Welcome to my nightmare

In celebration of ten years of blogging here at LTG, each week for the next 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32

 313029 28 27 26 2524 23 22 2120 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 weeks I will delve deep into the sewer archives of past posts to bring you a tidbit of blog history.  I had originally planned to call this series “The best of LTG”, but damn, there just wasn’t much “best” to be found.  And mediocre is too hard to spell.)

Seven years ago I was hospitalized for the first and last (so far) time.  It was not a pleasant experience.  I wrote about it in a post called “In the hospital”.

Now, I’m generally satisfied with the medical care I receive in Korea.  But a hospital stay is a whole other animal.  I was extremely uncomfortable for the 3 days I spent in the confines of Soonchanhwang University Hospital.  And let’s just say that the cute Korean nurses had missed the training in tender loving care.

Unlike the USA, Korean doctors will hospitalize you for just about anything.  I checked in with a high fever and three days later I was advised I had a “virus in my spleen” and was being given antibiotics through an IV.  I said the hell with that, asked for a prescription and checked myself out.  Getting out of there also proved to be a nightmare, but escape I did.

I did feel bad when I learned that the 8th Army Deputy Commanding General (two stars) had come by to visit after I had left.  Ah well, I’m still with 8th Army and he ain’t, so no worries.

A year or so later I needed a skin graft on a finger and they wanted to admit me for that.  I told them bluntly that ain’t happening so they consented to doing it on an outpatient basis.  And here I am, just as handsome as ever.  Shuddup!

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