I in-vested three hundred with the Hash

Yesterday was a special Hash for me–the three hundredth time I participated in an SBH3 run.

The recognition
The vested award
It’s nice on ice!

Not for the first or last time, I deviated from the path plotted by the Hare and made my own way. I walked from my house to the start, but just wasn’t feeling it when I reached the hill climb portion of the trail. All reports say it was not a bad up and now I regret wimping out. Still, you have to listen to your gut and given the sorry state of my lungs, I opted for prudence.

The Hare’s trail
My trail was a tad over 5K start to finish

Both trails ended at our On-Home venue–Red Bar.

This is the only girly bar venue on our list of On-Home locations. Of course, we are there before the dancing starts, but there were some cuties milling about.
The Hash Gash in attendance
My table mates, Gasman and 18 Kilo Ass. I’m not sure who that guy in the middle is…

After the Hash Circle was completed, I joined the group for the after-Hash at It Doesn’t Matter. After a couple more unneeded beers, I made my way home via trike.

It was another rough night, breathing-wise. This time, I was lying in bed, and the wheezing noise when I exhaled was keeping me awake. I decided to get up and put on my headphones to drown out the annoying sound with music. Then, I had an idea and went to the closet to retrieve a pillow.

My special pillow

I never wheeze when standing or sitting, so I figured avoiding lying flat in bed might help. It worked! I wasn’t sitting completely upright, but a 3/4 posture seemed to do the trick. The wheezing stopped, and I had a decent night’s sleep. A 96 reading on the oximeter this morning, so perhaps whatever it is that ails me can be satiated by a Jefferson-style sleeping posture.

I recall taking a tour of Jefferson’s Monticello home way back when. His bedroom featured a short bed, and the tour guide explained that Jefferson advocated sleeping upright.

So, I’ll see how this sleep style works out going forward.

Another beautiful morning in paradise. Loved the clouds on the mountaintops today.
More beauty on the dog walk.

The Philippines is a land of volcanos, and one was rumbling last week.It’s not near me, but we do have our share here in Luzon, including the infamous Mt. Pinatubo. Anyway, I need a YouTube video for today, and this one is mildly interesting, although the narration is a tad irritating.

And, um, you can cleanse your palate with these:

I’m a big Elton John fan, so this really blew me away.
Ain’t that the shits?

6 thoughts on “I in-vested three hundred with the Hash

  1. Another rough sleep for me as well, John. I climbed out of bed just as my alarms started to go off and made my way out for a smoke. The floor is like a minefield I have to delicately maneuver over. The apartment is a complete shit heap. Again. There’s clothes strewn everywhere, empty beer cans, empty liquor bottles, books that the ex just threw on the floor as she rummaged through the desk for a charger cable she alleged I was hiding from her. There’s even leftover cheesy nachos mashed into the carpet from when her and I fought and one of us knocked them on to the ground. There’s an omnipresent smell of mildew and cat piss that I can’t seem to find the source of. I cautiously opened a pizza box on the counter, from food that we ordered the night she got out. The pizza is covered in blue/green mold and the toppings are hidden beneath a sea of writhing maggots. It’s not even been a week and all my (not so) hard work getting the place cleaned up has already been undone.

    Outside isn’t much better. There’s cigarette butts all over the porch from when the ex took the ashtray inside to smoke and either forgot it was in the house or didn’t care, so just threw her cigarettes on the ground. There’s shards of glass everywhere from when she threw empty beer bottles at the wall. There’s books all over the ground from the trash bag full of books she acquired when she was in jail. The barrier I assembled in front of the window to keep my cat from escaping and to hide from casual onlookers there’s no glass in the frame has been completely demolished from when she tried to climb in through the window after I locked her out.

    But this can all wait for another day to get sorted. Nine beers left in the fridge and some vodka still on the counter. Let’s go!

  2. Congrats on 300! And nice merch to go with the occasion. They call it a “run,” but it’s more like a sweaty lurch for most of you.

    My table mates, Gasman and 18 Kilo Ass.

    Good to see 18-Kilo Ass again. In that lighting, the other guy looks like a raccoon. Or a boxer who took a shot to each eye.

    I never wheeze when standing or sitting, so I figured avoiding lying flat in bed might help. It worked!

    I did that for both of my COVID bouts, but I discovered, with my own most recent breathing problems, that difficulty breathing while lying flat can be a sign of heart failure. I doubt that’s what’s up with you, but have you been checked for things like your ejection fraction (heart’s pumping strength)?

    Ain’t that the shits?

    That joke’s been around since forever. I recall it as a Bob Dole thing when people were picking on him for being so old.

    This breathing issue keeps coming back. Could it be Ye Olde COPD? I wish scientists would develop hearts and lungs out of advanced nanomaterials, organs that could last forever and would never be rejected by the body.

    Have you seen those freaky continuous-flow artificial hearts? Patients who receive them have no pulse because the heart doesn’t beat.

  3. We still have a couple of runners in our Hash, but us stumblers are in the majority.

    The lighting in Red Bar gives everything a reddish tint. I’m not sure what Scott used to filter that out.

    I had to get cardiologist clearance before going under for surgery, and the heart was fine. Or so I was led to believe.

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure my current breathing issues are COPD-related. I just need to minimize the impact as best as I am able and get on with living my life, such as it is. I haven’t heard of artificial hearts, it sounds freaky to live a pulse-free life.

  4. A walk through your apartment sounds like quite the adventure, Thompson. It seems you are living life on your terms, so do what makes you happy!

    “We are all alone, born alone, die alone, and — in spite of True Romance magazines — we shall all someday look back on our lives and see that, in spite of our company, we were alone the whole way. I do not say lonely — at least, not all the time — but essentially, and finally, alone. This is what makes your self-respect so important, and I don’t see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your happiness.”
    Hunter S. Thompson

  5. Re: Sleeping upright. In addition to Jefferson, LIncoln did the same thing. Visited his house in Springfield IL and was surprised by the short length of the bed. The tour guide said that it was pretty common back then for people to sleep semi upright.

    Anyway, hope things improve with the lungs/blood O2, etc. At least back to the “old” normal.

  6. Brian, yeah, I can see the potential benefits, but I’m still trying to find that sweet spot.

    I’m facing the fact that I’m old, and some of my complaints are just part of the aging process. I’m still not going down without a fight, though!

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