The day after…

back home it’s the day after Christmas now too. Tried to call the folks but was foiled by voice mail. Alas. Apparently the family is gathering in South Carolina on Sunday so I will call them Monday morning. This International Date Line thing is a trip, isn’t it?

Spent most of the day playing CIV IV. Heh, my other hobby. I usually manage to win, but I can’t seem to figure out how to build a respected score while doing so. I’m likely to keep trying.

Yesterday went fine. I love it when people specify how they prefer their steaks cooked. Like that’s gonna happen cooking on a grill that flames like the sparks of Satan. Gawd, that was a tortured metaphor, wasn’t it? And it was dark out on the balcony too. Anyway, most of the steaks came out more or less medium, except for the guy who asked for well done. His came out the rarest of all. But, it was blackest on the outside. Go figure. The cake (the one I added 1 1/4 cup too much water too) was not fit for serving, so I didn’t. Everyone was full up anyway (or so they professed) so we skipped the dessert all together.

Tonight its the regular Friday dart tourney at Dolce. I always look forward to that. I think this is the night we say farewell to Eric as well. Yep, another soldier blowing town. Good guy, he’ll be missed.

Egads, I’m really trying to do the “post a day” thing, but this drivel is mind numbing. So, I know Duke, Jim and Jenn are still dropping by. I will try and find something worthwhile to say but I’ve been saying that for about four years now, so don’t hold your breath.


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