Doctor, doctor, give me the news

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, the appointment with Dr. DeLeon went well. I dated a doctor once, and she told me medical practice was as much an art as a science. There are rarely clear-cut answers leading to diagnosis; it’s more a process of elimination. Since it was my first meeting with Dr. DeLeon, she took the time to explore my pulmonary history, beginning with that first diagnosis of COPD eight years ago. We talked about the drugs I’m taking for that condition, the symptoms I’ve been experiencing, and their varying degrees of severity. She wants a chest x-ray to get a clearer picture of the current situation and some blood work for additional assessments. The pulmonary function tests I want are not available at the new UniCare Hospital yet, so we will schedule those at Baypointe Hospital.

Based on the information currently available, Dr. DeLeon believes the most likely cause of my recent exacerbation of breathing issues was triggered by a virus, and when coupled with my existing COPD condition, caused the symptoms I’ve been suffering under. She prescribed a five-day antibiotics regimen and seven days of steroids. I’ll make a follow-up appointment when I get the aforementioned test results back.

I continue to feel like I’m making progress. The lowest reading on my oximeter has been 93%, the others have been 95 and above. I slept through through the night. I’m no longer experiencing discomfort from acid reflux symptoms. I did my long dog walk this morning and didn’t suffer much.

This little hill in the neighborhood has kicked my ass lately, leaving me breathless. Today I was a tad winded, but nothing like before.

I also did a 7K+ flat street walk this morning. I wasn’t as strong or as fast as usual, but it felt good to be out and about again.

My evening on the town last night went well too. We started out at BarCelona.

The rainy day view from our perch at BarCelona
The girl who came along with me
I’m told the bar gets busier later in the evening. It’s a nice place, and the three flights of steps getting here was a tad easier this time.

We didn’t stay too long at BarCelona because I had a wallet full of SOB coupons to use or lose. So, we headed downstairs to the Green Room. I gave Swan a “buy a lady drink, get a customer drink free” coupon while I used the remainder of my 1500 peso voucher. That lady’s drink made our regular waitress, Chu, very happy. When our other regular, Lea, came to the table, I got her a lady drink too, and Chu used Swan’s coupon again, giving Swan a second glass of wine on the house. And the party was on!

Now, I’m not a big spender, but I can be generous. So, the lady drinks at my table kept flowing. I bought some snacks and finger foods for sharing as well.

Peanut vendor Emmanuel selling his wares at our table.
Chu and Lea sure do love the peanuts!
Lumpia and chicken fingers from Sit-n-Bull as well

I spent a tad over 2000 pesos on my quest to be generous. Two tourists came in and sat at the table next to mine. A few minutes later they were surrounded by twenty girls or so, and damn, they bought them ALL drinks. And pizza. I’m sure they didn’t get out of there for less than 10,000 pesos.

That’s the two-week millionaires and their entourage behind me. Hey, no criticism. Good for the bar and good for the girls. Not my style, but so what.

Swan’s three glasses of wine put her over the limit, so we headed for home a little after seven. Swan allowed me to break my ice cream fast with some pecan pie a la mode.

With Oreo cookie crumbs on top, no less.

It was a good day, and hopefully better days are yet to come.

Is this politics or humor? I guess both.

Our current VP does suck, I’ll grant her that.

Today’s YouTube video discusses five major construction projects taking place in the Philippines, including a new airport in metro Manila, which is sorely needed. That solar panel farm was disgusting and didn’t appear environmentally friendly. Why not just build a nuclear plant? Well, this is the PI, and given the construction standards and lack of maintenance, maybe that’s not a good idea either.

Shall we take a stab at humor?

If it ain’t white, it ain’t right…
I guess canned beef could be “can a bull”
Embrace the challenge
Well, she has a nice smile. Put that mouth to work to pay those bills!

Yeah, I’m a bad boy but I’m behaving. I invited Swan to Kon Tiki this evening. Let’s hope the rain holds off.

Dr. DeLeon is very attractive. Not that it matters.

3 thoughts on “Doctor, doctor, give me the news

  1. Well, she has a nice smile. Put that mouth to work to pay those bills!

    That’s a scene from “Star Trek: Picard.” Captain Rios (Santiago Cabrera) has traveled back in time and engages in flirty banter with a doctor at a hospital whose clients are mostly illegal aliens. The show, being Star Trek, missed a chance at slipping in some “alien” jokes. Too PC for that, I guess. Anyway, as I was watching the show, I thought that that actress (Sol Rodríguez) was cute, too.

    Am glad you have a better idea as to what might be going on, and it sounds as if the symptoms are improving on their own a bit. I’ll be curious to hear what virus, exactly, is in your system. Good luck with further testing and the new meds.

  2. Thanks, Kevin. Didn’t recognize the actress, but beauty transcends memory loss. And they can all be porn stars in our imagination!

    Yes, it feels good to feel good again. I want to stay on this road as far as it goes!

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