Who says that this reality is the best reality?

Y’all may have noticed that LTG reader and commenter EuroYank has recently graced these humble pages with pithy remarks and links to places where only the brave (or insane) dare to tread.  And no one supports the value of a diversity of opinion more than I.

So, it is in that spirit that I feel compelled to provide you a link to his blog.  Make sure you read this post.  It literally made me shake my head in wonder.  Satire at its finest?  Or access to better stuff than they sell in Amsterdam? 

Whatever the answer, the alternate universe he imagines is something to behold.  You can’t make this stuff up!  Er, well, he can apparently.  But you know what I mean.

Don’t miss it!



9 thoughts on “Who says that this reality is the best reality?

  1. Sorry John my blogs are meant to inspire the readers to think for themselves, they di not necessarily represent my points of view. I like to sir up the pot, and in that spirit I have 16 blogs, not just the one you link to.

  2. Also I have never been to Amsterdam, but have been to the place that sends you your checks. They are the ones that really should start smoking and maybe then they will reflect more, and hold back on the red ink.

  3. I think you should take issue with the BBC report if you don’t believe the claims in it. It is disingenuous to imply EuroYank has created another reality. One does not have to be a conspiracy nut to acknowledge the CIA has done some pretty bad things in the past and most likely continue to do so. We know of coups in Iran and Panama, Haiti. Frankly, it’s down right naive to dismiss the accuracy of the BBC report. I find that when people are too lazy to consider something out of their comfort zone they resort to rather childish accusations. They try to diminish the content by mocking the messenger. Amsterdam? Really? Cheap and childish shot.

  4. I would suggest that Americans would look more than twice when their Government puts out an ‘official commission’ response. Especially after the Warren Commission on JFK and the excellent argument for a conspiracy by Garrison.
    It is only when you are subjected to Faux News and US mainstream media that you begin to identify the ‘get on the bandwagon’ type of propaganda.
    This is a definite False Flag attack when one examines the investigation that has been completed by architects, structural engineers, demolition experts, etc from around the world. The planes didn’t bring down the WTC and Bldg 7 wasn’t hit by a plane. And of the 86 Pentagon cameras none saw a passenger air plane hit. And, come on the Pentagon is the most protected building in the world.
    So, once you debunk the ‘Commission’ findings of ‘building collapse due to fire’…similar to the ‘magic bullet’ that was identified in Garrison’s argument then the truth begins to shine through.
    Lastly, the Taliban along with bin Laden were “Freedom Fighters” working for the US and armed via the CIA during the Soviet occupation. They only worry about internal Afghanistan, Pakistan and their tribal lands. All of a sudden they are the ‘enemy’??
    The US govt needed an excuse to enter Afghanistan in order to take Iraq. There were no WMD and Bush needed a pretext to enter Iraq in order for the Carlyle Group to profit from the oil. Britain entered because BP Oil wanted their share. Also, ultimately to block China from the oil if Saddam started to sell it to them…lastly, the banking cartel was afraid that Saddam would start using the Euro instead of the US greenback.
    If you trust the CIA and their version of the truth then c’est la vie. Just reading about how the CIA black ops got caught in Senator Mary Landrieu’s office in the New Orleans Federal Building. Just the same old conspiracy stuff going back to Nixon era!!
    So, would I believe the BBC over the US Govt and CIA — you betcha!!

  5. The CIA has better access to stuff better than anything in Amsterdam. While one can only guess at the level of involvement the CIA has / does have with the drug industry, I think its not really a debatable fact:


    Nor is the face that both Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein had a history with the CIA. A lot of cenjecture, certainly, absolutely nuts, maybe not.

    I think of conspiracy theories this way, most are absolute nuts, some are just entertaining, some of them have nuggets of truth to them, but one in a hundred ends up being absolutely true and turns people´s preconceived notions of the world on their head. One excellent example of that is Operation Gladio:


  6. John….thank you for the blog link of EuroYank. He has great information that really needs to be looked into.

    I too…always wondered about Osama Bin Laden and who he’s really working for! Who do you think pays him John?

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