8 thoughts on “Obviously, this does not apply to me…

  1. Brilliant. I wish I could reason like that.

    Brilliant. I’d like to call out that POS, Fortunate. Really would.

    More later. Much more.

  2. Dennis: 1st and foremost, Fortuneate is not a POS. This person has their opinion and has every right to it. I disagree but, if you have read back through the comments. Not in anger. Just my view.

  3. What, Frank……

    You don’t think Fortunate is a person of sincerity ? ? ?:lol::lol::lol:

  4. Frank I appreciate your defending my right to my own opinions. Unfortunately, I am a person and I am sincere (most of the time) so I guess I must be a POS. Unless of course there is more to the label by virtue of the grouping of the words than is conveyed singularly by each word individually, in which case I reserve the right to recant the previous statement.

  5. Dennis: Yes I do think Fortune-Cookie is very sincere. I just disagree with that view. Who knows, it might be you, John and I that are proven wrong in time. However, debate is what the point is. Ted Kennedy (another news item) said today that he wanted an appointment as fast as possible after his death. That was tough but, truthfull. He said he felt the people of Mass. needed two voices. Democrats nor repulicans all agree with eachother. I was actually shocked he said that (we know he wants another Demo as the governor is Demo) but, this whole concept of a majority/one party system is wrong. I do not want to see our great country go there (socialism). I hope we actually see the third party gain more strength. Then, “game-on”.

  6. Fortunateate: What the hell did you just say? “Unfortunately, I am a person and I am sincere (most of the time) so I guess I must be a POS”. “In which case I reserve the right to recant the previous statement”. That’s truly hilarious. Now get out of the wine bottle.

  7. Wine bottle is it?

    I thought it was liberal libation. . . aka, something in the water….

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