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Comments Posted By Lauren

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Death be not proud

Just to keep you aware, we do read it. Well, I do anyways. The little one has stumbled upon it many times when she has googled her name or her parent’s names. I’ve done my best to block it, but the internet is easy for children to use these days. I would assume the other grandchildren have most likely seen it too with a quick search of their name or Mom’s name.

» Posted By Lauren On 08/September/2020 @ 10:09 pm

Coco Lips

Hey—off subject, but Sydney begged me to tell you a joke:

Why is Santa so good at karate?

Because he has a black belt!

She loves a Dad joke! Haha!

» Posted By Lauren On 08/December/2018 @ 11:55 am


NFCU allows me to transfer into another bank. You just have to have a routing and account number. I don’t know if there is a limit on funds or what the difference between wire transfer and traditional transfer, but I have done both. We had to wire our down payment into a lawyer’s bank.

» Posted By Lauren On 28/November/2018 @ 9:41 pm

Losing my religion

Such a huge difference between faith and religion. Great post.

» Posted By Lauren On 09/April/2016 @ 1:31 am

A working class hero is something to be

I read this story and clicked on the link to the story about KaraLynne. I literally had to do a double take because the child on the right in the picture, looks identical to the 2 year old that lives at my house.

» Posted By Lauren On 31/October/2013 @ 2:05 am


Oh my gosh! I seriously cannot take this one more minute. I would assume that John started this blog as a way to not only chronicle his life in Korea, share stories with his family that lives in the states, and to post his opinions on his view of life. Smackdab has turned this into some malicious attack on someone’s son. You don’t know John or Kevin and are completely out of line for saying such hateful things about someone you don’t know. Kevin is a very accomplished journalist in South Carolina and has met and spoken with politicians from all sides of the fence. Just the other day he had a long, funny conversation with Congressman Joe Wilson. Frequent guests on his show include Former Governor Jim Hodges and Senator Jake Knotts. He even had Barack Obama on his show. He never once treats someone with disrespect because of their views, age, gender or race.John, I think that your views are very intelligent and I really enjoyed getting to meet you. I don’t get to post much but I read your blog everyday. I’ve passed the site on to my co-workers and they enjoy it as well. Kevin and I would love to come to Korea in the future and see your surroundings and I want to learn to play darts! I hope you have a great day!

» Posted By Lauren On 08/October/2009 @ 3:06 am

A glimpse into the future…

I read all these comments quite frequently and always like to hear everyone’s point of view. I have never commented before but felt like I had something to say about this issue. I don’t know anyone else’s background, but I am someone who has been personally affected by serious healthcare issues with my loved ones. My most beautiful daughter was born with Spina Bifida. Now being only 17 years old at the time and scared to death, I had to turn to Medicaid to help with insurance. In the 12 years since being on a government run healthcare system, I have never once been told my child cannot see the doctor….the best doctors, at top medical facilities. Her care has been nothing short of a miracle and a blessing. No one has ever turned us away, delayed treatment or refused seeing us because we were on a government funded program. And still to this day, when I have access to the supposed best health insurance and finest plans that companies can offer, my daughter still recieves Medicaid and sees outstanding physicians. And not one patient with private insurance received less care or a delayed appointment because the doctor was seeing someone like her. I don’t know what we would have done had this not been something that our great country does. Is it fair that people who are offered the best insurance and work hard everyday have to chip in to help those less fortunate? I hope the answer is yes. Because I will spend the rest of my days helping people who were in my same situation.

Now what Obama is offering and suggesting is another way for American’s to find medical care for situations much like my daughter. A way to care for themselves and their familes without losing everything. I have a family friend who purchases her own insurance as her husband is a contractor in the construction business. Her son has a congenital heart defect and has been to surgery three times in his short 11 months and been hospitalized for 6 weeks. Since the husband lost his business as the economy worsened, they could no longer afford this plan that promised to take care of them. They have lost their house, cars and all of their savings to pay for this sick little boy. What if a public option allowed for a situation like this not to become so dire? They were not poor or illegals or anything else I have heard ridiclous people say. They were hard working Americans that were affected by a lack of options for medical care.

I believe that healthcare is a right and should be afforded to everyone. Our country was founded on the belief that we are ONE nation that should not be divided but have shared liberties for all. No one is trying to take away your right to see a doctor and in a reasonable time frame. All we are asking for is everyone, ONE nation, have access to that too. I am thankful everyday that our government helped my daughter to live and I thank each person that works hard as well to make that happen.

» Posted By Lauren On 30/September/2009 @ 7:47 am

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