Closing a door

Today I gave my departed wife the last installment on the promised six month support after our split.  I sent her a message telling her the money was in her account.  I told her I would never understand why she turned her back on a life we promised to share. I wished her well in her quest for happiness.  She responded thank you and good luck.  And that was that.

I’ve enlisted the support of my kids in South Carolina to assist in liquidating the contents of the house I bought, remodeled, and furnished for Jee Yeun in Columbia.  And then the house itself will go on the market and I’ll take the first reasonable offer I receive for it.  Fact of the matter is I have no desire to return to the USA to live, and even if I did I couldn’t bear to live in a house full of sad memories.

At this stage of my life I do not want to be encumbered with material things nor the baggage of the past.  That’s about as close to freedom as it gets I suppose.

What next?  Well, unless I fuck up massively I expect to work until June 2017.  My goal is to have a year’s worth of my pension salary in the bank by then.  In addition to whatever I recover from my ill-advised decision to pay cash for that fucking house.

And then what will I do?  No idea really.  I’d say the Philippines is a definite possibility.  Old time readers will recall that was where I was going to retire in 2010.  And then I met Jee Yeun and she convinced me that she was a better option.  Now six years later I’m back where I started.  Older but likely not much wiser.  Certainly more cynical, bitter and lonely though.  So there’s that.

Things can change.  I’ve just got to get my mind around how to go about changing them.

4 thoughts on “Closing a door

  1. let me throw this cliché your way, ” it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all”. peace out.

  2. It seems that for me loving and losing go hand and hand. I’m just astounded how wrong I was about this last one..

  3. As someone who’s been following your life from the sidelines (since you started this blog), I was truly shocked to read about this turn of events.

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