previously, but he tells the story of a foreigner being arrested for being in the company of an unrelated minor. It doesn’t matter if she is your girlfriend’s child or not; without blood or adopted relationship, you are technically in violation of the law, and you can be jailed for what is deemed a non-bailable offense. Some readers may recall that when I first moved into this house with Swan, I told her that her teenage sister could not remain living here. She briefly stayed in one of the basement maid’s rooms, with the understanding that she was not allowed upstairs unless Swan was present. The sister has now departed the basement as well, which is for the best. My number one priority is NEVER to see the inside of a Filipino jail.

Stuff that might be considered funny:

Why, yes! Yes I do!
Yeah, that’s some cheesy humor
Nothing to get pumped up about

And there you have, the almost unheard of two posts in one day here at LTG. You are welcome! Or maybe I should say I’m sorry. One of those.

4 thoughts on “My nuggets got Leeched

  1. Re: Burning season. You mentioned burning season in a post a couple of days ago. Does it have much effect on the air quality? Bangkok has been getting slammed over the past 1-2 months. AQI regularly hits the high 200’s+. Burning season and alot of the problem comes from neighboring countries. In that respect, I assume the PI would not get hit quite as hard as it is an island.

  2. I got a kick out of this fountain of youth

    That’s based on the famous Manneken Pis.

    Bamboo can be a bitch, too

    Korea’s bike trails have lots of surprise bamboo groves, but they’re usually manicured so as not to impede travelers. I’ve always had fantasies of sneaking out to a grove and cutting myself a walking stick, but I don’t want to awaken the bamboo gods.

    And we were rewarded with this view of Easter Mountain

    Ah, there’s a different angle.

    At least according to the MapMyWalk app. No way I had the same elevation gain as I did in La Union. Still, you can see how freakin’ long it took me to walk less than 6K. It was tough going!

    Yeah, the step count is fairly low, but relative to the rest of the data, that trail seemed almost brutal.

    After the Hash, we triked out to It Doesn’t Matter for some more comradery. And I was fine after ten [Zeros] for the day.

    “camaraderie”? It’s a French word, from camarade, or “comrade.” A camarade de classe is a “classmate.” And again—ten! God, your poor kidneys.

    My [number-one] priority is NEVER to see the inside of a Filipino jail.

    Hard to control if you’re drunk off your ass and acting obnoxiously. Worst-case scenario: get so drunk you don’t remember what you did, then wake up in jail having pissed your pants. No access to your meds, your equipment, your lady…

  3. Kev, damn, that little pisser is over 400 years old! Thanks for the interesting link.

    I don’t recall seeing much bamboo in Korea, but it is ubiquitous here. It is probably the number one construction material for shanties.

    Yeah, the camaraderie spelling didn’t look familiar…should have double-checked. I won’t make that mistake again! I had zero Zeros last night (or anything else containing alcohol).

    I’ve had a lifetime of drinking and have never done anything illegal while drunk (except for occasionally driving, but I don’t drive anymore). Much more likely that I’d fall down or get run over than wind up in jail.

  4. Brian, the Philippines is over 7000 islands! But yeah, the air quality is nothing like what Thailand has been experiencing. Sometimes the normally pristine blue skies get hazy from the fire smoke, but it doesn’t last long.

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