Proud to be an American…

…and to embrace all the rights and freedoms that come as a birthright but were paid for in blood.

So, I am going to continue with my “churlish” ways, and if you don’t like it we can argue about it in the comments or you can just go away.

I have the right to say and write what I want*, and you have the right to disagree.  Ain’t freedom grand?

By the way, just as a reminder:  My views expressed here are my own and do not reflect the sanction or agreement of my employer or any other government official.  I’m writing in my personal capacity, not as a representative of any organization or agency.  I write on my own time and on my own computer.

It’s called the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.  It applies to every citizen, how much more inclusive can you get than that?

And Mohammed married a 9 year old girl.  It’s an historical fact.

*Within the well established limits, i.e. I won’t be inciting violence or anything like that of course.  And I have chosen to avoid writing any work related posts in the future, just so there will not be any misunderstandings.

Enough said?  I think so.

7 thoughts on “Proud to be an American…

  1. Tried to. It seems some folks can’t handle the truth (or at least my version of the truth). I’ve conceded that writing about my work life, no matter how generically, is probably not in my best interest. After all, the blog don’t pay the bills. But I will be damned if someone will stop me from exercising my freedom of expression in any other regard.

    Social justice warriors are a cowardly bunch I’ve discovered.

  2. Pingback: Watch what you say | Long Time Gone

  3. Pingback: Back on the road again | Long Time Gone

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