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Comments Posted By Fortuneate

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Not ready for prime time…

Holy Cow! You are buying into Russian propaganda?!

This guy states that Americans have lost their faith in God and yet a recent poll concluded that 92% of all Americans believe in God.

This guy reviles Wall Street for pouring money into the fists fo Marxists. What? Wall Street makes money for investors especially those wealthy enough to invest heavily. Does he even have the same understanding of Marxism that we do?

This guy says that the preparation for the decline of capitalism has been taking place for the past century. You really believe that? Maybe in your school you actually did study TV shows rather than To Kill a Mockingbird or Walt Whitman. I can tell you I received a good enough education to recognize when someone is simply being insulting to my country and its people.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 28/September/2009 @ 10:18 am

” ‘No nation can or should try to dominate another nation,” That doesn’t sound particulary hostile. I watched the speech and as always, Obama was eloquent. Regardless of what you think of the man or his policies, it must be acknowledged that he is articulate and an incredible speaker. This is one area where the man shines. Lowry and the naysayers at FOX are grasping at straws and their desparation shows.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 26/September/2009 @ 5:35 am

Are you a racist?

Achieving a single payer system like Britain is not the model at least at this time. In his health reform speech To Congress, Obama stated,“I believe it makes more sense to build on what works and fix what doesn’t, rather than try to build an entirely new system from scratch.”

I don’t think we can afford to sit by and do nothing simply because of a fear of what could become possible in the future under yet a different bill. Health care costs affect the economy. It cripples American companies trying to remain competitive with foreign companies. We can’t afford to do nothing!

You are proud of people who protest health care reform exclaiming “Keep the government out of my Medicare!” That is one of the catchier phrases to come out of this debate. Really? Funny because Medicare is a government run health care program.

The cost of health care reform is awfully high and raises legitimate concerns about the affordibility. However, we are going to pay one way or another. The idea is to share the pain.

But let me offer you another perspective on the cost. The Baccus bill will cost close to 900 billion over the next decade. Yes that is a lot but as the plan actually riases money in the first decade the CBO says it will actually reduce the deficit. Also remember that prescription drug bill passed under Bush? The 10 year cost for that bill was 1.2 trillion. In five years the 2001 tax cuts cost the county 929 billion.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 20/September/2009 @ 11:02 pm

Jimmy Carter is old so maybe his memory is stuck back in the past or maybe he is trying to keep himself relevant. The flow chart is funny.

However, let’s go back to your introductory paragraph. You write, “Why else would we be opposed to an unprecedented intrusion of government into our freedom to choose medical care?” Health care reform is not going to change your right to choose the medical care you want. It is about reforming insurance practices, pharmaceutical practices and medical record keeping. If you categorize that as medical care well then what freedom does a person have who cannot obtain insurance or cannot afford it? Where is there freedom or is freedom only the right of those that can afford it or who are healthy?

» Posted By Fortuneate On 20/September/2009 @ 12:46 pm

Beautiful places, smiling faces

I am disappointed that you haven’t posted those pictures you promised. Be sure to include one of the new baby.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 14/September/2009 @ 10:49 am

Greetings from Virginia. What is the exact date of Bonnie and Lee’s anniversary?

» Posted By Fortuneate On 13/September/2009 @ 10:06 am

I like the way she thinks…

She isn’t a liberal but somewhere between a neoconservative and a libratarian. No wonder you find yourself aligned with her opinions.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 11/September/2009 @ 1:18 am

Remembering James Raymond Coyle

The Post ran a story on history lessons for children too young to remember 9/11. I’m reading this article on the train going into work. I don’t why, I don’t know what triggered it, but suddenly I was simply overwrought. My hands shook and I came very near to breaking into sobs. I am flabberghasted at my response.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 13/September/2009 @ 10:15 am

Juicy bars and prostitution

Perhaps the exploitation is in the portion of the money that they get to keep. $40 out of $150?

» Posted By Fortuneate On 10/September/2009 @ 9:48 am

That was then, this is now

John you wrote, “I guess I have a third thought: I wonder if the kids will be given an email address to report their parents should they fail to heed the message.” That sounds very much like you objected to content (message). You started that post with Republicans accuse the White House of trying to indoctrinate school children with liberal propagand. Again that sounds like content. You followed that post up with a video that I am pretty sure was meant to draw similarities between Obama and the North Korean government’s indoctrination methods.

Of course your concern could have been the content of the lesson plan drawn up by the Dept of Ed. Write a letter to yourself about what you can do to help the President. Maybe the blonde hair has affected my brain but that simple statement fails to raise any alarms. I see Frank’s point but isn’t that really saying it wasn’t policitally correct? In any event soemone at the Dept of Ed wrote that lesson plan not the President. Words matter I know that but the criticism leveled at Obama was not that he was being politically incorrect or insensitive.

The criticism leveled at Bush I had to do with him attemtping to distract the country while he failed to address domestic policy and that he wasted public funds on what amounted to paid political advertising. A couple of Democratic politicians levied these accusations. The investigation amounted to one Congressman requesting information from the Dept of Ed as to how much was spent on the event. The public failed to get hyped by this. The criticism of Obama was that he was going to indoctrinate school children. You can say that your concern was the lesson plan but your posts suggest you were caught up with the indoctrination theme. Parents threatened to keep their kids out of school because Obama was going to turn them into socialist.

Lastly in his address to the school children Bush said, “Write me a letter — I’m serious about this one — write me a letter about ways you can help us achieve our goals.” I guess the fact that bush said “us” makes his request more acceptable, more PC.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 10/September/2009 @ 10:33 am

One other thing, above you wrote that the Post published a front-page story suggesting the speech was carefully staged for the president’s political benefit. “The White House turned a Northwest Washington junior high classroom into a television studio and its students into props,” the Post reported

From the Washington Post, published Friday, October 4, 1991:
‘Funding of Bush Speech Draws Fire; Democrat Calls Education Broadcast Paid Political Advertising’

Democrats assailed the Bush Administration today for spending $26,750 in taxpayer money to hire a production company that oversaw President Bush’s telecast from an eighth-grade classroom here to schoolchildren around the country on Tuesday. The money came from the Education Department’s salary and expense budget. As a result, Representative William D. Ford, the Michigan Democrat who heads the House Education and Labor Committee, demanded that Education Secretary Lamar Alexander appear before the committee to defend his “spending scarce education dollars to produce a media event.” And the House majority leader, Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri, said, “The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the President.” The President’s spokesman, Marlin Fitzwater, responded by denying that Mr. Bush’s talk to the schoolchildren had been a political event and calling the criticism “nonsense.”

The story appeared on page 14 of the A section. I point this out because the Post did not make the accusation but reported it. The statement above implies otherwise.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 09/September/2009 @ 11:08 am

Obama did not get a free pass! When Bush 1 gave his speech and was denounced by certain members of Congress the general public did not join in the madness. In fact the whole thing garnered very little attention from the public despite the Post story. This time around it got really nasty with people on the right insisting it was indoctrination of school kids into socialism, making comparisons of Obama and Hitler or Obama and Kim Jong il. Parents kept their kids out of school for pete’s sake! Of course blogs weren’t that big back then or Youtube. Now days word gets around a lot faster, the tone is less civil and politics as a whole more inflammatory.

Party hardliners who would take a position against anything the other party did or said have always existed. People who wanted to grab a little of the limelight for themselves (think members of Congress). However, these people used to be more or less ignored. No more. Common sense has been sacrificed in the rush to bash the other side. The approach is like that normally reserved for rival sports teams scoring points off one another except good sportsmanship has been abandoned and it doesn’t matter how you make your points as long as you win.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 09/September/2009 @ 10:53 am

Truer words were never spoken…

I scarcely think a son being respectful of his father’s position qualifies him as a suck up. I think it is admirable the way Kevin is able to make his point without degenerating into personal attacks. We could all stand to take a page from his playbook.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 10/September/2009 @ 10:03 am

A very special Labor Day

I had my own Labor Day labor 25 years ago. Not as dramatic as your experience. It wasn’t my first but my third so I was pretty well acquainted with what to expect. I got my oldest off to school, drove the youngest to my mother’s then took myself to the hospital where 7 drug free hours later (now that was a mistake!) I finally delivered a 9lb 4 oz baby boy.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 07/September/2009 @ 12:31 pm

Strangely familiar

VJ you are right that teachers sometimes do impart their own political and/or religious values. I don’t know the solution to that. However, I wouldn’t call it indoctrination because it isn’t a school wide policy or effort but just the act of the individual. Keep in mind that teachers are not all of one political persuasion or religion so your child is likely to be exposed to a bevy of differing ideas and opinions. The end result may be a child who questions. Perhaps some parents have a problem with that but I never did. I wasn’t raising a bunch of little mes and I never felt I had the right to dictate their path but simply provide guidance so hopefully they would choose a good path.

Goat I tried to write an apology for sounding pompous but it sounded just like everything else I had written so you’d probably just think my apology was pompous too.

I admitted my response was based on certain assumptions. One of those assumptions was that the video was homemade most likely by a proud parent. The video surfaced on Youtube in September 08 with the caption ‘Cute or Creepy” Under the “more info” button off to the side you will find written “We are offering the video to everyone, the Obama campaign and all media with high hopes that we can all join together to Sing for Change” That comment doesn’t quite jive with the video caption so I am not sure that the handlers are guilty of trying to use their images for political gain. The video was not used in Obama’s campaign.

Later versions of the video surfaced in October, one with interspersed footage of German children in Nazi Germany singing Hitler is our savior etc and the Korean version that John posted. I guess given that those who made the two October versions were trying to paint a picture of Obama as the same as Hitler or Kim Jong il that you could say they were using the kids images to promote a political message. I guess you could say John is guilty of the same. I’m pretty sure he posted this video at this particular time to draw a corollary to the bruhaha over Obama addressing school kids today.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 09/September/2009 @ 3:28 am

Dentoku why is it excellent?

Goat was abrasive and veered seriously off tract.

I wrote “Parents are the only people who have a right to determine the political and religious values their kids will be taught” and he responds with “Your pompous tone (whether by chance or design) seems to imply that you believe that you have the ability to decide what is right and wrong acceptable or not for everybody….” What part of what I wrote did he not understand? Perhaps he chose to forget the very statement that I wrote and he pasted into his comments simply so he could continue to be disagreeable.

Next thing you know he is talking about killing people and Satanism and I am recoiling and wondering where did that come from? What was excellent about his diatribe?

Parents can and will “teach” their kids to be mindless little donkeys or elephants and to blindly follow the party. Parents can try. Kids tend to grow up and choose their own party. Out of three kids and two step-kids –one is a Democrat and I cannot take credit for that.

I am not aware that I made any controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic remarks. If the assumptions I made about why you found the children singing disguting were wrong well you failed to explain. I know it isn’t the kids singing but the group using them to promote a political viewpoint except those kids weren’t being used to promote a political view point but engaged in a club activity meant for them and not to promote anything to the public at large. So who is the group–trying not to make anymore assumptions here– that you find disgusting?Parents who allowed their kids to participate?

» Posted By Fortuneate On 07/September/2009 @ 9:02 pm

“Would he/she be chastised? Forced to sing along? Would they be able to opt out? Hard to say. If presented in this light the kids may not have as much freedom of choice as you seem to believe.” I didn’t need to see you write that to know that you fear “someone” is indoctrinating these kids, using them for propaganda and possbily forcing them to participate. You know like in North Korea.

Those kids are part of an orgainization called Obama kids. It is a volunteer group that was part of the Organize America campaign. Mom and dad had to be on board or else they wouldn’t be there. Now if their parents want to teach them that Obama is good and the right man for the job well–hold on to your hat–that is their right! Parents get to teach their kids the values they want them to have.

Parents are the only people who have a right to determine the policitcal and religious values their kids will be taught. The fact that you do not agree with the parents political views does not mean you get the right to tell the parents that they cannot instill their values in their kids or participate in things like Obama kids. Since when is it disgusting to intstill in your kids the values you want them to have? I did it and I bet you did too. (No doubt you will be relieved to learn that my values didn’t stick.)

Now had this been a school organized activity then I would agree with you that it was highly inappropriate. However, it was not. Schools have no business teaching political values based on what is better for the country–Democrats or Republicans. In North Korea kids ARE taught the values espoused by their government which means Kim Jong-il in school.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 07/September/2009 @ 6:15 am

Goat I think your response to the kids singing is a bit overblown. John’s video is funny and its a poke in the eye to those parents who involved their kids in this. Its a kind of cautionary tale about the slippery slope on which they stand done in a humorous fashion. It holds a grain of truth which is why its funny but kind of horrifying at the same time. You aren’t suppose to leap however, to the conclusion that the two situations are exactly the same. They aren’t. Its not suppose to make you disgusted or angry but make you think.

Its okay for kids to sing songs supporting change even when the mantra is an election theme as long as these kids also know it is okay to criticize Obama or to support another candidate or position. See those little Korean kids are taught that they cannot do that. Therein lies the difference.

My biggest objection to that video is that the little Korean kids shown are so much cuter than the American kids and a lot more talented. Couldn’t we have found some American kids to give them a run for their money?

» Posted By Fortuneate On 06/September/2009 @ 9:27 pm

Yes it is so disgusting that children would sing a song about spreading happiness and freedom.

While you object to the indoctrination of children into a political philosophy the truth is parents do that and since when was that objectionable to Republicans, who promote themselves as the defender of the family? I believe that includes the right to teach one’s kids the values you believe are important.

Clearly the parents of these children supported Obama and had no objections to their kids wearing Obama t-shirts and singing a song supporting Obama’s election. What I can’t figure out is why when this is of an event from nearly a year ago is it news now?

» Posted By Fortuneate On 06/September/2009 @ 12:15 pm

A self-fulfilling prophecy

Okay you have now admitted to at least the fact that he has custody of the office albeit temporarily. Let’s start from there.

He does not want his meetings with the public filmed. This is a meeting where he meets with his constituients hears there concerns, answers their questions and informs them of things going on in Washington. If he decides not hold anymore of these types of meetings who wins? Certainly not his constituents.

As it happens he is a blue dog democrat. The girl asking the question is in support of health care reform. No doubt he did not want his response to be used as ammunition to the other side of the debate especially since as we all know films and recordings can be edited and all context removed.

This is not a case of a lack of transparency. To hear what he had to say all you had to do was show up.

Perhaps my opinion in this matter is influenced by the fact that I am a government employee. We have strict rules that meetings cannot be recorded-taped or filmed. Any employee violating that rule can be disciplined. So establishing a no filming rule seems pretty much par for the course to me.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 06/September/2009 @ 9:15 pm

Excuse me? He said I do not allow filming because they tend to end up on Youtube and he was right! How the heck do you dispute that?!!

And yes it is his office. He is the holder of the office. The fact that he was elected to the office by the people does not make the office theirs. They get to choose who will hold office and hopefully they get to know the candidates positions before they cast their vote but make no mistake once in office he can pretty much ignore the will of the people. He is the one who will be making decisions that affect their governance and that dear friend is how it has always been. If they do not like what he is doing they can vote him out or impeach him if his actions veer into the criminal, but for now they voted him in and it is his office.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 06/September/2009 @ 11:50 am

What he said is this is my townhall meeting and it was. He said you aren’t going to tell me how to run my congressional office. The office is his. He was elected. If they do not like the way he runs it then they can vote him out but as of this moment it is his office.

As for the stated reason for not allowing filming–well he was right. You can’t dispute that.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 05/September/2009 @ 2:41 pm


Ah Frank. I think we will keep our bibles as Democrats tend to be more religious as a whole than Republicans. A part of your base is libertarians and they are not religious.

We will also keep our firearms although for most of us that wouldn’t include automatic weapons, never knew anyone to hunt with an automatic weapon, or armor piercing bullets, which means the most of the cops will probably decide to stay with us.

You can most definitely keep the gas guzzlers and we will take the hybrids, organic vegetables and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. You may conspicuously consume yourselves into trash heaven and we will keep the green iniatives–especially since that is the future of new job growth. Most assuredly you can keep Wal-Mart and we will definitely keep Babs. As for Marxists, well I don’t know any Americans that are Marxists but if we find any they will have to go if not with y’all then to a country that has a marxists government. This will be after all a division based on political differences and Democrats and Marxists couldn’t be more different.

On the other hand we will fight you to keep the flag and the national anthem and that is only right since those things belong to the United States of America and if you break with America, which is most likely to happen, then you have to go start your own country.

Lucky for you all, Democrats tend to be more generous so when your society fails, as it surely will, we will keep your children from starving and dying from a lack of basic medical care.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 06/September/2009 @ 11:38 am

John thank you for sharing that video with us. Its great! In such divisive times as ours, it is refrshing to see people reaching out to their fellow man. I particularly liked the one where the person pledged to do more before expecting others to do more. It would be so wonderful if this message resonated with more people. It truly captures the spirit of being an American.

Now as to the rest of what you wrote…… Yes Obama has added to the deficit but then Republicans have gone on record as saying the deficit doesn’t matter. Yep that was after Clinton reduced the deficit only to have it soar again under Bush so you can stop with the oh my gosh the deficit is out of control garbage.

The stimulus package was begun my Bush–the bailout of the big banks. Few liked it but the alternative was even less attractive. So is Bush guilty of socialicing the American banking system? Of course not no more than Obama is guilty of socializing America.

You appear to be uninformed about the health care plan. Surprising. There is no plan to socialize medicine in this country. Obama laid out objectives and has left it to the House and Senate to come up with plans that will fulfill those objectives. Socializing medicine is not in either plan.

Also Canada does not have socialized medicince but socialized insurance. The health care providers are private sector. Contrary to your assertions, Canadians do not wait significantly longer for health than Americans. Their health care is scheduled based on need so yes some wait longer because those with the greatest need go first. Here in Virginia an appointment with a gyn took four months to obtain and then the darn thing was cancelled by the doctor due to an emergency. Visit was rescheduled a month later and lo and behold the doctor cancelled it again. Rescheduled two months later. I am waiting to see if the third time is the charm. When I needed to see a dermatologist the wait was at least six months with many of them telling me they were not accepting new patients. My regular physician intervened and got an appt for me but I still had to wait a month. As you can see waiting for a specialist happens in America too.

Most significantly, Canadians have a higher life expectancy, lower child mortality rates and spend quite a bit less on health care as a percentage of GDP.

And what is with the revisionist history? You did not vote for Reagan and actively disliked him. Just because you changed stripes after 9/11 does not suddenly make sense out of Reagan’s economic policies.

And what exactly were you saying with the comment about Hitler requiring his officers and public servants to swear an oath of allegiance to him? How does that relate to Obama building a platform based on change and one man in a video featuring about 20 people making the pledge to obama to become an agent of change? Surely you weren’t trying to draw an inference that this equated to Hitler mandating an oath of allegiance to himself. That is a serious leap.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 05/September/2009 @ 12:20 pm

Suffer the children

I am sharing this lady’s comment because it is so spot on:

D. Moore on September 3, 2009 10:37 AM
I recall discussing President George H. W. Bush’s address to students with my 8th grade public school Social Studies class without one parental objection. Twenty nine years later I will be joining my current students as we watch President Obama’s address in the auditorium of the private Christian school in which I am now a teacher. I find it perplexing that we hold the leaders of our country to different standards based upon who we voted for. As an educator, I have always stressed to my students that the leader of our country does not have to have our approval but should always have our respect and that there is a difference between the two. I am appalled that adults would encourage their children to demonstrate such disrespect toward our nation’s leader. As a teacher I can assure you that I can name at least 100 other topics, opinions, conversations, ideas, suggestions, situations, etc, that your children are exposed to every day that you should be far more concerned about. I can also assure you that if parents devoted as much attention to more important areas of their children’s education as they are to this topic we just might be on the road to educational progress. I am fortunate that I work within an educational institution where the administration and PTO are a very mixed group of individuals who always put educational benefit above personal interest. I am also fortunate that I have the privilege to teach my students the accurate historical truth about the terms and names that are so loosely and irresponsibly used today – socialism, Nazi, Hitler, education camps, indoctrination, etc. Sometimes I get the feeling that what we really attempt to shield our children from, even if unintentionally, is the truth.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 05/September/2009 @ 3:14 pm

John I know you like to be provocative but really you ought to draw the line somewhere.

Have you forgotten that Bush was visiting a school in Florida on 9/11? Do you suppose he was there spreading propoganda? For cryign out loud, several Presidents have addressed school children! In fact when Bush senior did it there was a fringe left lunatic who tried to make the same accusation but no one jumped on his bandwagon. So much for your assumption that the left would have gone nuts.

If I still had school age children they WOULD be in school Tuesday.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 05/September/2009 @ 1:40 pm

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

Dennis I am going to skip the first 4 points you made to start with number 5.

5. Obama is bad. I have seen you “connecting the dots.” This man is bad and Obama knows him, worked at the same college as him, served on the same Board as him etc., etc. A person is not bad because they know, worked with, whatever another person who was bad. Just because you don’t know how he paid for Harvard or his house doesn’t make him a bad person. The fact that he is a Democrat with an agenda you do not like does not make him a bad person. Can you point to an action he has taken that would in fact make him a bad person?

6.The number of special advisors-not political appointees–has never been made an issue of until now under Obama. No one was counting them until now. This is just another example of attacking the President through any means possible and quite frankly it serves no useful purpose but to feed the fire that was already burning in your heart. You hate Obama because he is not a Republican pure and simple.

7. Obama’s Doctoral Dissertation is not sealed nor is his birth certificate. His birth certificate has been produced. I suggest you visit No one has a “vault birth certificate.” Those are kept by the state in the “vault” so when a person requests a copy –a true and certified copy–one can be provided based off of the vault certificate. What you will have is a certificate of live birth either a long form or a short form depending on your age. His thesis was lost apparently by the school. Even if it had not been, what is the relevance of the thesis? What does it prove other than what he concluded on one particular subject at a much younger age? The guy running for govenor -the Republican candidate–in VA wrote that working women and feminists are detrimental to the family. Of course he wrote that about 20 years ago. Currently he employs women-married women with children.

People’s views change with age. Trust me. You wouldn’t believe where John was, idealistically speaking, 35 years ago based on the opinions he espouses today. Sometimes a person’s opinions change radically!

8. “Of course the opposing party will make a political football out of any issue that goes into a tail-spin or is open for question and is flawed. That’s politics. Some speak as though it’s unfair to do so , but more accurately, to complain about that is just simply naive.” Really. So its anything goes. Make stuff up. Spread unfounded rumors. Abandon civility and common sense. All these things that we generally consider to be the hallmark of a flawed character are perfectly acceptable when it comes to politics. Now who is being naive?

» Posted By Fortuneate On 05/September/2009 @ 1:28 pm

Far from drowning out debate the incident heated up the debate. Note it even made an appearance here. The boycotters were not trying to silence him but express their disapproval with his opinion.

Had you read his op-ed piece you would know he stated that health care is not a right or a need up there with food and shelter. Well that kind of overlooks the fact that people lose their shelter when their medical bills get too high. He is right of course, health care is not a right but then that is not what health care reform is about and even he conceded that health care reform is needed. Some of his suggestions were seriously naive but a couple had merit such as limits on lawsuits. I completely disagree that insurance companies should not be mandated to cover certain things. Without that mandate insurance companies might not cover child birth. Please don’t think this is far fetched. When my Aunt had her first child she was sweating the actual date of birth because her husband’s insurance company would only cover it if the baby was born ten months after she was added to her husband’s policy. In 1981 when I had my daughter Hillary child birth was mandated but only for care of the mother. So I had to pay for the infant care costs and unfortunately for me she was jaundiced and stayed in a special care nursery for a week. Many still do not cover birth control even while covering viagra!

I don’t understand why you think pushing for health care reform is governing from the left. Obama has the business community behind him on this to include the Wholefoods CEO. Obama laid out a framework -objectives he wanted achieved but he left it to Congress to design the plan for meeting those objectives. The economic stimulus package—first set in motion by a Republican and again supported by the business community.

Are Americans getting antsy over health care? You bet they are but their fears are being fed by misinformation. The sad part is a lot of it -the push against health care reform is driven by by nothing more than the fact that he is a Democrat and this is seen as a tool to change the White House in three years.

As evidence of this I need point no further than to remarks made by Frank and Dennis. Frank comments on the fact that Obama has not released his college transcripts. So what. McCain didn’t either. The public really does not need to see his transcript. Just because he is President does not mean every facet of his life must be opened to public inspection. We have what we need. We know where he went to school and what degree he obtained and we know that he graduated second in his class at Harvard. What he did in his undergraduate years is irrelevant.
The truth is this all goes back to trying to prove he is not an American and therefore cannot hold office. Give it a rest!

Dennis goes off on a rant about Ted Kennedy. I think the idea is that Democrats as a group are bad and Obama is a Democrat therefore he is bad. He also rants about Obama’s special advisers that he believes are a run around the confirmation process. Bush had special advisors, so did Clinton so did Reagan. None of them had to be confirmed.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 03/September/2009 @ 11:18 am

Song for the day

Easy…My Back Pages!

» Posted By Fortuneate On 27/August/2009 @ 10:07 am

Dave New’s last hurrah

I don’t see a conspiracy (conspiracy to do what?) so much as I see it as further proof, if any was needed, that power corrupts. Oh, I do not include in that attorney’s who are doing a job that they were paid to do.

Much more difficult than proving that a president or member of Congress has questionable associates would be finding one that didn’t. Most people have interacted at one time or another in their lives with a person with a shady past or present. It does not make one guilty by association with that person’s sins and ommissions. You are moving way beyond the biblical born in sin by virtue of being the descendants of Adam and Eve or the prevalent third world cultural beliefs of tainted by the deeds of one’s ancestors to being tainted by people you have met or had business dealings with or worked with or belong to the same board of directors etc. Its ridiculous.

I am responsible for my actions not my families or friends or associates or coworkers no one but myself unless of course I aided and abetted them in the transmission of their bad deed. The same holds true for you and Obama.

This sort of thing is absolutely fruitless. You don’t like Obama. You didn’t before Michele Malkin or Glenn Beck started “connecting the dots.” The muckraking, for that is what it is, is intended to draw attention away from serious debate on policy issues, to discredit the President so that regardless of what his message might be the audience will not listen. It doesn’t work. The only people who buy in to this stuff are those who already dislike the man. To those that did or those willing to wait to judge him on his actions this type of thing simply doesn’t resonate. What it really accomplishes is line the pockets of the mudslingers and divide the country to hard liners on the fringe. Its getting old.

» Posted By Fortuneate On 27/August/2009 @ 10:36 am

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