Positive Feedback

Well, they sent out a notice at work yesterday announcing my imminent departure. I have been getting some very nice emails from people I have worked with over these past four years. It is always gratifying to know that your work has been respected and appreciated. This particular email to my boss from a manager in our Philadelphia Regional Office was really touching:

I feel ambivalent. I’ll miss John’s wisdom and his commitment to his Customers. The C in customer is capitalized because that’s the attitude he exhibited to me, one of his Customers. He practiced a Standard of Excellence in dealing with his Customers. On the other hand, so few times in our lives do we really listen to our hearts and do what we truly believe that we are called to do, despite hardships, known and unknown. Stepping out there on faith is empowering and humbling.

My prayer is that may he know and have God’s Grace and may he be at Peace.

If appropriate pls feel free to share w/ him.

Thank you for the kind words Wendella. And thank you for understanding why I believe this is important. It has been a privilege to work with dedicated managers like you.

11 thoughts on “Positive Feedback

  1. What a nice thing to say! I’m a little late coming into your blog, so I’m curious about what you’re doing. Are you moving to Korea? I originally thought you were already living there, but since you had dinner in Baltimore I would assume not! Or just an extended trip? Sorry if I’m nosey 😀

  2. Thank you Jenniy (double checked the spelling, since I read the post about your secretary!). To answer your question…no, I do not actually leave until January 22. I am sorta in my long goodbye phase. My blog will mostly be about my experiences in Korea once I get there, but I doubt I will be able to avoid political commentary on the current events of the day back home in the states. Glad you stopped by for a visit. Thanks for the comment and please come back again!

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog- or, how do you say it, ‘Ghamsahamnida!’ I was in Korea for a week in 2003 and it is one of my all-time favourite places, I shall have to pop by here from time to time to see how it strikes you on a longer acquaintance…

  4. It is good to hear positive things about Korea, Dr. Clam. I have heard more good than bad and that is encouraging. Remind me, what’s the URL for your blog?

  5. Wow! To have a Customer recognize your level of integrity and hard work is amazing. Too bad it is often when we leave positions, instead of while we are still in them.

  6. Kimberly, you are right, it is often the case that people don’t take the time to appreciate the work of others until it is too late. In all honesty, I was fortunate to work with some truly special people who were not selfish with positive feedback when warranted. Wendella is such a person.

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