19 thoughts on “Pathetic

  1. Right again, John.

    Pretty much everything they do is pathetic. The Olympic fiasco…….. the indecision over what to do in Afghanistan, the Sec Counsil meeting over nuc issues, and the fiasco over how Obama handled the announcement of the ‘secret’ Iranian nuc facility (in Philadelphia vs at the security council meeting – WTF???) which only served to embarrass Sarkozy and reveal ‘the one’ as the opportunist he is and in the process totally emasculate the security council meeting. Sarkozy, of course, had to completely revise his prepared remarks because of Mr O’s Lookee-Me, see how important I am foolishness. This guy is revealing himself to be the lightweight narcissist he is and those around him to be inexperienced and hopefully temporary help as well.

    And his indecision over active war strategy (it is a bonefide ongoing war BTW, not a fist-fight out in the back lot) that was so unimportant as to ignore it while he tryst’s off to Denmark with his wife and Oprah…….four planes worth….to make yet another fool of himself – to call the commanding general to Norway for a 25 minute meeting (25 whole minutes, wow) on his aircraft, of all places, now we learn more to admonish him for talking to the press without clearing it with him first, than to work on a decision regarding the war effort………then we learn a mere couple days later, that 8 more of America’s finest have been killed in an outpost siege in Afghanistan – a event that very well might have been avoided had he paid proper attention and made prompt decisions……. but, hey, cost of doing business when you’re ‘the one’…….. can’t be hurried, has his own agenda after all.

    Of course, and rather than listening to military experts, people who have devoted their entire lives to the problem……. instead they are entertaining ideas and shoot from the hip suggestions from every cat and dog on the fence……. to include the bonefide idiot of a vice president he chose to be his second stooge……..and of course, there’s always the ever-brilliant Lindsey Graham and his ideas too.

    I don’t care who you are, a democrat, republican, independent, or whatever……if you are a person who can’t see the folly of this goof-ball you are either in denial or brain-damaged. If as Ann Colter says, that liberalism is a mental disorder, then indeed it’s the brain-damage choice.


    Oh, and buy the way, as our undeclared enemies……..from Russia to China to the Middle East are meeting secretly to strategize on how to dump the dollar as a central international trading currency (and who can blame them) – of course this is a grand surprise….no??? China is using the mountain of dollars they’ve amassed through the sale of plastic toys and other junk to the west, primarily us…….. trillions of dollars worth………to buy up everything they can get their hands on……..from raw materials that will sustain them long into the future allowing them to effectively secure their strangle-hold on the West, primarily the US without ever firing a shot, BTW) to American business’ of every sort………. and this due to our wonderful laws that allows anyone with a few bucks to buy our country out from under us, while those same nations are protected from American investment in their own country.

    Can anyone else see anything wrong with this picture? I’m beginning to think it’s only you and me, John.

  2. Was Lindsey Graham bad when he was working with George Bush during the previous eight years did he just become a problem when Obama took office?

    And do you really think that those who have a different view than you have a mental disorder. You cite that Ann Coulter book a lot. I’ve noticed you have gone out of your way to praise John in almost every post (wasn’t it you that ripped me for “sucking up to the blog host”) but you fail to note that John has spent the better part of his life as a democrat. I guess he has cured his mental disorder.

  3. A few people on this board should be less concerned with other people who have differing views from them and with attacking them and constantly starting trouble, and more concerned about the great sucking sound off in the distance as the country continues the slide down into the hole of disaster.

    But since those people are liberals and liberalism is a mental disorder there is most likely no way they can get it together and wake up. It’s a damned shame but just one of those sorry facts of life, apparently. I find my self wondering what tune they will sing with they can no longer deny reality and it’s right in their faces?

    Probably come running back to their daddies to beg for help and to try to be rescued.

  4. S’bag, you would do well to learn from his example. But you most likely won’t……. surely not until you have your own wake up call, at least. I wish I could be there, just for a moment, to watch and and if it happened I’d surely have a good chuckle.

    But then, being a democrat and being a liberal is not necessarily the same thing, as Pat Caddell eloquently demonstrates. And since liberalism is a mental disorder the perhaps hoped for wake-up call, I’m afraid, ain’t gonna happen.

    Hey, we all have mental illness in our families somewhere – no show-stopper, but still, in many ways such a burden to carry. But I’m sure John has found way’s to cope,- like maybe moving to the RoK, Korean-girl watching, dart-leagues and good cold draft beer. Cures alot of ills, I’m sure. A man could damned near put up with the IL’s up north for such a life.

  5. John, does this mean you think 9/11 was the fault of just the democrats? Can’t we agree that there is plenty of blame to go around on both sides? I don’t put all the blame on Bush even though he was the president during the attack.

    And does Obama deserve any credit for keeping us safe from attack his entire term to this point?

    As you know, I respect your party switch but I am still trying to come to terms with why on 9/12 you decided it was time.

    And Smackdab, lets take a deep breath and not resort to childish name calling. Relax. Take a deep breath.

  6. No, it wasn’t about blaming the Dems, Kevin. It was just a general realization that there is a “real” world versus the world we might wish for. So, pre-9/11 we treated terrorism like a crime, we woke up on 9/12 and found out we were at war. Nothing has changed since then.

    I’m basically a one issue voter now, and that is national security. So far, Obama has not significantly changed any of his predecessors policies and that is likely for the best. I’m worried about his apparent uncertainty about what to do in Afghanistan. Here’s a clue for him: Win!

    The other thing that changed for me after 9/11 is I started trolling the internet for various news and views. I was shocked to discover just how slanted and limited the reporting I was getting from the Wash Post really was. So, I think I was better able to “grow” in my view that the less government the better.


  7. Take your own damned breath, spawn….you have to earn the right to criticize your elders and wisers, and you most definitely haven’t.

    And John, simply excellent….. (sucking up aside….)

    Good context, undeniable truth…. a growth experience, and options open…… gotta love it.

    Ya gotta do this for me…..next opportunity in the ‘wan’………have one for me, please please please…….. and cheers as you do.

  8. Voting based strictly on one issue is extremely shortsighted. I can see placing it as your number 1 priority but to ignore all else as long as the person held the position on national security that you think is best does not seem reasonable. Would you vote for a person whose national security stance mirrored your own but believed the country should move more towards communism I doubt you would vote for him or her.

    Anyway, the Republican Party has not demonstrated that it is best positioned to ensure national security. They just talk rah rah better. Just out of curiosity what exactly is your position on national security? What do you think Obama should be doing that he is not? It seems to me that you spend most of your time criticizing Obama because of his social policies and you admit that he hasn’t undone the national security policies of the Bush Administration so your issue with him does not appear to be with his stance on national security.

  9. Well, without national security you have nothing, right?

    What has Obama done that I don’t like? As I mentioned, his failure to keep his promise about making Afghanistan a priority is one thing. His lack of will on Iran is another. His turning his spurning long time allies like Great Britain. His meddling in Honduras, his siding with the Palistinians, his investigation into CIA interrogations. Not much to inspire confidence.

    And trust me, I would have criticized a Republican who tried to nationalize the private sector as well. In fact, I did not approve of Bush’s bailouts and deficit spending either. Of course, Obama makes Bush look like a pikeer…

  10. I am going to give Obama some time to before I judge him on Afghanistan. We’ve been there eight years and it may take longer than a few months to come up with an new strategy. As Russia knows, it isn’t easy to win long drawn out wars there. But something must be done. I’ve told you my biggest beef with Obama is he is all talk and no action. I’m still waiting on him to do something other than make a speech. He and Bush are just alike other than Obama makes much better speeches, is more liked and apparently plans to outspend him. Unless he gets it together he will be the next Jimmy Carter. I don’t want him to fail and I haven’t given up on him but he has to start showing me something here. And soon.

    What scares me is there is no one on the right that I see offering up a good alternative. In my opinion Bush should have never won a second term but when John Kerry is your only other choice it kind of limits things. If only it were John McCain running against W. that year. He may have won. But alas…McCain is loyal to his party.

    And lastly, dab, or whatever handle you are using today, I am not criticizing my elders or “wisers”, I am stating my opinion. That’s kind of the point here. It is you and you only that gets all bent out of shape and in a tizzy and begins calling names and hurling insults and making up such clever things as “k-spawn”? (That is weak, here, let me give you an good nickname for me since you don’t like me, How about “K-HACK” or “K-Tard”? Or since you are a homophobe maybe “Gay”-Mac)

    You know, I’m sorry that I didn’t realize that you are the great decider of when someone has earned the right to share on opinion on a blog? I suppose I should have checked with you first before ever thinking about posting on this or any blog.

    I should have let you remind me that anyone that has a different view than yours is disrespectful, has a mental disorder, doesn’t have or hasn’t earned the right to speak anyway and should just be quiet. Oh, especially if they are female, gay or haven’t served in the military.

    I bet the Republican party loves guys like you out their fighting the good fight for them. You have such a way with words and with people. Very pragmatic indeed.

    Thanks for putting a smile on my face. Again.

  11. Yeah, that’s some smile ur sportin there, K-spawn……er……Gay-Mac…or whatever name ur using today……(see how that works, K-tard…?)

    Now why not go get a real job and try to grow up a little and stop with all the machismo bravado…… it’s not like you haven’t had decent examples to learn from……

  12. I go by Kevin everyday but I am glad you found the suggestions helpful. I figured you would.

    And you are right, I’ve had some great examples to learn from which is why you don’t see me insulting you, your family, your line of work or lowering myself to name calling. I was taught that is rude. Usually, when people get frustrated because they are unable to make their point they turn to petty name calling and insults. It isn’t rocket science.

    As for the “real job” suggestion, I am holding out for one of Obama’s next czar post. I think he has about 30 left to fill and I may have in inside track on one of them.

  13. Oh my gosh! I seriously cannot take this one more minute. I would assume that John started this blog as a way to not only chronicle his life in Korea, share stories with his family that lives in the states, and to post his opinions on his view of life. Smackdab has turned this into some malicious attack on someone’s son. You don’t know John or Kevin and are completely out of line for saying such hateful things about someone you don’t know. Kevin is a very accomplished journalist in South Carolina and has met and spoken with politicians from all sides of the fence. Just the other day he had a long, funny conversation with Congressman Joe Wilson. Frequent guests on his show include Former Governor Jim Hodges and Senator Jake Knotts. He even had Barack Obama on his show. He never once treats someone with disrespect because of their views, age, gender or race.John, I think that your views are very intelligent and I really enjoyed getting to meet you. I don’t get to post much but I read your blog everyday. I’ve passed the site on to my co-workers and they enjoy it as well. Kevin and I would love to come to Korea in the future and see your surroundings and I want to learn to play darts! I hope you have a great day!

  14. Awww, thank you Lauren. You a swetheart. Behind every strong man…

    I promise to behave.

    And as for darts, I wonder if John remembers the last time we played and who won. 🙂

  15. You know, I try to stay out of the comments figuring folks can either handle the back and forth or ignore comments they consider inappropriate.

    I like it better when people play nice of course.

    This blog is in fact basically a chronicle of my life in Korea, but of course one cannot avoid politics where ever they live. Plus, I’ve kinda fallen into a routine in my life that is not at all unpleasant, but does not create many bloggable moments.

    So, I like to share and comment on things I find out there on the Web and getting feedback from readers makes doing so lots more fun.

    Looking forward to seeing you on this side of the world soon Lauren and for a rematch with Kevin (I don’t remember losing, but I’m not denying it either).

  16. Oh, please…………..
    My goodness………..now the girlfriend give’s her two cents. Are you so blinded by your eye-goo love that you can’t see this guy for what he is?

    No, I too can’t take this for even ‘two’ more seconds and I can not let you just throw this out and get away with it. Before you get too excited, just know that I have been around too and though I have not before posted I just can’t let stand this love-sick, fawning display and I have to come out to the comments by ‘Lauren’. Contrary to what in your vision-impairment you seem to think, Lauren, anyone who wants to track back on this blog can readily see that this guy Kevin stirs the pot with the best of them. A gentlemen or the great and wonderful professional that you seem to think he deserves to be honored as, could have and would have stepped away at any moment but has he ever done that? Answer and wake-up call to you Lauren: No he hasn’t. Instead, by my reading, he has continually messed-about with his sarcasm and insults as well. He even admitted so in his last post promising to ‘behave’ in the future. Well, if so, it would seem to be a new thing for him. He could have followed the example of his father, whose blog it apparently is, instead he has disrespected his father by engaging in fights with his father’s guests to the blog – is he so full-of-himself, that he can not see his error in this? None of what has come to pass would have even have happened at all if he would simply be polite and respectful as his father is regardless of whether or not he is irritated by something said on the blog – his father seems to deal with these things very well, but why can’t he? Because his ego, apparently, won’t let him. When called out a while back for the one-off disrespect it to his father he tried to make excuses for that too. He continued on with his thinly veiled sarcasm – and when he meets others who won’t roll over and he is not permitted the hypocrisy he exposes in himself each time he gets in such a hash, he retreats into accusations of name calling and such. And he does this even within the same thread using terms such as racist, sexist and other insults. So please wake yourself up, Miss. This guy is no saint. You tout his having had conversations with this and that politician as though it’s some kind of honor and cite it as examples of when he showed respect to others. Rather, this seems to be very clarifying in other ways – who, indeed, would expect anyone to enter debate with elected politicians from his home state or with the President of the US? Further, his conversations with these policies, if they occurred, would seem more to clarify what a dyed-in-the wool liberal he is and seem to, instead, cement his apparent worship of all things liberal . No, these things do not show him to be respectful, they only show him to be a liberal. So, based on the generally conservative commentary I seem to note from most visitors to the LTG blog, most of the guests probably wouldn’t go across the street to have a conversation with any of his apparently favored politicians. This includes his vaunted Mr. Obama who he now says he wants to czar for – in what capacity, then? Mr. Sports-critic Czar or just Mr. Critic-Czar? Maybe he would fit right in, seems to me.

    My goodness. John sets the rules here and he doesn’t seem to have found fit to even comment on the exchanges between this foolish young man and the visitors to his blog. Moreover, as he even says within this very thread, it is John who introduces most of the political commentary posts. So then, if the intent of the blog is to permit John to converse with his family members as you seem to think, Lauren, and is contaminated by debate with your boyfriend, why would it not be a private board/web-site and where and when, pray tell, has he reminded of that or ever pointed it out?

    Again, this is intended to be my only post and I apologize if it offends other readers, it is addressed to ‘Lauren’. If I had a way to email her directly I would have but I had to post comment here. I wrote this out last night and slept on it, then decided to go ahead and send it. I had written a lot more but I decided to just cut it off here hopefully with point made. I’ve had my say and don’t intend to comment on this further, so Lauren, please just take it for what it’s worth and let it go. Anyway, you should consider to spend your time thinking about what you’re involved with and try to be more honest with yourself.

  17. Lauren and Kevin,

    I think you both would love a visit to Korea. John has a way of showing people around.

    As for the blog, I also agree with you. I am more interested in reading about John’s great exploits and news of what is going on in my second home.

    Kevin, if you are kicking John’s ass in darts then more power to you. Remember though that he is older and more fragile. You need to take it easy on him sometimes. That is what I did the last time I played him.

    John, you need to send Jiyoung an email also to congratulating her on finally adding a new addition to the family in May 2010.

  18. Duke, I am in no way kicking John’s ass at darts. Its been about two years since we played. Maybe longer. The last time we played were were on the worst board in Columbia, SC and I think he was stuck with my sister on his team. I think he did to me what you usually do for him-took it very easy on me. From what I gather his skills have improved greatly since the last time we played.

    I enjoy throwing darts but is it normal that I actually thow BETTER after 4-6 beers? Anything under or over that number and I stink.

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