Bars of Barretto: Thumbstar (Updated September 10, 2022)

One of those bars I walk past every day but very rarely visit.

UPDATE: I visited again last night, and nothing much has changed from my earlier review. Well, I guess one big difference is now they have a shwarma kitchen on the patio out front. I’ve been meaning to try it but haven’t gotten around to it yet. To my surprise, the cook is an old friend of mine, Rica. Haven’t seen her since the early days of the scamdemic. She is locally known for her cooking expertise, so I’m sure the food out front will be excellent. I’ll be trying it soon.

Another difference was I was here at 9:00 p.m. on a Friday night, so it had more of a party vibe going on. Still lots of gals to choose from, many of them scantily clad. Actually, you don’t have to choose them; they’ll come looking for you. I don’t much care for “buy me a drink” aggression, but they backed off once I made it clear I wasn’t looking for company. As a said in the first review, if you like the girly bar scene, Thumbstar will fulfill your needs nicely.

Thumbstar is one of the most popular girly bars in town, at least judging by the chatter on some of the local forums I read. I’ve only been inside three or four times total, and yesterday’s visit was my first in well over a year. I can’t really say for sure why that is. Well, the last time I went with some Hashers and I guess we weren’t appreciated, but that’s a little fuzzy. The manager has been alleged to be a bit of a dick, but I have no first-hand knowledge of that either. He did wind up marrying the girl I was crushing on a couple of years ago.

Oh, Heidi. Another missed opportunity.

Coincidentally, it was Heidi who greeted me when I arrived. Honestly, I barely recognized her. I took a seat in the corner as far from the bar as possible.

As seen from my vantage point.

It is one of the larger bars in town, very well appointed, clean and comfortable. In fact, I’d have to say it is the nicest appearing bar I’ve reviewed thus far. I was there before 4:00 p.m. and there were only a couple of customers near the bar playing pool.

Lots of bored bargirls sitting around waiting for customers.

Speaking of bargirls, as I was sitting by my lonesome, three young ladies, well, two young ladies and a forty-year-old, came and joined me. That’s the way it works in a lot of bars, although I prefer to do the picking and inviting, but whatever. I was only staying for a couple of beers anyway. We chatted some and then the waitress came by and asked me if I wanted to buy the girls drinks. Again, pretty standard procedure, although I’m usually only going to buy one girl a drink. I made an exception and bought them all a single lady drink (160 pesos each). You need to be careful and specify single, otherwise, they will bring a bottled beer for 300 pesos.

My drinking companions. I liked the one on my left the best.

My beers were 90 pesos, but they have a promo where you get your second beer free, so that reduces the price some. They also have a nice pool table in the back for those who are inclined to play.

Bottom line, I enjoyed my visit. Girly bars are not really my thing so it is doubtful I’ll be a regular customer any time soon. That said, this bar appears to be well-run and has a good selection of ladies to choose from. I didn’t ask if “take-out” is available, but I assume it is.

I think when I finish reviewing all the bars, I may do rankings based on bar type. Of course, my ratings are all subjective and based on my personal preferences. Thumbstar won’t rank high on my overall list because it is not my kind of place. I’m sure for others it’s the best bar in town.


  1. It Doesn’t Matter
  2. Hideaway
  3. Snackbar
  4. Cheap Charlies
  5. Wet Spot
  6. The Green Room
  7. Alley Cats
  8. Mango’s Beach Bar
  9. Bar Barretto
  10. Lux
  11. Blue Butterfly
  12. Dynamite Dick’s
  13. Mugshots
  14. Alaska Club
  15. Hot Zone
  16. Queen Victoria
  17. Whiskey Girl
  18. Adam’s
  19. Thumbstar
  20. Voodoo
  21. Rock Lobster
  22. Outback
  23. Rosie’s
  24. Annex
  25. Bottoms Up
  26. Palm Tree
  27. BarCelona
  28. MacArthur’s
  29. Redz Pub
  30. Chill

Here is where things stand:

  1. It Doesn’t Matter
  2. Mango’s Beach Bar
  3. Alley Cats
  4. Adam’s
  5. Blue Butterfly
  6. Out Back Billabong
  7. Dynamite Dick’s
  8. Palm Tree
  9. Hideaway
  10. Alaska Club
  11. Thumbstar
  12. Bottoms Up
  13. Rosies
  14. Rock Lobster
  15. Queen Victoria
  16. Voodoo
  17. Annex
  18. MacArthur’s
  19. Redz Pub
  20. Whiskey Girl
  21. Finger Monkey

Hard up, slow down

That pretty much sums up yesterday’s Hash trail. Leech My Nuggets was the Hare and he did not disappoint, providing a challenging and well-marked path for his fellow Hashers to follow. In an unusual twist, Leech did the hike with the Hash group despite having done the Hare duties earlier in the day. Well played!

Some photos from the adventure:

The trail as the Hare intended. Our “sane” group did a shortcut around the climb at the end, which lengthed our walk but avoided another grueling up.
Heading out from our starting point and On-Home finish, Hunter Jo Inn.
On-On! The first part of the trail was a mostly uphill stroll through a neighborhood.
Looks like someone lost their bra…maybe we should look for her…
Steppin’ down…
Then steppin’ up.
And up.
Tired yet?
And then the real fun began. Yeah, it was as steep as it appears.
Rockin’ it!
For a big guy, 18 Kilo Ass moves out well on trail.
There he goes now. That’s his as yet unnamed girlfriend providing the motivation.
Summit achieved. That’s an uling (charcoal) making set-up. Lots of folks still cook with fire in these parts.
After that, things started going downhill. Slowly for me. What’s Up Doc and Cum In My Basement waiting patiently for me to catch up.
7-11 Sucker and Pecker Checker were moving out though. They passed me here despite my 30-minute head start.
I’m coming! I’m coming!
Henry David Thoreau would be pleased.
Pigs in a poke.
A Thanksgiving survivor.
Conversing with the natives.
Cookie recipients. I was very surprised to see the kid on the right wearing a Corona Hash (from Angeles City) shirt. How it came to him out here in the backwoods of Subic is a mystery.
A view from on high.
As slow as I was going down, I still had to wait at the bottom for a couple of other slowpokes. Yeah, I’m talking about you Pubic Head and ISD.
One of these things is not like the others…
On the road again…
Shit creek.
A bridge over troubled waters.
Speaking of bridges, this rickety little thing was our last water crossing of the day.
Naturally, all eyes were on 18 Kilo Ass as he made the perilous crossing, including the old woman in the background. Impressive how he is using his walking stick to transfer some of his upper body weight to the handrails. It worked, and both he and the bridge survived!
The final obstacle between us and some refreshing cold beverages.
On-Home at last!
The view from Hunter Jo Inn.
Leech My Nuggets got the Hashit in recognition of his showing us all up by doing the trail twice and still being the first one back.
And the sun went down on another Hash Monday.

I’ll be one of the Hare’s next week.

And so concludes a Hash post as lonely as I feel.

A reprieve

Or perhaps a reprise. We shall see.

Continuing on with the soap opera (or is it K-drama?) that is my love life, I *think* Pearl and I have reconciled. I had continued some sporadic message exchanges with Pearl throughout the afternoon and early evening. I was riding an emotional roller coaster, moving from “I’m better off without her” to “she’s worth fighting for” depending on the tone of her responses. In between my texting sessions, I attended a birthday gathering for the owner of Alley Cats, contributing a batch of my famous brownies to the potluck table.

After the party, I moved on to It Doesn’t Matter, where I once again enjoyed the banter and repartee with Roan. At that point, I was thinking that my old bar life was going to be my new future and I was reconciling myself to the fact that while empty, the lifestyle was relatively painless. Meanwhile, the messages with Pearl had devolved to the “I guess this is goodbye, then” stage. I sent her this as my parting words:

Given the tone of our preceding conversation, I was surprised when I received this response from her:

I miss you and I want you here with me

Now you tell me! I said goodnight to Roan and walked up the highway to visit Pearl at her place. We had the conversation we should have had from the beginning. I talked about her jealousy issues and noted the hypocrisy of her own actions, pointing out that had I taken a girl to see a live band in a bar, she would have been outraged. Perhaps even justifiably so. Certainly, my getting an innocuous message I didn’t even answer pales in comparison. She didn’t deny that but pointed out I had hurt her when I walked away from her earlier, and that she only stayed at the bar with [that guy] for a few minutes. Whatever. I told her I’m not jealous of [that guy] and if he is better for you than I am, she should go for it. Don’t settle for less than the best.

We talked about the triggering event that led us to this point–from her perspective me walking away, and from mine her not responding to multiple messages I’d sent. It really all came down to a misunderstanding and miscommunication. She explained that she had been very busy all that afternoon and for the most part didn’t even have access to her phone. I acknowledged that I was in a grumpy mood when I walked away to go to dinner. I wanted her to join me but didn’t explicitly ask her to do so leading her to misinterpret what my leaving meant. Yeah, ain’t love grand?

Anyway, we resolved to work harder on the issues this incident brought out–I’ll talk rather than walk and she will try and understand that women I know from the bars are no threat to her or our relationship. We’ll see how that works out.

I received some amazing comments on my previous post regarding this incident, and I wanted to share some of those insights and respond to some of the suggestions.

BW says: She should know u better first so she can trust u…keep trying to let her know that u never serious with anybody else

Yeah, we had a long talk last night about my interactions with bargirls. I explained that the girls work for drink commissions and I buy drinks sometimes to help them out. That doesn’t mean I want a relationship with them. I asked if she wanted to read all my messages or for me to delete all my female contacts, she said of course not and acknowledged that she has guy friends too. Hopefully, once she knows I have no intention of straying she’ll come to feel more trusting.

From Kevin Kim:

It’s unfair to expect Pearl to be the one Filipina who breaks the mold and doesn’t act Filipina. On the other hand, based on your account of the day in question, she does strike me as being oversensitive.

Yeah, my hatred of jealousy may be a little irrational too. Pearl is atypical in many ways, but yes, her thinking in terms of jealousy is true to form for Filipinas. We did have a rational discussion about trust issues so hopefully, that’s progress.

Ask your happily married friends whether their Pinay wives started off as insanely jealous people back when they were merely dating, and ask further what they, the guys, did to face down that jealousy. 

Well, I haven’t asked yet, but the guys I know in LTRs with Filipinas still have to deal with the jealousy issues. In fact, it may even worsen over time. Now, I can’t say that some of these folks haven’t done things that may warrant jealousy from their significant others…

If I thought there was hope in talking this out and figuring out how to deal with the problem together, I’d humbly advise talking, but Filipinas, especially the young ones, seem to think it’s better just to amputate and move on. Dramatic minds, dramatic solutions.

We’ll see. We did have a good face-to-face conversation on these issues last night and again this morning on messenger. Whether it will result in behavioral change remains to be seen. But I was quite taken aback when she “set me free” over what I considered a minor incident.

This goes back to the idea of looking for an older woman in a young body: ain’t gonna happen. An older woman with experience would probably be willing to act maturely—to hear you out and accept your declarations of loyalty. Young girls, not so much. But young girls are what you seem to want, so in a sense, you’ve trapped yourself in your own hell (a line I’ve said before).

But age is just a number! Actually, meeting Pearl was a matter of circumstance, not design. I actually prefer women in their mid-30s or so. But Pearl is 28 and mature for her years in ways that most Filipinas are not. For one, she lived in Japan for a number of years and I think that experience broadened her horizons. She is also demonstrating maturity in the manner she manages her business which appears to be very successful thus far. Yeah, young women are attractive, but I’m attracted to intellect as well. Getting both in one package would be a big win!

That info about her and [that guy] radically changes my evaluation of your relationship with Pearl. If she feels she can go off the reservation that easily, then she was never deeply committed to begin with. She’s just another young doe relying on her beauty to seek male attention, and to gain validation thereby. Female vanity. And again, the mark of someone young and superficial.

We talked about the [that guy] affair as well. It’s obvious that he is in full courtship mode but until that night she seemed resistant to his advances. According to her, it was a one-off, ten-minute excursion to the bar across the street from her place. I’m going to accept her claim that she has no interest in [that guy] until I have more evidence to the contrary. And as I said above, I told her if she wants to go that route she can go with my blessing. Isn’t that what love is all about–wanting your partner to find happiness?

More fundamentally, what is it that you want? To me, it seems you haven’t resolved that question, and it pops up again and again. If all you want is sex, then apparently, there’s plenty to be found, and you have no trouble finding it. If what you’re looking for is paid companionship, “care” instead of real care, then there’s plenty of that, too. But if what you really want is to find a life-companion who will be there for you when the going gets tough… I don’t know, but I think you may be in the wrong country. You need someone who deeply understands the American character—someone who knows, for example, that if you’re a little flirty with the other bar girls, this doesn’t mean your fundamental commitment to your woman has been compromised. But you’ve closed off the possibility of finding yourself a decent American woman, so again, we’re back to the idea of the self-made hell. Have you ever asked yourself why you’ve boxed yourself in this way?

HaHa! I was married to three different American women and got the same result–divorce. And yeah, I acknowledge that I was the common denominator in each of those relationships. So yes, that is the fundamental question–what is it that I want? I have this fantasy of loving someone and being loved and cared for in return. The reality of that kind of relationship is that it requires a lot of work to maintain and sustain over time. When I was forced to consider my post-Pearl options yesterday, retreating to my previous lifestyle seemed the most appealing. Yeah, it is shallow and hollow, but also pain-free. There is something to be said for that. But in the end, I decided Pearl was worth another go. I’m going to try harder to be a little less selfish and more understanding. If it still doesn’t work, at least I know I gave it my best shot.

From Brian:

I am going to look at it from her side. What is her “role models” in a foreigner/PI girl relationship? In many cases, it is probably a foreigner who comes to town, woos and dines a young lady, professes their love, and most/many times leaves them high and dry. Either by going back to their home country, vowing to return (but never doing so), or getting them pregnant (yeah, I know, it takes two to tango, but…) and then never having anything to do with them or their child again.

Well, the story of Pearl as I understand it was that she married a Japanese guy when she was 18 and moved to Japan. He was her first boyfriend. That didn’t work out for her and since that time she has had two foreigner boyfriends, both long-distance relationships. She moved back to the Philippines a couple of years ago. So, she doesn’t really have any experience with a full-time expat like me, although I’m not sure what difference that might make. As you note, it does seem like she has some preconceived notions of what guys like me are supposedly all about.

I am not sure it is a jealously thing but more of an insecurity issue. Though I suppose it can be said that they are one and the same.

Yeah, to me, jealousy is just a manifestation of emotional insecurity. The other side of the jealousy coin is fearing losing your meal ticket. in Pearl’s case, she is at least more financially secure and self-sufficient than most of the Filipinas I’ve met. Pearl has her own business (with a second location opening soon) and mama drives a new car and lives in a Subic subdivision. So, I think her motivations are pure at least.

In any relationship, it takes work, and this one can work itself out. But you HAVE TO stop looking at it from strictly a Western perspective. Easy to say and hard to do. John, I know you have a lot of multicultural experience. I do also, but I also find myself falling into the abyss of expecting relationship to play out as i think it should in the west. Cant do that.

Yeah, that’s a fair point and one I’ll have to be more cognizant of moving forward.

Also wanted to add that since you are have been in Barretto a few years and are fairly well known in town, I am guessing that Pearl made some enquiries about you.

Yeah, it is definitely a small town with small-town gossip. Pearl already mentioned that the husband of one of her girlfriends talked about seeing me hanging out in Finger Monkey. I don’t misbehave (much) in the bars, but I can imagine a scenario where two girls are giving me a back rub and how that may play out if someone told Pearl they saw girls touching me in the bar.

From Dave: [that guy] does sound like a Juan but do not not get discouraged – or even more cunt-struck – in response. Show Pearl (and her mother who I suspect is the one really pulling Pearl’s strings) just who is the boss and get a take away from Wet Spot. Still ₱5000 only L/T (with only half going to Daddy)

HaHa–well the crew at Wet Spot is amongst the best in town. Still, I’ll save that idea for the when/if this relationship effort fails. Funny side note, I’ve been wondering who mom would pick between me and [that guy]. She’s hard to read…

Alright, this post has gone on way too long and I hope it doesn’t come back and bite me in the ass. (No, I still haven’t told Pearl about the blog–yet.) Thanks again for your support and helpful comments. Let’s find out what happens next in this story.

Hash Monday today, so hopefully a respite from the drama.

That’s good enough for me

I was first in darts last night. First out of the tourney I mean. That’s what happens when you throw like shit. The upside of going 0-2 is that it frees up the rest of your evening. So, I paid up my tab, left Alley Cats, and walked up the street to Alaska Club to do a bar review.

I didn’t spend much time in Alaska (see the review to find out why) and decided to mosey over to It Doesn’t Matter. It has been over a week since my last visit. Having a girlfriend certainly does cramp my barhopping style. Roan welcomed me back with a “your face has gotten fat” greeting. Thanks for that. You should see my belly. Anyway, I’m working on losing the excess weight, but I fear that it’s going to require cutting way back on my beloved beer to achieve that goal. I’m not sure I’m ready to make such a sacrifice just yet.

I only had one beer at It Doesn’t Matter because I realized there was somewhere else I wanted to be. Yep, it was time for me to pull up a stool at Pamela’s place, so I hoofed it on over there. I had a couple of more beers and enjoyed some wings with her. Then when it was time for me to go, she surprised me by joining me for the trike ride to my place (her previous visits were after I was already home). That was nice. We did what consenting adults are prone to do, then fell asleep in each other’s arms. That was even nicer.

I woke up at 0330. That’s not unusual–I wake up several times throughout the night for a drink of water and a piss. But while laying there I looked up at the ceiling fan. The thought occurred to me that as frequently as it is running (I don’t use the aircon) it will inevitably wear out. When that happens I’ll have to contact the landlord. The landlord? Oh shit! I had forgotten to transfer the rent money to his bank account on the first. I hopped out of bed and corrected that oversight immediately. Then sent an apologetic email to the landlord explaining what happened. Yet another example of my slow slide into dementia. Karma for Biden jokes, perhaps?

I guess my sudden departure roused Pamela from her slumber. She joined me in the living area and we had a bit of a talk. I guess the outcome was positive because we wound up doing some exercise together. We did the dog walk and then headed down the hill and had breakfast at Harley’s.

My breakfast view.

After we finished eating, Pamela needed to go home. I needed to make another visit to the ATM in Subic, so we shared a trike. I got out and said my goodbyes at the BPI branch and Pamela continued on to Waltermart. After getting my cash I did the 7K walk back home.

The current view from here.

Sometimes I don’t know if I’m coming or going.

I guess it is just a matter of perspective.

Anyway, I’m trying not to get too far ahead of myself with all these changes going on in my life. There is still a lot to digest, not the least of which is the ramifications of a thirty-eight-year age gap. Even though I’ve been assured many times since moving here that “age is just a number”. We’re about to find out how valid that idea truly is. Not going to overthink it at this stage though.

And now for the photos from the Friday group hike:

A long (for us) and mostly flat 10K hike that took us on a circumnavigation of Easter mountain.
Our merry band of hikers for the day.
Look how determined they appear.
Strolling through the Marian Hills community…
Regrouping at a junction in San Isidro.
Hello there, cutie!
Let me give you a hand, dear.
The German contingent.
Crossing bridge #4 in Naugsol…
Look at that old guy go!
This fella was feeling a little spunky so we gave him a wide berth.
The joys of country living…no electricity, no running water, no problem! Nope.
We did do one up, but it wasn’t all that difficult.
A view from the top.
Getting down on the other hand…
She is great at going down.
Scott goes down on the down.
Troy is into the grass.
The old-timers like Scott have a penchant for running into people they knew in the old days. There was something familiar about that baby’s face though…
Our journey around the mountain is nearly complete.
After hike lunch and beer at the food place.
Just trying it on for size. I’ve got a few years of walking left in me. Hopefully.

And there you have the story of another day in the life. Close enough to perfect for me.

Bars of Barretto: Alaska Club

“So it’s the laughter that we’ll remember…”

Ah, Alaska Club. My first Philippines girly bar experience. That was back in its Angeles City iteration, and I was in there often enough to become acquainted with the owner, Jerry. He is a retired airline pilot who hails from, you guessed it, Alaska. I wrote about some of my AC adventures with the Alaska girls here.

My first barfine was from Alaska. Geez, I just realized that was over fourteen years ago now! Thanks for the memories, Sheryl!

There was a six-year gap in my visits to the Philippines while I pursued my ill-fated married life with Jee Yeun. And when I finally returned I was surprised to discover that Jerry had relocated his bar from Angeles City to Barretto. And with my move here, the good times in Alaska Club resumed. Until they didn’t.

Even though I’m not really into girly bars, Alaska remained on my regular circuit in large part because it was always well run with the emphasis being to ensure customers had a good time. Jerry was a hands-on owner and he stayed on top of everything from making sure his dancers actually danced and that the music he played as the DJ was suited to the tastes of the patrons rather than the girls. Think classic rock and roll versus disco. The pandemic killed all that. Dancing is not allowed in the bars now and Jerry has been stuck in the USA for well over a year. Last night the music was some rap crap that Jerry would have never permitted.

Alaska Club remains open, but it is open in name only.

This was the scene on Friday night. I was the first and only customer.

My waitress told me there had been a total of two customers the night before but on many nights there are no customers at all. I know that has been the case during all of my most recent visits. Remembering how it was compared to how it is now is pretty depressing.

The empty dance stage.

With dancing still being prohibited, the other girly bars I’ve visited have their former dancers sitting on stage so customers can view the options for companionship smorgasbord-style. Last night I counted a total of seven gals in Alaska, only a couple of which I’d be interested in spending any time with over shared drinks. I did buy my waitress a drink because I’ve known her since I’ve been here. My beer was 90 pesos, her drink was 150.

The covered pool table tells the story of Alaska’s sad demise.

I’m not a pool player, but the pool table in Alaska was always a big attraction for those who are. Jerry hosted several pool tournaments each week and that brought in a regular crowd.

So, there you have it. By all rights, Alaska should have been closed down by now, at least until tourists are allowed back in the country. Jerry is the reason that has not happened. In an act of charity, he has continued to provide a salary to a core group of employees and has also continued to provide housing in the “stay-in” rooms he owns behind the bar. I’m sure he loses money every day the bar is open, but I think Alaska Club was as much a hobby for him as it was a business. He can apparently afford to remain open until he can return and set about righting the ship. I hope that day comes soon.

Alaska was and remains a sentimental favorite of mine. I really ought to make it a point to visit more frequently, just to help Jerry keep it going. My rating will reflect the current circumstances, but will also take into account how the bar was in the past and how I expect it will be in the future.

This is the 20th bar I’ve reviewed and there are still several more to come. The rankings thus far:

  1. It Doesn’t Matter
  2. Mango’s Beach Bar
  3. Alley Cats
  4. Adam’s
  5. Blue Butterfly
  6. Out Back Billabong
  7. Dynamite Dick’s
  8. Palm Tree
  9. Hideaway
  10. Alaska Club
  11. Bottoms Up
  12. Rosies
  13. Rock Lobster
  14. Queen Victoria
  15. Voodoo
  16. Annex
  17. MacArthur’s
  18. Redz Pub
  19. Whiskey Girl
  20. Finger Monkey

The rest of the day

I made it over to Pearl’s place at around 1:30 for our planned excursion out to Baloy Beach. When I arrived there were a couple of folks I knew sitting in the outside area so I joined in with the chit chat. Next thing I know, a plate of wings arrived courtesy of the owner who apparently wants to keep me fat well-fed.

Honey garlic, my favorite item on the menu. So far.
Speaking of the menu, here it is.

Everyone I’ve talked to is impressed by the quality of the offerings and surprised at how inexpensive the food is. I’ve asked Pearl if they can make a profit at those prices and she assures me she has done the math. Sounds like a win-win.

Of course, I couldn’t eat those wings without a beer to wash them down. And then one thing led to another. And another. A couple of Hash buddies came by so it seemed rude to just up and leave. So, it was around 4:30 before Pearl and I finally headed to the beach. I asked if she wanted to walk but she preferred taking a trike. I didn’t argue the point. We did take a brief stroll down the beach before arriving at Laharnz’ place for more liquid refreshment.

A Pearl on the sand…
Me and her.

I was pleasantly surprised to see a guy I know there I hadn’t seen for a while. John and I had a very pleasant chat. We talked some about Derek, a mutual Hash friend, who passed away earlier this year. Derek’s girlfriend returned to her province for a visit and asked John to keep Derek’s ashes while she was gone. John agreed to do so temporarily, but he has some doubts about whether the girlfriend will ever return. If she doesn’t, he said he’d likely just dump the ashes in the bay. I suggested an alternative–have a special Hash in Derek’s honor, then spread the ashes on the Hash trail. That’s how I’d like to be disposed of. John liked the idea and we both acknowledged that Derek isn’t going to care one way or the other. After death ceremonies and rituals are all about the people left behind.

Anyway, it was a nice evening on the beach but it was time to start thinking about dinner. I suggested we head up the beach to Da’ Kudos and have those grilled pork chops I love so much. Pearl enjoyed them too.

After dinner, we went back to her food place, but I was just about out of gas. So, I headed home and Pearl joined me there later. She’s a pretty amazing woman in many ways. Last night I was experiencing some chest congestion and she went into full nurse mode. It was really nice to have someone lovingly taking care of me. I’ve missed that.

This morning we got up and walked the dog, I made us some breakfast, and then she joined me on the Friday group hike. I could get used to this.

Time to get ready and head out for some Friday night darts. I’ll be back with a full report tomorrow.

Remember the date

Just a quick post on my busy Wednesday. Finished the morning hike and now I’m getting ready for dart league this afternoon.

Yesterday, I took Pearl out to lunch. One of the things we have in common is our love of Seoul. The Korean restaurant on the old Navy base, I mean.

Masks on as dictated by the SBMA laws.
A stolen moment.
Masks off and ready.
Our sides included kimchi, spicy radish, macaroni salad, and spicy cucumber.
I had bulgogi stew, Pearl had a beef noodle dish and dumplings. Everything was good.

It was a nice lunch date and our first time actually dining out together. I expect it won’t be the last. Pearl is a busy young woman though, so the taxi dropped her at her restaurant and I continued on home to nap, shower, and get ready for darts.

My darts were all over the place. Literally. I had moments of brilliance, including a ton-80 and a 5-bull shot, followed by an inability to hit anything I was aiming at. It was not a good night darts-wise. Still, somehow I managed to claw my way back into the money round. And then I quit. I was scheduled to play Billy to determine who would face Nancy in the finals. The loser of our match would finish third. I didn’t care. To continue would mean playing a couple more intense matches and I just didn’t feel like it. I told Billy “I concede”. I guess in some ways that might be considered unsportsmanlike, but I play for fun, not money. I got a chuckle when Billy and Nancy did my thing by declaring a tie and splitting first and second place money.

Everybody’s a winner!

After darts, I dropped into Pearl’s place to spend a little more time with her.

Why wouldn’t I?
After all, they have the best coasters in town!

As days go, it was a good one.

This is a good one, too!

Coasting along

A pretty nice Hash trail yesterday. Sure, it had its ups and downs, but don’t they all? A mix of street walking and hill trekking made for a nice ride overall.

Our roller coaster ride for the day. Right around 6K.
Leaving the VFW behind. The VFW is also our On-Home destination. In a roundabout way…
Still on the mean streets of Barretto…
Our “sane” group of Hashers is by far the biggest in the SBH3. Basically, we take a 30-minute headstart every week and shortcut at will. Although shortcuts weren’t really necessary yesterday.
Our newest (and probably largest) named Hasher: 18-kilo ass.
“Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother’s house, we go…” Damn, I haven’t thought of that Christmas tune in decades.
Come on up!
Almost there, ladies.
Taking a breather at the highest point on our trek. We still had a down and an up ahead of us though.
Our virgin Hasher.
Keep on keepin’ on!
The requisite photo of Easter mountain, with a fat guy included at no extra charge.
Regrouping for the final leg of our hike.
Hey, this neighborhood looks familiar!
Oh yeah, the high view from Alta Vista.

And that was pretty much it for yesterday’s Hash. A friend and blog reader, Maria, made me some personalized coasters.

Yep, that’s my Hash name in the beer foam. How appropriate!

I handed some out to my fellow Hashers and they seemed to like them too. Thanks again, Maria.

I also left a few coasters with Pearl to use at her food place. Spreading the joy this holiday season! We also enjoyed a nice lunch together today. I’ll post about that tomorrow.

Saw this meme on Facebook today and had to agree with the sentiment:

So it would appear.

I’ve got some darts in my immediate future so I’d best get prepared for that endeavor.

Stay tuned!

Not much…

…but better than nothing. Barely.

The plan originally was that Pearl and I would spend most of the day together. Then she got a call that her cousin, who is also employed at her food stand, was injured in a motorcycle accident. The car wash next door was having a big anniversary party and her business was supplying the food for that event. So, she needed to go to work and make sure everything was in order. No problem. I walked her there and she asked me to come back later in the day to join her. I agreed.

After the goodbyes, I walked across town to the only BPI ATM. As I feared, it had no cash left to dispense. So, in the afternoon I took a Jeepney into Subic town. There is an actual BPI branch there with two ATMs. Got my wallet refilled and headed back to Barretto. About 40 minutes round trip. ATM fee is 250 pesos and my transportation was another 30. It looks like regular trips to Subic for cash will be my new normal.

It was about 3:30 when I got back to the food stand. Pearl had gone home for a shower, but I sat outside with a guy I know and we shot the shit. Some blowhard from the UK was flapping his gums and talking some kind of crap about Yanks, but I’ve learned just to ignore assholes like that. Luckily, I could barely hear him. Unluckily, the reason why was that I was seated near a speaker blasting loud music for the party next door. Ah well.

Pearl eventually arrived and joined me on the patio. The guy I’d been chatting with bought me a beer.

My very first ever Red Horse.

Red Horse is a very popular beer with the locals. It comes in a large 500 ML bottle. It also contains 7% alcohol volume. My usual beers are 3% (Zero) or 5% (SML). I was surprised that the taste wasn’t bad at all. My friend suggested that I could get the same bang out of three Red Horse as I do from six of my regular beers. Hence, it would be a more effective way to reduce calories. I’m going to have to do the math on that, but I’m skeptical.

The party continued on and the music got worse. They brought in four very unattractive baklas to perform. Actually, they just sang karaoke style. Loudly and poorly. I hung out with Pearl as long as I could stand it, but I finally had to bail. She needed to stay at work, so I went home alone.

And now it is Hash Monday once again. What a life, eh?

Bars of Barretto: Bottoms Up

A somewhat surprising experience here.

Bottoms Up is an old-school girly bar. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it is just not my thing. Yesterday was only the second time I’d been in this bar–the first was my New Year’s Eve bar crawl. The fact that I never went back until now gives you an idea of my underwhelming first impression. But things change I suppose, or maybe I have. I actually enjoyed this visit.

I arrived very early (even for me) at around 3:30. I was the only customer in the place, which is not surprising for that early hour. I was immediately welcomed by a waitress who asked if I remembered her from the days when she worked at Treasure Island. I didn’t. I guess seeing my naked butt on the ice at a Hash event made a big impression on her. Of course, I bought her a lady drink which was surprisingly reasonably priced at 120 pesos.

Nice to see you again, Shantelle!

The ambiance of the bar was also a bit nicer than I had remembered.

Like this “private” room for example.

I asked my waitress what purpose the room served and she said it was for large groups of customers. I asked about getting blowjobs or boom-boom, and she laughed and said “no, only outside”. She did confirm that girls are free to negotiate “takeout” with the customer though. I’d wager if you were spending enough in the bar you might see some hanky panky in that room, but that’s just supposition.

It’s a small place, but not uncomfortable.
Dancing is still not allowed in the bars, so this lonely Christmas tree was the only thing to view on the dance stage.

One other thing that makes Bottoms Up somewhat unique is that they employ a couple of baklas (transgender or ladyboy). I only saw one during my visit, and no, I didn’t find her attractive at all. I am personally not bothered by having baklas in the bar, as long as they leave me alone. I don’t want to be pestered by the “real” girls either. There are some folks in my little town who will not patronize any bar when baklas are present, so it’s a pretty gutsy management decision to hire them. As my waitress said, transgender folk need to make a living too.

What I liked about the place was it was cozy and friendly. My happy hour beer price was only 60 pesos (regular price is a reasonable 80 pesos). Best of all, they have a “buy 2, get 1 free” promotion going on. I’ve never seen a deal like that anywhere else. Of course, I wasn’t going to leave without finishing my free beer, and my longer-than-normal stay resulted in my buying a total of three lady drinks for Shantelle. I guess that’s a win-win. Or maybe just an expensive free beer. One of those.

Bottom line on Bottoms Up–I enjoyed my visit. That’s what it is all about in the bar biz.

To the ratings then. As I’ve mentioned before, I will reevaluate the rankings based on additional experiences I may have after my bar review visit. Finger Monkeys is a bar I am now boycotting because I learned the owner there is exploiting her workers. My two favorites have left the bar because of the unfair treatment they received. I won’t be back.

  1. It Doesn’t Matter
  2. Mango’s Beach Bar
  3. Alley Cats
  4. Adam’s
  5. Blue Butterfly
  6. Out Back Billabong
  7. Dynamite Dick’s
  8. Palm Tree
  9. Hideaway
  10. Bottoms Up
  11. Rosies
  12. Rock Lobster
  13. Queen Victoria
  14. Voodoo
  15. Annex
  16. MacArthur’s
  17. Redz Pub
  18. Whiskey Girl
  19. Finger Monkey

What a good day looks like

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away…

I can’t think of a better way to start the day than to wake up next to a sweet young brown-skinned woman. And that’s how I started mine! Then things took a turn for the better. Pearl wanted to know if I was going to do the Friday group hike and I asked if she had something else in mind. She did, suggesting we do our hike together in San Antonio, about 35K away in Zambales province.

Pearl said she knew of a resort there with hiking trails and she had always wanted to see what it was like. Sounds like a plan! We walked the dogs together, then headed down to the highway. Pearl didn’t have her hiking shoes with her, so she called her mother and asked her to meet us at Waltermart in Subic town. We caught a Jeepney and were on our way. Once she had her shoes we went back out on the highway to catch a bus. The way it works here is you stand on the side of the road and when you see a bus coming you wave it down. Provided there are seats available, the driver will pull over and pick you up. We didn’t have to wait long before we were aboard a nice air-conditioned bus destined to pass through San Antonio. Fare was 40 pesos each.

Because of traffic and frequent stops to pick up passengers, it took us about 45 minutes to reach our destination city. I’d been here a couple of times but was clueless as to where to go next. Luckily, Pearl knew her way around a lot better than me. We hailed a trike and Pearl asked the driver to take us to a restaurant she liked for breakfast. It seemed like we did a lot of driving around on backstreets before pulling up to a building with a “closed” sign on the door. Oh well. Pearl said we could eat at the resort, so off we went. It was a pretty good way out of town, but then things started looking oddly familiar. We were on the road to Pundaquit, an area where we had done a couple of Hashes back in the good ol’ days. We crossed the rickety old river bridge I remembered and shortly thereafter arrived at the Stonehill Farm and Resort.

It was still only about 9:30 in the morning and the place was pretty much deserted. The restaurant was closed for renovations, but this little store was open, so we went the cup of noodles and crackers route.
We ate our “meal” poolside in a Nipa hut.
My dining companion made the meal much more enjoyable though.
The portions of the resort I saw seemed well-maintained. There were three levels of swimming pools in this area.
I also enjoyed the signage. It was nice to hike a trail devoid of litter for a change.
Hard to argue with these words of wisdom.
That’s good advice. There was only one snake around, but I kept it zipped up.
Alright, we came to hike. Let’s get on with it.
According to a map I briefly glanced at, there are four levels on the hike. It begins here.
And we’re off!
Photo op.
Those are some islands.
Here they are in the zoom version.
No more steps, just a regular trail heading upwards. It did get steep in places.
“Hello there, miss. Hike here often?”
Made it to level 2. Ain’t she sweet?
The view from here.
We won’t!
Made it!
Good job!
A river runs through it.
San Antonio in the distance.
We opted to save level 4 for another day. Not because we were tired, mostly in the interest of time. I was ready for lunch! The trail back down looped around the mountain and took us back to near our original starting place. I’d like to do the trail in reverse next time.
The scenery on trail was hard to beat!

Once we were back down and had exited the resort, we stood on the road and waited for an empty trike to pass by. I decided to start walking towards Pundaquit (poon-dock-it) to get my bearings straight. Soon enough I saw the road to Monty’s resort where we had done the Hash a couple of years ago. I knew there was a bar/restaurant I liked not much further away and then a trike arrived so we had him take us. “To the Gas Station”, I announced, and off we went. We kept going and going and I’m thinking, damn, I don’t remember it being this far. Finally, the trike pulled over and stopped at an abandoned gas station. I said, “no, no. This is not where I meant. The Gas Station is a restaurant!” He shook his head and shrugged. “Never mind, just take us back to San Antonio.” As we were driving I remembered a key detail–it’s not called The Gas Station. The name is Car Wash. Once I said those magic words the driver immediately knew what I was talking about.

So, we got our lunch after all.
The Car Wash has a very nice ambiance and is huge. I had a pleasant chat with the American owner while I devoured my tasty hamburger.

After lunch, we caught a trike back to San Antonio and a bus pulled up almost immediately after we arrived. This one wasn’t airconditioned but it was breezy and comfortable. I got home in plenty of time to shower up and head out to the darts tourney.

And my good day concluded with a victory.

Today has not been nearly as nice. But I’ll worry about that tomorrow.

Being thankful

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans. I don’t know that I feel particularly lucky, but I am thankful for the life I have and the blessings that surround me. It is easy to take living a comfortable existence for granted, but I am surrounded by reminders that many others are not so fortunate. So, on this day I will embrace the good life I am living and pause to appreciate all that I have.

I’ll be attending a Thanksgiving gathering at a nearby neighbor’s house later this afternoon. As is my tradition, I’ll be bringing a batch of my Aunt Pat’s Recipe World Famous Fruit Salad along with me. The Philippines version is always a bit of a challenge ingredients-wise. No pecans again this year, so I used walnuts. The coconut (buko as it is called here) is fresh out of the shell and not as tender and sweet as the stuff I used to buy in the bag. The sour cream here has a liquid consistency that doesn’t really hold the other ingredients together in the way I prefer. Oh, and I f’d up and bought a can of mandarin orange fruit cocktail instead of the actual oranges my recipe calls for. Yeah, you can call me Mr. President if you want. Well, keeping with the theme of being thankful on this day, my fruit salad is better than nothing. So there is that.

The finished product, such as it is.

I’m bringing a batch of brownies too.

Here’s hoping they taste better than they look!

The only BPI ATM in town was out of cash yesterday. Had enough on hand to get me through the night, so I was thankful for that. I wound up taking a Jeepney into Subic town this morning to make a withdrawal from the BPI bank branch there. Filled my wallet with 20,000 pesos. The gals are going to really love that bulge in my pants tonight!

This seemed like a good time for a Dick joke. You are welcome!

I also picked up my new passport with the entry stamp transferred from the old passport. I’m good to go now until December 1, 2022. I will have to exit the Philippines at some point prior to that date. Hopefully, the stupidity will be over by then and I’ll be able to come back home. Still, I’m thankful I was able to get all this done without having to make TWO trips to the Manila immigration office. Thank you for your service Ella’s Travel.

Yesterday’s dart league action was against the team from Blue Butterfly. I could tell from watching them warm-up they wouldn’t be much of a challenge. Well, there was one Filipino guy who appeared to throw pretty decent darts. But it turns out Filipino males are not allowed to play in our league–it’s for expats and females only. When our team captain arrived he reminded the other team of this rule and to our surprise and embarrassment it turns out the “guy” wasn’t a guy after all. Looks can be deceiving sometimes. The opponents’ captain offered to have the player in question prove her gender, but we graciously accepted her word for it.

We went on to win the match 13-0. I guess we had the bigger dicks after all…

Speaking of darts, my Facebook memories for today included this photo from nine years ago:

Bull and Barrel, at one time the best darts bar in Itaewon. Long gone now as are just about everyone in the photo. Bridget is dead, Jeremy did six years in prison, some of the Filipino’s got deported, I got dumped, and the rest just moved on to the next chapter.

It brought to mind this old Beatles tune though:

There are places I'll remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

Ah, well. I’m thankful for the memories of happier times. Mostly.

I promised some photos from yesterday’s hike, and here they come. As an added bonus, you can Relive the hike too.

It was actually 6K. I forgot to turn on the tracker at the beginning.
At our regular meet-up spot–the 7/11 parking lot on Baloy road. Another large group of 17 hikers joined in the fun.
We did a couple of moderate climbs, one we had not done for a year or so. Also covered a lot of the familiar My Bitch trail. I was pleased my injured back responded so well.
And we are off the road and into the weeds…
The bridge wasn’t too far into the hike.
Workin’ it.
Going up.
She must be really hot!
Easter mountain in the distance…
Road work ahead.
Yard work.
Hello, is anybody home?
I like this guy’s point of view.
That old board made this a real creak crossing.
We very rarely see snakes on our hikes, and when do, we are glad they are dead.
What are you looking at?
Farting competition!
Are we coming or going? Turns out it was both.
That’s the skinny on the hike. I reckon you are thankful this post is over…

I am truly thankful for your readership and indulgence. I’ll be back with more of this kind of crap tomorrow. Promise!

I won’t back down

I only did a small portion of yesterday’s Hash trail in deference to my ailing back. The pain is not quite as sharp today and as of now, I intend to do the group hike tomorrow, even if that means gritting my teeth in agony while I walk. I hope it doesn’t come to that.

So, in COVID prevention news, we no longer have to wear those dumbass face shields in the supermarket. I was so pleased heading out to Royal for my shopping excursion this morning without one. Imagine my surprise and disappointment when I was asked for my vaccination card by the security guard at the entrance. WTF? I ain’t go one. It was right at opening time and the guard indicated the vaccine requirement wasn’t in effect yet, so I was able to enter the store. I was pissed because it is a stupid policy and especially because there had been absolutely no forewarning. Idiots.

At the checkout stand, I cashed in the points on my Royal rewards card figuring I might not be back anytime soon. That was good for twenty bucks off my groceries. As I was leaving I went to the customer service desk to get clarification on the vax policy–specifically, I wanted to know if applied to all the stores on SBMA (the old Navy base) or only Royal. I didn’t get a clear answer on that, but I suspected it will be SBMA-wide. All the manager could tell me was they were waiting for “the memo”. Well, I just saw on Facebook that people have been turned away this afternoon from both Royal stores. And someone posted this showing that the restriction is indeed SBMA-wide:

Let freedom ring. Not.

So, I’ll be doing my shopping elsewhere for the foreseeable future. You know, I’m actually not anti-vaccination. I just don’t need one since I’ve already had COVID. And if this shit they are forcing on people actually worked, those of us who are unvaccinated wouldn’t pose a threat. And the more they try and force me into getting jabbed, the more I’m inclined to resist. I’ll make up my own mind about when or if I want to be shot. Honestly, it won’t surprise me if immigration starts requiring proof of vaccination to renew your visa. What a crock this all is. I think only about 35% of the general population has been vaccinated, I guess they can eat cake.

This was me four years ago today in Korea. Probably the last winter I’ll ever experience. Unless I get deported.

Alright, let me share some photos from my abbreviated Hash yesterday:

Gathering up at the VFW. There were three trails as I understand it…long, medium, and short. Make that four trails–I did my own version.
And we are off! I did the first couple of blocks then veered off on a detour to Pearl’s food place. Alas, she wasn’t there so I had a couple of beers then moved on.
This is some of what I missed out on. My back just wasn’t up for a climb.
This place is on the main drag in Barretto but I had never even heard of it. The beach is at the end of a long driveway off the highway. Never had a reason to walk down that way until yesterday. It was near the end of the official Hash trail, so I was once again “On-On!”
The Hares had provided a “beer stop” here, so I stopped and had one. I actually really liked this place. A bit rustic and intended to cater to a Filipino crowd, but I would consider renting one of those Nipa huts for a beach party.
The two female Hares, Dumbass and Dripping Pussy, are on the beach.
And the two male Hares, Yogini and Leaking Willy, are showing the way to the wet portion of the trail. Yep, there was a walk through the bay water between Barretto and Baloy for those willing to do so. I wasn’t one of them.
There goes one now. I understand the water got waist deep in places.
Some Gash at the beer stop. That Nipa hut behind them is the one I’d like to rent.
I walked the dry road to Baloy for the On-Home at Da’ Kudos. There I encountered these Hashers speaking to each other in German. I loudly proclaimed, “you’re in the Philippines, damn it! Speak English!” I was joking, of course. Only two of them are German, there’s an Austrian and a Dutchman as well.
A nice day on Baloy beach.
The Hash circle in motion.
And the sun goes down on another Hash Monday.

Now to find out if my bad back will impact my ability to throw darts. Well, at least I’ll have an excuse if I play poorly, legitimate or not. I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Well, I know what's right
I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin' me around
But I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down

Bars of Barretto: Mango’s Beach Bar

I debated whether to include Mango’s in this list. I’m generally not doing hotel restaurant bars, but have made exceptions (see Palm Tree). Mango’s has its own stand-alone bar as well (see Rock Lobster). But I spend a lot of time at this bar on the beach and so I think it warrants inclusion.
Besides, since Mango’s calls it a bar, who am I to argue?

The above photo is from the front of the bar looking towards the water. There are dining tables in addition to the bar stools.

A view from the back to the front.

I don’t spend much time at the actual bar though.

This is my spot on the patio facing the beach. Back when I was a more frequent visitor, they actually put a “reserved” sign up so I always had my seat.
Honestly, I enjoy looking at views like this as much as I do bargirls…well, almost as much.

Speaking of which, this is one of the few places in town where you can’t buy the attention of a waitress for the price of a lady drink. This is not to say the staff isn’t friendly. In fact, I’m Facebook friends with at least three of them. I’m always made to feel like an honored guest when I arrive, which is nice.

So, a seat with a view, cold beer, kindly folks to serve me; what else could I ask for? Well, Mango’s is also one of my favorite restaurants. I love the grilled pork chops especially, although lately they frequently haven’t been available. Like on this visit. Oh well, just give me a roast chicken salad then.


Regular readers may recall that during the early days of the lockdown last year a certain bar on the beach continued serving their regular customers in the manner of a speakeasy. I’m not saying where that was, but I always appreciated their trust and I’ve tried to repay it with my loyalty.

The music is low-key, happy hour beers are 70 pesos, and 90 pesos thereafter. No extra charge for the beach views. I like this place. A lot.

Where things stand so far:

  1. It Doesn’t Matter
  2. Mango’s Beach Bar
  3. Alley Cats
  4. Finger Monkeys
  5. Adam’s
  6. Blue Butterfly
  7. Out Back Billabong
  8. Dynamite Dick’s
  9. Palm Tree
  10. Hideaway
  11. Rosies
  12. Rock Lobster
  13. Queen Victoria
  14. Voodoo
  15. Annex
  16. MacArthur’s
  17. Redz Pub
  18. Whiskey Girl

Back off

Another Hash Monday so just a quick post before I head out. My back still ain’t right–maybe a bit less pain or maybe I’m just getting used to it–but I’m not thinking doing the trail today is in my future. The 43-year-old offered to come give me a massage, but now that I have a girlfriend I decided that wasn’t a good idea. I figure I’ll walk to the VFW for the start, then walk out to Baloy Beach for the On-Home. Hey, that’s part of the trail at least.

Sorry to say, that’s all I’ve got. I went straight home after my visit to Finger Monkeys last night and haven’t done shit since. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. We’ll see.

The potential downside to having a girlfriend…

Bars of Barretto: Finger Monkeys

Welcome to the newest bar in Barretto. The grand opening was last night and I was there!

To begin, I hate the name. Finger Monkeys Ready To Race. What does that even mean? If I were compiling a list of worst bar names ever, this one would be near the top. Okay, rant over. It’s not the name outside that matters, it is what goes on inside that makes a bar fun.

On the right is the owner, Marick. Sweet Joy is in the middle, and Jen is on the left. Joy and Jen are the waitresses I buy drinks for.

Until a couple of weeks ago, Marick ran a closet-sized bar named Marick’s Bar and Grill. I have no idea why she didn’t bring that name to the new place. She did bring Joy and Jen, so at least I could enjoy some familiar faces in the new place. Finger Monkeys is small but twice as large as Marick’s, so there that is an improvement comfort-wise.

That’s pretty much the extent of the place. One large table in the middle of a small room. There is also a little counter in the corner where I was seated (and from whence I took this photo).
There is no actual bar in this bar, but this is the area where drinks are concocted.
I thought the artwork on the ceiling was really cool.

It was opening night and the place got really packed by the time I left. The first beer was on the house and free finger foods were provided.

It was a nice touch.

So, obviously, you can’t judge what a bar is going to be like after the first night, but I haven’t let that stop me from doing so for some other bars in this series. If they carry over the friendly, small bar vibe that I experienced at Marick’s, I’ll like it. If they go the rumored Resto-Bar (karaoke with food) route, I won’t be participating. I enjoy the company of Marick and her staff in the bar and it is more conveniently located now near my other frequent haunts. I’m sure I’ll be popping in on at least a semi-regular basis.

I’m going to rank Finger Monkeys on the assumption it will have the same atmosphere as its predecessor. If that proves not to be the case, I’ll adjust the ranking accordingly.

  1. It Doesn’t Matter
  2. Alley Cats
  3. Finger Monkeys
  4. Adam’s
  5. Blue Butterfly
  6. Out Back Billabong
  7. Dynamite Dick’s
  8. Palm Tree
  9. Hideaway
  10. Rosies
  11. Rock Lobster
  12. Queen Victoria
  13. Voodoo
  14. Annex
  15. MacArthur’s
  16. Redz Pub
  17. Whiskey Girl

Back out

I don’t know what the hell is going on but I’ve just about had enough, thank you very much. Yesterday morning my right foot big toe was hurting like hell, enough to wake me up early and make walking the dog unpleasant. Closer inspection revealed that the bitchy pedicurist had cut the nail way too short and an ingrown toenail was the result. I silently prayed for the Lord to make me forget about the toe pain and my prayers were answered. Later that morning when I got up out of my chair it felt like someone had stabbed me in the back. No idea where that came from, I didn’t slip, trip, or fall. I took some aspirin and went about my day, albeit uncomfortably. My back feels fine when I am sitting or laying down. Getting into those positions, or anything that involves bending over is borderline excruciating. It’s a dull pain when I stand or walk, which is at least bearable.

So, as you saw in the previous post, I did my bar review at Voodoo. Then I tried to dull the pain with more beers at It Doesn’t Matter. That didn’t work, so I figured a good back rub from my favorite at Cheap Charlies might do the trick. It did feel great and seemed to help. Until I walked down the stairs to head home. I popped into her place on the way to say goodnight and wound up confirming a “date” to go hiking this morning and have lunch afterward.

It was a painful night getting up to pee as often as I do. When I rolled out of bed at 0400 I was glad to see Buddy at least was sleeping peacefully.

Lucky bastard.

After the morning dog walk, I knew I was in no condition to do the planned hike.

Even the beauty of Easter mountain failed to ease my pain.

When I got back home I sent her a message saying I couldn’t walk but lunch was still a go if she were up for it. She was. So, I plopped some pork chops and cream of mushroom soup in the crockpot and awaited her arrival.

She is a real sweetheart. She brought along some remedies for my aching back.

Starting with buko (coconut) juice, which is according to Filipino culture a cure-all for pretty much everything. It was my first time drinking the milk and it wasn’t bad.
And she also had these more medically approved treatments to share with me as well.

I had everything for lunch just about ready to go when she arrived. Put it on a plate and served it up.

Where’s the garlic bread you ask? Still in the oven, I somehow forgot about it until after it had baked to a crispy black. Let’s go, Brandon!
Oh, well. She professed to enjoy the meal even without bread.

After we ate, we retreated to the bedroom where Pearl used her magic hands to rub my back and spread the medications around. One of them, I think it was the menthol, almost felt like it was burning me, but in a weird way, it also felt good. After the treatment, we cuddled and kissed and decided to take our relationship to the next level. Yep, here I go again. Wish me luck!

Later in the afternoon, She needed to return to her place of business. I walked with her there and felt less pain than I had on my morning walk. I also brought along some of the brownies I had made for dessert to share with her workers. Had a couple of beers while I was there and enjoyed spending a little more time with her.

Ain’t she sweet?

I know better than to speculate too much on what lies ahead. Que sera, sera, and all that. I’ll be happy if my back has improved enough to do the Hash run tomorrow.

Wish me luck!