“And when did you get so stupid?”

Michael Moore, well known as a fat weasel and faux documentarian, goes on the attack after some Canadian journalists have the audacity to question a basic premise of his new film:

Michael Moore received a standing — and sustained — ovation following the screening of his latest documentary, Sicko, at the Cannes Film Festival Saturday. But some critics suggested that in censuring the U.S. health system, Moore was overly generous in his praise of other countries’. At a news conference, Canadian journalists harangued Moore for, as Toronto Star film critic Peter Howell wrote, making “it seem as if Canada’s socialized medicine is flawless and that Canadians are satisfied with the status quo.” Apparently taken aback by the assault from the Canadian journalists, Moore said, “You Canadians! You used to be so funny! … You gave us all our best comedians. When did you turn so dark?”

Well, unlike many Americans, I actually know some real live Canadians, and trust me, they are not at all dark. In fact, they tend to be quite pale. Ok, so I’m not funny either.

But seriously, there are problems with healthcare in the U.S., no question. I was amazed when I visited a border town in Mexico last year and observed numerous medical clinics catering to American citizens. Not unlike what I understand to be the case in the U.S. cities along the Canadian border where folks from the GWN who can afford quality healthcare and don’t want to wait months to get it, receive treatment.

If I had been one of those reporters I would have noted that it is far better to be a “humorless”* Canadian than a fat** asshole. But that’s just me.

* Canadians in fact are very funny, check out their blogs if you don’t believe me.

** While I have no room to talk when it comes to being overweight, in comparison to Moore I am practically skinny. And I like fat people just fine, it is fat assholes that I despise. Actually, I don’t care much for skinny assholes either come to think of it.

2 thoughts on ““And when did you get so stupid?”

  1. I cannot comment on the specifics of the film, but only what you said.

    While Canada does have health care, it is not flawless by any stretch of the imagination. There are some insane waiting times and not every condition is covered. To top it off, health care is a provincial responsibility – not federal. This allows for great differences from province to province. Thus, presenting a “Canadian” system of health care fits in with the Moore style perfectly – inherently flawed.

    I also have a problem with the label “documentary” for anything that he excretes.

  2. I really can’t stand Michael Moore as a voice for ‘all things great in Canada’, when he is so full of shit for all of it. Examples from his past movies (NOT documentaries): there is no racism in Canada and Canadians don’t lock their doors (because crime is soooo low).

    And now, since he’s not getting praise from Canadians, we are no longer funny. Is that all he thought we were good for – Jim Carry and Mike Myers.

    That man needs to be exported to an unnamed African country to work and try to contribute something useful to humanity.

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