When the prey becomes the Hunter

Haven’t done much posting about darts of late.  Truth is I’ve lost some of my passion for the game.  I do have it in mind to get back to business and at least recapture some of my past glory, such as it was.

During my recent trip to Cola-town I had the opportunity to throw a few with one of the young bucks there, Hunter Frady.  Now Hunter is the epitome of passion for the sport, which I define as practice, practice, practice and doing whatever is necessary to improve your game.  Hunter has often sent me messages just to talk darts and to seek advice and guidance.  Hell, about all I have to offer is encouragement, but he gladly accepts that as well.

Anyway, I guess in a roundabout way I provided him some motivation.  Before I returned to Korea I competed with Hunter in the Columbia Singles League.  Honestly, I barely remember our games, but I apparently handed him a pretty good ass-whuppin’ in our final match.  So when I returned to town at Thanksgiving he was spoiling for some revenge.

Mission accomplished, young man.  I don't think the match was as close as the score might indicate.  And it was a pleasure to see his hard work pay off, even if I was the victim.  Well done!

Mission accomplished, young man. I don’t think the match was as close as the 9-6 score might indicate. And it was a pleasure to see his hard work pay off, even if I was the victim. Well done!

Keep after it until we meet again!

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