Searchlight or L.A.?

This is a serious question I’m putting out to my readers.  Read this post from Zombie and let me know in the comments which group would you choose.  And yes, I’m making this an “either/or” proposition.  Picking the group you would be “least embarrassed” to be photographed with does not mean you have to accept either groups ideology.  So, if you had to be in either Searchlight or L.A. and attend the rally, where would you go?

Bonus question–do you believe the press covers these these two groups in an equal, “fair and balanced” way?

5 thoughts on “Searchlight or L.A.?

  1. The right wing assembly has the hotties, so I’m hanging with them. Interestingly, the left wingers look like a collection of immigrants here for the handouts and natives already getting their share.

  2. The US is in a shambles…What’s the matter ? You guys should break off into two countries where the two kinds of Americans (as you seem to self-define) can split apart and live along-side their leftist or right wing brethren. I have a feeling though that the worst thing that could happen to either group would be for them to get exactly what they want…imagine it.

    As to the “fair and balanced” idea: would you agree that most people whining about biased media never or seldom make an effort to read/watch news from a variety of sources? I find it a bit ironic that, for example, someone listening to Limbaugh complain about the NY Times would conclude that the Times is a liberal rag, etc, without every having thumbed through it. Disciples of MSNBC never flip on FOX news to see what’s up, but are the first to condemn it…etc etc. There is plenty of information out there, if one cares to look for it.

    Finally, to answer the question: I am really curious about the draw of Palin, as ostensibly, she seems like a female Columbo, who doesn’t seem to have a clue about things, but in the end, it all turns out fine for her. People seem to like her for whatever reason, and I am curious about that draw. Thus, Nevada it is. Furthermore, the right wing seems paralyzed with fear and anger, so I think that is the place to hang out and talk to people about what’s on their mind.

  3. Interesting points by Von. I’m with him and Keith and Hannah Giles. If I have to hang out with nuts I prefer they be good looking.

  4. If those were my only two choices I’d rather be associated with the group in Nevada. Thank goodness those aren’t my only two choices.

    I don’t think the group in LA is representative of Democrats but I do see the group in Nevada as representative of Republicans. I guess in retrospect some Republicans might be as offended by that association as I am from the implied association of Democrats to the LA nutjobs.

  5. Pictures from the rally in LA. Funny they do not look like the ones in the Zombie post. For one thing they include younger women.

    (sorry, link was distorting my pagination)

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