So the other night Jee Yeun was visiting her mother and I ran out of things to do on the internet and got bored. No worries, I went downstairs to the GS25 store, bought me three tall cans of Cass beer and a bag of tortilla chips, pulled up a chair out front, and proceeded to loiter.
On the longish list of things I like about Korea, the ability to sit on the street sipping a brew and watching the women people walk by is nowhere near the top. But when the mood strikes it’s a nice diversion. Most convenience stores have a setup something like this:
Whereas in the good ol’ USA you find this:
I reckon those two photos illustrate some of the unique cultural differences between the two countries as much as anything else might.
Anyway, about mid-way through my second beer an older Korean man joined me. We didn’t have a thing to say to each other in a common language but the enjoyment of the shared experience translated just fine. The only downside was the lack of a public restroom. Luckily, I was able to duo-purpose the parking lot I wrote about previously and I relieved myself Korean-style.
Is this a great country or what?