One day at a time

It sometimes feels as if I’m living that old soap opera saying: Like sands through an hourglass, so are the days of our lives. One aspect of growing older is that you never know just how much sand you have left. I guess no one ever knows when the time will run out; older folks just think about it more often. At least I do. The other side of that coin is wondering if I’m wasting the days that remain. Yeah, my life revolves around routines, and as regular readers of LTG are painfully aware, there isn’t much new or exciting going on in the final chapters of the story of my life. But it occurs to me that’s okay. As I sat with Swan yesterday, enjoying cold beverages, good food, and bay views, I had a feeling of tranquility and contentment with this path I’ve chosen. You never know what the future brings, and everything can change in the blink of an eye. But for now, a nothing day like yesterday was oddly fulfilling.

So, my Tuesdays begin with a journey to the Royal supermarket on SBMA. As I entered the building, I was reminded that the “ber months” are definitely upon us.

It’s time to hang those Christmas decorations. During my walks, I hear Christmas music being played inside some houses that I pass.

Sometimes, shopping involves resisting temptation. Some temptations are easier to resist than others.

Now, Breyers has always been my favorite brand of ice cream. And Snickers is my favorite flavor. And it is even on sale! But excuse me, over eleven dollars for a half-gallon of ice cream? Ain’t gonna happen, no matter how good it is. The brand I buy costs half of that.

When lunch time rolled around, I was reminded that these are my salad days.

And Swan can concoct a masterpiece. (Ignore the onions, Kevin)

I wasn’t sure what to do with our Tuesday evening. I know Swan always craves a beach view, but Baloy or Barretto? Hmm. I decided on Barretto, but on the side of town we rarely visit these days.

First stop, Outback.
The view from our perch. It was here that I felt the satisfaction of living this life I’m living.
And the woman I’m sharing it with

The RSL (Returned Services League, the Australian veteran’s organization) was having their post-meeting bar crawl in the indoor bar, and some members came out for a smoke. A friend of Swan’s came by to say hello, and we had a nice chat. And he bought me a beer!

The Outback poolside bar

We walked up the beach to Mango’s when it was time for dinner.

The beach walk view. Those aren’t smoke signals; the locals are burning the driftwood that the high tide left behind.
We were the only customers for the duration of our visit to Mango’s
A beach view from here
And another
Dinner is served. Grilled pork chops, our favorite.
Enjoying the sunset for dessert

The next stop was Whiskey Girl bar, a venue we hadn’t visited for several months.

Oddly enough, all my old favorites remembered me and welcomed me back. Naturally, I reciprocated with a round of lady drinks.

We had our nightcap at Queen Victoria, another seldom-visited bar. Swan surprised me by ordering a Mai Tai cocktail instead of wine. I sensed this wasn’t going to end well when I saw the size of the drink she was served.

Life is for learning
Lesson learned

I’ve been floored before, so I’m not one to talk. And she wasn’t down there long. It is a rare occurrence when Swan over-indulges, but it didn’t ruin an otherwise fine day full of the pleasures that come with nothingness.

I do sometimes plan ahead for some adventure and excitement. Yesterday, I reserved spots for Swan and me to participate in the La Union Hash anniversary run in October and the Haggis Bash Hash (also in La Union) in early December. So, now I have even more to live for!

They have something called GCash here, which is a popular money transfer system. I have declined to sign up because I’m an old codger who doesn’t adapt well to new technology. So, when I need to do things like pay for Hash runs, I use Swan’s account.

Tomorrow morning, I’ll be visiting the cardiologist and hoping for some positive outcomes. I’ve been feeling well and breathing better, so I want to make sure I can keep it that way.

These numbers include today’s hike with a smallish hill climb, and it looks pretty good to my untrained eye.

No memories or politics to share today, sorry about that!

The YouTube video for today is the opposite of yesterday. This guy talks about why he left the USA. Obviously, I can’t say that I blame him. If you live on a limited income from Social Security, you can definitely live better here. It’s still not ideal, and I don’t recommend it, but to each his own.

To the humor then:

I guess this is no joke. I don’t eat wieners much, but I’ve never washed one.

Speaking of wieners…

Sucks to be her
I’m confused

And so concludes another post about the days gone by. Here’s hoping there are many more to come!

6 thoughts on “One day at a time

  1. There is nothing wrong with being content with routine, but at the same time, I get the impression that you want something different (at least occasionally).

    Hardest thing is to overcome that internal inertia and try something new. You keep talking about traveling to the Philippines and beyond……….. Really nothing stopping you. You are (reasonably) healthy and have no financial problems so just do it.

    Maybe there is something to be said in making a bucket list.

  2. Brian, maybe passion is the first thing to die. I gave up darts a couple of years ago now and don’t really miss playing. My retirement plans included frequent international travel, but now, other than the occasional overnight getaway to the beach, it seems I can’t be bothered. So, yeah, I seem to have grown lazy and unmotivated in my old age. I guess the good thing is I’m still enjoying my life, such as it is. Perhaps making firm plans (and paying for them) like the upcoming La Union trips is the way to go. I ain’t giving up yet!

  3. I’ve always wondered about the wintry motifs on the Christmas products in a snowless furnace like the PI. Dreams of snow die hard, I guess, even among the hot, sweaty natives.

    re: Kirk/Spock gayness

    Long the topic of so-called “slash fiction,” i.e., gay/lesbian sex-fantasy fan fiction.

    Yeah, my life revolves around routines, and as regular readers of LTG are painfully aware, there isn’t much new or exciting going on in the final chapters of the story of my life. But it occurs to me that’s okay.

    If you’re happy and not harming anyone, there you go. Just get off your ass and get curious once in a while instead of being ruled by your ever-shrinking attention span. It always saddens me to see the incurious, the ones who don’t even know there are more questions to be asked, more rabbit holes to go down.

    re: ice cream

    A pint of Häagen-Dazs is around W13,000 here in Seoul (almost $10). A pint! Ice cream is cheaper, though, if you stick to the cheap, crappy, no-name brands.

    (Ignore the onions, Kevin)

    How can I ignore them when they seem to be looking right at me like a menacing, multiocular angel with bloodshot eyes??

    And the woman I’m sharing it with

    That’s another thing to like about Swan/Cums Alone: she doesn’t seem to be an immature, spoiled drama queen. You write only rarely about conflicts with her, and in 2 out of 3 cases, those conflicts turn out to be the result of misunderstandings, easily resolved through simple communication. That’s healthy. It’s how relationships are supposed to work. Either that, or you’re hiding some terrible truth about how she straps you to your bed, ball-gags you, then works you into a sexual lather until you’re unable to breathe. Which is just a prelude to the whips and hog-tying thongs. This darker Swan probably has a tee shirt that says, “Never leave bruises. Never.”

    If not, I’ll make her one. Lemme know.

    Dinner is served. Grilled pork chops, our favorite.

    Every time I look at the pineapple, I see it as shrimp. It’s almost gray.

    Lesson learned

    Did she tell you to apply the smiley face?

    I’ve been feeling well and breathing better, so I want to make sure I can keep it that way.

    Enjoy your lucky genes. Fucker. I’ll be lucky to make it to 60.

    Keep on keeping on.

  4. McCrowley has no financial problems????? Bruh he can’t even afford his favorite ice cream lol!!!!!

  5. Kev, yeah, when I hear the carols like “Walking In A Winter Wonderland,” I’m like, how would you know? You’ve never even seen snow. But good for the folks who find comfort in three months of Christmas cheer.

    “It always saddens me to see the incurious”

    I’m curious what you mean by that… 🙂 But seriously, I need to try a little harder to share some adventures with Swan and make some memories for her.

    You may not like onions, but they like you!

    Nope, Swan is not a drama queen; that’s one of the things I love most about her. I’m also really happy that she is not mindlessly jealous. She took the photo of me with the Whiskey Girls and wasn’t bothered by me treating them to a drink. Naturally, I don’t do anything provocative like touching or flirting, of course. Swan shares my philosophy that the girls work hard for low pay, and a lady drink commission is a small act of charity on their behalf. And nope, she hasn’t tried anything overly kinky or masochistic on me. Yet.

    Yes, Swan added the smiley face to that photo. It really wasn’t that risqué (she was wearing shorts), but she thought her panties were showing. At least she didn’t make me delete it!

    I think 60 will just be the milestone you remember when looking back on your walk in Spain. You got this!

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