This past week I flowed into DEERS, got my CAC, registered in DBIDS and submitted my SAAR. Now I have full access to all the amenities on the Army post, although I’m still awaiting approval to utilize the NIPRNet. Perhaps tomorrow.
I was also successful in getting Jee Yeun base access. The first thing she did when she got her ID card was to go to the PX. The second thing she did was ask for an increase in her allowance. I told my boss I might not be able to afford working again.
It was a short week given that Friday was a holiday (my first paid holiday in over four years). And without network access there was much “real” work I could accomplish. I’ve gotten most of the in-processing stuff out of the way though. Still need to attend a security briefing and register at the base hospital.
In other news, Dolce Vita has thrown in the towel on their long running Friday night dart tourneys. Competition in other places pretty much did them in. I remained loyal until the end with DV, but this week I found myself in the belly of the beast at Sin Bin Sports Pub. My partner and I made it to the finals undefeated but that took until after midnight. We were both tired and ready to call it a night so we agreed to not play the finals and split the winnings for 1st and 2nd place 50-50. Heh, a win-win if you will.
Last night found me out with some friends from the UK to celebrate a birthday. Not America’s, a guy from Wales. Still, I reminded him that he wasn’t the only one with a birthday! Actually had a grand time. Did some drinking at Shenanigans, then galbi at a place I had tried before (tasty enough, but the portions seemed small), and then we finished the festivities at Dolce Vita. A nice night.

My Brit friends were very gracious in their Independence Day comments. Turns out, they even have a July 4 in the UK. Who knew?
Now I’m fixing to head out to the commissary to restock the cabinets and fridge which have been severely depleted during my working hiatus. This time Jee Yeun will be able to accompany me which should reduce the pain-in-the-ass factor by half.
And that’s my story.