Love is a rose

The internet truly is forever. Or so it seems. I had an email this morning from a stranger. He’d read something I posted on a forum back in April 2017 and wondered how things had worked out for me. And so I briefly related the sad details of that unhappy ending.

That forum post had been called “A brand new plan” and detailed the soul-crushing history that had led me to give up on love completely forevermore. My new plan was simply to hire someone to provide all the things a lover might without the baggage that love brings with it. I had already found the perfect woman for the job and was sending her to school to learn the caregiver trade. I was quite smug in my belief that I had it all figured out.

And then I fell in love with her. And then she broke my heart. It’s going on three years now and I’ve mostly gotten over it. And for the first time since then, I find myself falling in love again. With a woman who is already in a relationship. It’s a little scary when I consider the parallels with what happened to me and what could potentially happen to my new love’s boyfriend. It ain’t pretty and I’m not comfortable with being in this triangle.

It was odd timing that I was led to revisit the past this morning. Because this afternoon I’m having “the talk” with my new love. I had already told her that I was taking a step back to give her the time and space she needed to decide which future she wants to pursue. I got a message from her saying she didn’t sleep well last night because of “stress” and today she wants to talk about “us”. So that’s what we’ll do.

No idea which way this is going to go but I think I’m ready for anything. Frankly, re-reading my old new plan has me thinking that maybe I was on the right track back then before I mucked everything up by falling in love.

I’m anxious to see what is going to happen next.

Love is a rose
But you better not pick it
It only grows when it’s on the vine
A handful of thorns and
You know you’ve missed it
You lose your love
When you say the word “mine”

I wanna see what’s never been seen
I wanna live that age-old dream
Come on, lass, we can go together
Let’s take the best right now
Take the best right now

3 thoughts on “Love is a rose

  1. The master is back. Back with more unedited posts. I gotta say, I bet most of your readers saw this coming. Good luck with the talk. I wanna say I hope you learn from this, but we all know those would be empty words. Keep writing and doing what you’re doing. It’s quite interesting to see , whichever way it goes. Good luck

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