
This is a test to see if I’ve managed to figure out how to post documents from Word and Excel on a WordPress blog.

CSL standings


Hmm, I was hoping to actually display those pages as opposed to creating hyperlinks.  Now, the only way I’ve been able view them is to right click and open them in a new window.  At least it works that way on my computer, but then, I have the documents saved to my hard drive.

Will some lucky reader try the links above and advise if they can access the documents?  Thanks in advance.

UPDATE:  Interesting.  Once I actually published the post, those hyperlinks turned into sweet little document-like looking things.  Again, they work when I click them, do they work for you?

I’ve installed another WordPress plugin, let’s see how (if) it works.

Leader Board



5 thoughts on “Standings

  1. Well, so the links are where I placed them in the post, and they also show up as attachments on the bottom. Kevin Kim is gonna love the “here is the attachments of this post” grammar I’m sure. Trust me, in this case that is WordPress, not me!

    Still haven’t succeeded in actually putting the documents in the post, but having them attached works just as well practically speaking. Assuming everyone else can open and read them…

  2. so, I had to go back and deactivate the plugin that posted those pretty little document boxes on the bottom (along with the bad grammar). What that app did was repeat all the attachments at the bottom. I noticed that photos I’d placed within a post were repeated again at the bottom as “here is the attachements” I couldn’t inflict that kind of pain on my reader(s).

  3. What’s your goal? To make the documents actually visible to the reader of your blog without the reader’s having to download any files? There are ways to create an embedded document. See here, for instance.

    I clicked on the above links in your blog entry and was presented with a “download” dialog box. I didn’t opt to download the files, but I’m sure that they all would have downloaded just fine, had I wanted to download them.

  4. Thanks Kevin. I’m actually working on creating a website for CADA on a WordPress platform. Thought it would be nice to display the dart league stats (I currently email them each week). But really, as long as the links work that will suffice. Actually, probably better that way. I am going to play with the website you shared in your link to see how that looks.

    Appreciate the help!

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