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Comments Posted By Carol

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Clearly I am not the only one who still thinks you’re beautiful. I am a little distressed however that my field of competition has now extended to include men!

We will not be having fruit salad this year. There is no one to make it. The kids are complaining but I figure this is one way to make sure you are at the forefront of all of our minds. Besides I could never do it as good as you and do not desire to have mine compared to yours. You are the fruit salad god and forever may you reign.

I start cooking tomorrow morning. Then I have to run into the office for a bit then back to do more cooking. Since you won’t be here I will not be cooking nearly as much -probably only a 14 lb turkey. We won’t be here to eat leftovers so I don’t plan to have any.

Happy Thanksgiving!

» Posted By Carol On 23/November/2005 @ 9:39 am

A day to remember

I remember 9/11 well just like I remember the assasination of Kennedy and other horrifically tragic episodes in the history of our country in the last 40 some odd years. I was shocked, angered and heartsick with grief, but the evilness behind the deed did not surprise me nor was I surprised by the strenght displayed by America or our response. The only thing that really caught me by surprise was discovering that humans really panic just like they show in the movies. I watched from my eleventh floor window as the street below filled up with cars in the space of 15 minutes following the crash into the Pentagon. I watched three accidents in rapid succession and people literally get out of their cars abondoning them in the street. I thought the world had gone mad. However, I didn’t experience a conversion or anything. I already had faith in my country and its people. If anything 9/11 reaffirmed my faith in my countrymen and affirmed my value system as worthy.

» Posted By Carol On 12/September/2005 @ 9:59 am

Steyn on Sheehan

Well put Aaron. By the way the manner in which the word “children” is being used has nothing to do with age, it means offspring. Whether or not Casey Sheehan would agree with his mother, I bet he wouldn’t want to see her trashed in the media/bogsphere for actions clearly attributable to grief.

» Posted By Carol On 23/August/2005 @ 4:52 am

Welcome home

It is a great commercial. However, was it necessary to preface its introduction with a comment about Cindy Sheehan? And what exactly were you saying about her? Are you thinking she wsn’t happy that her son came home? He didn’t come home. He died. I’m sure she would have reacted just like every other happy person who has greeted their child, husband, wife, brother, or sister who has returned. Are you perhaps saying that there is something wrong with her for not being happy that her son died in this war? No? I didn’t think so. So what we have is a unhappy woman who initially tried to comfort herself with the idea that her son’s death was not in vain. It didn’t work. Her grief is too great and she is clearly not coming to terms with it. Listen to her complaint. Bush did not say her son’s name. He didn’t acknowledge her son except as a collective piece of humanity sacrificed for this war. She is looking for an acknowledgement of her son, her loss. That shouldn’t have been that hard for the President to do. The death of this woman’s son has unhinged her and she is clearly not thinking straight. What is the President’s excuse? If this has turned into a fiasco, it is one the President could have easily have avoided. Don’t bandy this woman’s name around. She gave her child to this cause. You dishonor him, a fallen soldier when you attack his mother, deny her compassion or acknowledge her loss.

» Posted By Carol On 22/August/2005 @ 12:05 am

No big surprise here….

What a crock. Sounds more like a test for the unenlightened redneck point of view than anything our forefathers envisioned! Oh yes I read the questions. Could they have been anymore slanted to a conservative redneck (read low intelligence) point of view? I think not. Total barf material.

» Posted By Carol On 08/July/2005 @ 11:22 am

Party Time

Looks like a nice get together at your place. You certainly made yourself at home away from home quickly! Glad to see you carved out a niche for yourself.

» Posted By Carol On 08/July/2005 @ 11:19 am

And so begins the task….

You are very fortunate that you have so many supporters. I know because there were times in my life when I could have used some. Alas it was not be but then I could never discuss my pain so openly. You are a much braver person than I apparently.

» Posted By Carol On 08/June/2005 @ 11:53 am

Delusion is bliss?

True but a person who would repeatedly engage in such behavior has a flawed chracter. Do you think a person can correct a flawed character? Perhaps the most telling comment came at the end of the link in the article, “Conversely, if you want to prevent your desires from affecting your beliefs, use measured language to describe it to yourself. Otherwise, you’re burying a time capsule of deception for yourself to dig up at a later date.” This comment may not seem directed at marriage but I can see the value of this advice in certain marital situations such as the woman who cannot walk away from an abusive relationship or a philandering husband. Sorry, being a woman I am coaching this in terms of the wife. Hillary and Debbie are both reading some book called or about your emotional love tank no it was titled soemthing about understandign your love language but it talked about the emotional love tank. Simply put think of a person as a vessel filled with love-the love is like fuel. They use it up in loving another person but they get refills from being loved. So as long as they are feeling loved their tank (or capacity to love) never goes dry. I think big inevitable negative things can be overcome provided there is love in the tank but if the tank runs dry. Conversely, if the person stops feeling loved then the tank runs dry and it is harder to be delusional.

» Posted By Carol On 02/June/2005 @ 7:54 pm

Interesting article and very likely true but it only takes into account “inevitable negative events”-disagreements over chores, children or money for instance. Some events are not inevitable and I am not sure a person can be delusional enough and if they are then wouldn’t that impact their spouses perception of them as someone of who they can take advantage or simply lose respect for? What do YOU think?

» Posted By Carol On 02/June/2005 @ 10:03 am

A taste of home

Right now Gracyn Rose has more clothes than she can possibly wear or wear out. And she is so tiny still! I think a littel kimono would be cool or one of those little korean jackets.

» Posted By Carol On 01/June/2005 @ 12:52 pm

That’s sweet–you burned the bread, just like I do. Hope you remembered to do it in two batches-first one you burn as a offering and the second one you eat.

» Posted By Carol On 24/May/2005 @ 9:17 am

The Bridge

What we both already knew:
“Parting is all we know of heaven and all we need of hell.”

What you need to be reminded of:
“If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;”

The story of my life?
I cried for madder music and for stronger wine,
But when the feast is finished and the lamps expire,
Then falls thy shadow, Cynara! the night is thine;
And I am desolate and sick of an old passion,
Yea, hungry for the lips of my desire:
I have been faithful to thee Cynara! in my fashion.

» Posted By Carol On 20/May/2005 @ 11:53 pm

Just when you think it couldn’t get worse…

This a rather cryptic post. Surely, you realize how alarming it sounds to your family?

» Posted By Carol On 15/May/2005 @ 4:46 am

Gracyn Rose

Thank you MaryHunter. Being a grandparent is an event we have long waited for.

» Posted By Carol On 23/May/2005 @ 11:56 am

What the picture doesn’t show is how tiny she is, how long her fingers are and her feet.:) It doesn’t show the way she folds her legs up to her body-its like you have to unravel her to pick her up. Her ears are so small and flat. The picture doesn’t show how alert she is -she laye there looking around as if to ask what is this place? And that picture doesn’t show the way her mom looks at her, marvels at her as she touches her fingers, toes, cheeks, belly etc. That is what I wish you were here to see-truely a perfect picture of love if ever I saw one.

» Posted By Carol On 11/May/2005 @ 5:46 pm

Under Construction

Grandpa phone home!

» Posted By Carol On 04/May/2005 @ 9:50 pm

Oh well, so much for that….

Are you kidding. I am a Dem and I LOATHE Kennedy. Is there anyone who doesn’t loathe Kennedy? Oh yeah I guess the peopel who keep sending him back but se some redeeming value in him. Go figure. I’ve always imagined he must look like Dorian Gray’s picture.

» Posted By Carol On 29/April/2005 @ 10:48 am

Gyeongbokgung Palace

What a gorgeous place! I have to see this when I visit. I want one of those silk overcoat things the gurad was wearing too-only in red. Makes my day at the gym seem -boring.

» Posted By Carol On 25/April/2005 @ 7:44 pm

The Grand Ole Opry

You feel at home in a country bar with fat chicks? Did you have a home I know nothing about? Ah, you must be harkening back to your KaraLynn days. Hopefully none of the Korean chicks were red heads.

» Posted By Carol On 24/April/2005 @ 11:33 am

Winning the war

Hanson actaully grasps the concept of diplomacy and how to make it work for you. The difference between your approaches is about 180 degrees. However, where he comes off as reasoned and intelligent, you come off as reactive and unable to control expressing the first thing that flys into your head or worse, unwilling (as if that were a virtue. Hanson’s approach is far more likely to persuade, exert more influence and is ultimately a bigger power play.

» Posted By Carol On 23/April/2005 @ 8:44 pm

Economic weaklings

TJ claimed Euroyank’s assertions about Negroponte were unsupported and took him to task for sayign “look it up”. Well Euroyank supported his assertions. Nothing, absolutely nothing, has changed significantly in Europe in the last four years, yet four years ago we actually talked about and were considering living in Europe for a while. America did change or at least a lot of our citizendry did. They could not get over the fears invoked by 9/11, still haven’t. The war in Afghanistan was not enough to alleviate the fears. The target was too small, the enemy too nebulous and Osama never caught. These Americans remained fearful sothey supported a war in Iraq to show that by golly something was being done. Europe supported our Afghan war just not our Iraq war. If Republicans are the daddies and Democrats the mommies then Europe is the elderly. Been there, done that and learned a few things along the way and simply not as reactive as they were in there youth. I understand that you feel something had to be done and that no matter how tenuous the connecction between Iraq and the terrorist action of 9/11 that there was any connection at all demanded that we nip the problem in the bud. It infuriates yo that Europe did nto support us and you absolutely refuse to step back and examien why that might be so. Ever since then you have delighted in bashing them expecially the French. Guess what they don’t care. They are not flocking to our borders. They like what they have and it is working for them. For all the gloom and doom precidtions their citizens still do a much better job of saving money and their governments do a better job of providing for their citizens. Your critisisms are useless and do nothing. They do not even alleviate your own angst.

Euroyank, 🙁 John is a citified California boy -not one ounce of redneck in him. We feds are much abused and work our butts off and we do it because we are drawn to public service. I dont’ expect you to understand. You are often right in your assessments but your delivery sucks. You have no finesse and no diplomacy. Hmmm, sort of like John.

» Posted By Carol On 24/April/2005 @ 7:41 am

TJ you asked him to back up his assertions. He did so. These discussion forums simply become a place to rant rather than an opportunity to learn if you refuse to listen to the other side of the coin. EuroYank stop baiting TJ and stick to the facts.

» Posted By Carol On 23/April/2005 @ 8:54 pm

Catholic southerner of German descent (Daddy was a Kraut). Why are you picking on me nimwit, I’m on your side in this debate? Must be mixing me up with that little red-headed firebrand I call daugheter.

» Posted By Carol On 21/April/2005 @ 7:07 pm

Ashley we do need Europe. At least our politicians understand that, even the President understands that.

» Posted By Carol On 20/April/2005 @ 7:57 pm

I am at a loss as to why some people find it necessry to trash Europe or even why you care what they are doing. How long can you guys hold a grudge becasue they failed to support our decision to go to war in Iraq? That is what this is really about. Heck half the darn country didn’t support that decision. You’ve either go to get over it or else endorse isolationism. Is that what you are endorsing? Guess what, we need allies. We need Europe as our allies because believe me China and India do not have our best interest at heart. Neither does the Middle East. If you stopped letting your testosterone interfere with your brains you’d realize that our country cannot go it alone!

» Posted By Carol On 20/April/2005 @ 11:32 am

When he writes that the purchase power per capita is 36k per American what exactly does that mean?Is it a reference to how much is literally spent per person? And if so what does that supposedly measure? We are all aware of the huge disparity that exists between the upper 2% and the remainign 98% in this country, a disparity that is growing larger everyday. A better figure would have been a mean average.

» Posted By Carol On 20/April/2005 @ 12:15 am

Reverse Colonialism

Sounds like wishful thinking on the part of a person still suffering from sour grapes over France’s and Germany’s failure to support the war in Iraq.

» Posted By Carol On 19/April/2005 @ 12:59 pm

The long goodbye

Trashing Europe is one way to refocus the attention away from the burgeoning problems here in America caused by capitalism run amok.

» Posted By Carol On 19/April/2005 @ 1:02 pm

You are so right Ashley. Jesus was a socialist!

» Posted By Carol On 18/April/2005 @ 8:55 pm

Actually England is the most secular but perhaps you don’t consider England as part of Europe?

I too read Geroge Will’s column this morning; however, I came to a different conclusion than you. His entire premise of Europe’s demise is deeply flawed and I hate to use the term racist because it isn’t entirely accurate, but yeah sort of racist. To begin with Europe is a place. It isn’t going anywhere unless there is a major upheaval in the earth’s plates, an asteriod hits it or some other disaster that would not only end Europe but all of earth. What Will is really saying is that white Christians in Europe are declining, along with white secular minded people. Europe’s population is growing as Will noted primarily through an influx of brown Muslim people. Guess what, they are still European. White American is also disappearing just as quickly as white Europe. Our population is also growing thanks to immigration. Okay so white people hundreds of years from now are a minority and Christians are a minority. Is that such a horrible thing? Religions die out and new ones spring up even faster. I refuse to even debate whether or not the continued progress of civilization rests on the continued dominance of white people. That is just too stupid. So what it really comes down to is a fear of Islam. If Islam is the enemy of civilization then ousting Hussein was a grave mistake since he actually embraced a secular government model in an country where Islam is the main religion. Based on the notion that Islam is the true enemy, rather than ousting Hussein we should have helped him make iraq into a model state. Now that is is gone and the Shiites are gaining more control the morality police are out in numbers, back in style and pulling the same crap they did in Afghanistan. Go figure.

» Posted By Carol On 17/April/2005 @ 11:12 pm

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