I do not have a drinking problem

In celebration of ten years of blogging here at LTG, each week for the next 5251 50 49 48 47 46  45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 weeks I will delve deep into the sewer archives of past posts to bring you a tidbit of blog history.  I had originally planned to call this series “The best of LTG”, but damn, there just wasn’t much “best” to be found.  And mediocre is too hard to spell.)

I drink, I get drunk, I fall down–no problem!

Seven years ago I fell down in Metro Bar and I wrote about the event in a post called “Last night had me in stitches”.

Now, I know the impression that leaves is that I was falling down drunk.  But that is really not the case.  Yes, I had been drinking but I steadfastly maintain that was not the proximate cause of my balance issues.  Fact of the matter is I blacked out.  Witnesses say I stood up, started coughing, and then hit the floor.  Seems to me it was more likely an oxygen to the brain issue unrelated to the beers I had consumed.  It was the second time I had blacked out like that, and thankfully it was the last.

Some damage was done however.  The stitches in my head were the least of my worries. During the fall I had somehow managed to basically filet my pinky finger.  It wouldn’t heal properly, so I finally had to get a skin graft.  Hurt like a mother fucker too.

Ah well, it’s all healed and good as new now.  And I have the scar to prove it.

UPDATE: Here’s a fun fact:  Drunken falls kill more people in Wisconsin than drunken drivers.  And I don’t recall ever being in Wisconsin.

2 thoughts on “I do not have a drinking problem

  1. Pingback: What’s up, Doc? | Long Time Gone

  2. Pingback: Between a rock and a hard place | Long Time Gone

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