Our French neighbors

Hmm, after seeing this we may want to double our border patrols to keep that creeping menace well to the north. Oh yeah, you can find the same clueless people in San Francisco, New York City, and under other rocks where creepy things reside. I absolutely cannot comprehend this mentality…..

Via Tim Blair

5 thoughts on “Our French neighbors

  1. Our neighbors are Canadian not French and most of the people dipicted in these pictures appear to be of Middle East decent.

  2. Canadian, French, who can tell the difference these days? Both have become wimps who won’t pull their own weight on the world stage. I have no respect for either.

  3. Won’t pull their weight. You mean won’t kowtow to American interest (as defined by the current administration) don’t you? Sounds kind of ballsy to me. American has the mightiest military and the will to go it alone when they want where they want, without provocation. Yep sounds ballsy all right. Not wimpy at all.

  4. Yep, I guess if you define “ballsy” as supporting dicators and tyranny, comparing Bush to Hitler, hating Western values, then the French Canucks are indeed quite ballsy. Did you even look at the link? And you would comment in support of these miscreants?

    Carol, Canada relies on our mighty military to defend their wimpy asses. So, yeah a little support in the WOT is not asking too much in my opinion.

    But then if you oppose the spread of democracy in the Middle East you are right to oppose BusHitler. I think it is quite clear where our “friends” to the north stand. Your support of them speak volumes about you too I might add.

  5. Yep it says I dont’ resort to name calling or meaningless rhetoric. It syas I don’t ahve to trash another person or country to feel good about myslef or my country. It says I am fair minded in that I will listen to your grievance even when I disagree. It also says I am willing to give you the chance to change my mind but that I am strong enough in my convictions that I am not particulary worried about that happening. It says I respect their right to disent and I admire their balls.

    What does it say about you?

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